Sorry to say this, but since it's stickied; it will be
among the first thread the lurkers will check about DoC so yes I think it's normal everybody concerned, especially the modder.
There are many important threads here, such as VD.. 1700 Development, etc. Not all of them can be stickied, or else you can't see any other threads because too many sticky.
I thought what you're doing will solve that problem.
Honestly, I think your "unanswered request section" bug almost everybody, including me and (it looks like) Leo himself. Especially about the things I pointed you out that's it's impossible and thus
will never be done. Instead of removing it, you're adding the post I mentioned as link beside it. That's what counterproductive of it, imo.
I think instead of adding everything like that to your good & hard worked index, you should pile it first.
Being a regular here since DoC 1.73, I can tell you that there are some classic requests like making these scripted respawn civs choose-able from the main menu (it was about Italy back then, when it was a respawn of Rome. Iran, Mexico and Colombia hadn't included yet), then requests about playable Native American etc.. and recently, thread about combining DoC with K-Mod.
If you still want threads like this into your index, you should put it into
please stop requesting about this or "something similar to that" thread
That's my two cents, no offence