This has probably been asked countless times, but switching from Despotism...

I'd say yes, if you have numeric superiority. Swordsman vs Pike is at best 50/50, lower with defensive bonus, and no chance of retreat. 1 on 1, swords your best chance, but 2-3 horses are better. You might end up with a single red-lined horse, but the goal is to kill the piker.
I disagree. Swords--attack 3, horses--attack 2. Horses just don't get it done against pikes. Of course if pikes are out there, you should have maces and should be close to getting knights.
I hate Democracy, no unit support. I tried it once; straight away switched to Fascist. Once i take over the world i will use a Fascist regime, then get rid of most soldiers( exept police ) and start a wierd republic with me as overseer of peace!!!
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