Thread Index

I'm not disrespecting your work if I tell you that I consider your work to be counterproductive.
I'm not disrespecting your work if I tell you that I consider your work to be counterproductive.

I think you misinterpret what the index is meant for. "Something that serves to guide, point out, or otherwise facilitate reference" It's meant to categorize all the threads. It's kind of like archeology. So in that way, its an insult that I spent all this work and you call it counterproductive; since it is about grouping threads together on an easier to see scale and updating it as new threads are made. If you don't like a thread, you have the mod power to close it, signifying you want no further discussion on it. It seems strange you would get so upset over a possibility when nobody is demanding anything of you.
And still in your choice of category titles you make a clear statement about these threads that I do not want to endorse.
The problem with this thread is that it is a kitchen sink approach that ultimately doesn't deliver any more value than the search function already did.

If it were to be more useful, some decisions would need to be made as to whether a thread is actually worth indexing or not. I presonally consider that a lot of these threads are not worthy of the categories into which you have placed them.
Well screw all ya ungrateful jerks then. I'll just enjoy my index by myself! All I hear is nag nag nag. I think I did an excellent job. Thank you, Royal; you're welcome, Royal.
Thank you, Royal ;D It is actually much better than usual search function.
In "search" you not always know what to search, because you operating only with keywords.
But here you see all the threads created in subforum, maybe even those, of existence of which no one didn't know.
Well screw all ya ungrateful jerks then. I'll just enjoy my index by myself! All I hear is nag nag nag. I think I did an excellent job. Thank you, Royal; you're welcome, Royal.

If you have no interest in receiving constructive criticism, you need to strongly reconsider why you put this in the public domain.

But if you created all of this to receive self-congratulation, I guess job-well-done then. From your childish post above, that would certainly seem to be the case.
Yeah yeah whatever, I tried reasoning.
Should I include an AAR section? (That's basically giving a story about how your game went)
Tomorrow's Dawn has a lot of them. I'm pretty sure other people do too. On the other hand, I could just put it under Alternate Game play and challenges. What do you guys think? Or, maybe not include them all; the thread doesn't need them! Or... make a seperate list of AAR's and link THAT in this one. The choice, is yours!

EDIT: Never mind, that really is just posts then, isn't it? Unless the AAR has a challenge in it, then it goes in the category. But an AAR list in general is... not... needed. I don't think.

Meh. Maybe someone will make an AAR thread. But I'm not up to it. Not my cup of tea updating something that honestly doesn't interest me.
Well screw all ya ungrateful jerks then. I'll just enjoy my index by myself! All I hear is nag nag nag. I think I did an excellent job. Thank you, Royal; you're welcome, Royal.
Well excuse me, but stickying this thread makes it in a way official or at least gives this impression, so yes I'm going to take interest in the quality of the whole thing.
Alright lads and lasses, there are four things that we need to update from looking at this index.
1) We need to make a new Stability Bitmaps for all the civilizations as of v1.11
2) If possible, a guide to stability as of v1.11 would be helpful to beginners
3) A poll of best or worst aspects of DoC currently would help Leoreth and the think-tanks evaluate what is working and what could be improved
4) A strategy guide on Persia
Send me a message or post here (if you don't want to get close to me) if you are willing to do any of these.
PS -- Also, if someone is willing to create, compile, and update on a casual basis all of DoC's AARs (stories about game play, ex: The country of Rome then found Greek spies north of the Alps, and not willing to allow the Greeks to go on knowing the information of military build up in Mediolanium, declared war on 20 AD), message me also.
And as always, if you have constructive criticism, post here or send me a message and I will take it into consideration. Also, if you can more eloquently answer a question than a thread here can, go ahead.
Sorry to say this, but since it's stickied; it will be among the first thread the lurkers will check about DoC so yes I think it's normal everybody concerned, especially the modder.
There are many important threads here, such as VD.. 1700 Development, etc. Not all of them can be stickied, or else you can't see any other threads because too many sticky.
I thought what you're doing will solve that problem.

Honestly, I think your "unanswered request section" bug almost everybody, including me and (it looks like) Leo himself. Especially about the things I pointed you out that's it's impossible and thus will never be done. Instead of removing it, you're adding the post I mentioned as link beside it. That's what counterproductive of it, imo.

I think instead of adding everything like that to your good & hard worked index, you should pile it first.

Being a regular here since DoC 1.73, I can tell you that there are some classic requests like making these scripted respawn civs choose-able from the main menu (it was about Italy back then, when it was a respawn of Rome. Iran, Mexico and Colombia hadn't included yet), then requests about playable Native American etc.. and recently, thread about combining DoC with K-Mod.

If you still want threads like this into your index, you should put it into please stop requesting about this or "something similar to that" thread

That's my two cents, no offence :)
Does anyone know how to make it so the link just brings the page down to the post, instead of only loading that post?

EDIT: Nevermind, I think I got it.
Updating the index for v1.11
Again, we still need this. <----
Dang, I wanted to include the stability bitmaps into the release. Maybe I'll quickly create them later today.
Dang, I wanted to include the stability bitmaps into the release. Maybe I'll quickly create them later today.

2 months and 2 days later
Looks like I didn't create them.
Been rather unattentive on the forums recently
with college starting back up.
I'm taking Arabic and Jiu Jitsu as some unrelated elective courses;
pretty awesome huh?
The Arabic is pretty tough compared to Japanese
(which is very easy to -speak-).

So my point is,
does anyone have some suggestions or comments
on the organization of the thread index?

EDIT: Actually I'll make a poll, I think
Add some newer threads, such as "The great Doc UHV 1.11 challenge" and "Favourite civ game" (instead of "Favourite civ tournament").
I suggest unsticking and ending this thread. The current structure isn't useful, and a comprehensive FAQ with links to answers + modmodmods would be more useful; however I don't want to create that.
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