• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Times For Heroes: Chapter 1, Origins

Amon Savag doesn't hate you. His hate is reserved for special individuals.

Now enough with the spam.

To: All heroes of the plains
From: Khazador

We hereby place a bounty on the heads of centaurs. Ten gold pieces per centaur killed.
To: Lakola
From: Khazador

Centaurs are terrible barbaric beasts, their tribes roaming the plains and striking defenseless caravans. We'll do anything we can to show them their place!
OOC: A bit. I'm fighting, uh, "Cenataurs" though, not "Cenatans."
Hmm, I think it would make most sense to have multiple races of Centaurs as we do, most prominently, with Dwarves (and I would imagine Elves, further down the line if not immediately). Given the wide span of area we are imagining them having (most of the upper Midwest into the Great Plains it would seem) it makes particular sense. Would you agree to that Charles Li (seeing as Centaurs are primarily your domain)?


To Lakola
From Reipoh'viy

We Little Folk of the Valley have lived for generations under the threat of your Centaur brethren. We ask you now to take a stand either against them and in defense of peace and civilisation, or with them, in the advancement of chaos and destruction.
OOC: I just sent a NPC stats for the Race Cenataurs. They are like mythical centaurs and not like fierce Centaurs you are talking about. Cenatans are related to Cenataurs. :/ Confusing right?

I think that Crezth is talking about normal Centaurs. In this game, Centaurs are quite different from mythical Centaurs:
Strength: 4
Intelligence: 1
Ingenuity: 1
Mysticism: 4
Diplomacy: 0
Description: The Centaur are believed to have been created by the god Thudd as the scourge of the lands. Though Simev and Lowkey foiled his plot to create a massive quick army by the creation of the Cenatan, the centaur continue to maraud across the Great Plains, leaving only rubble and destruction in their path.
OOC: There are 3 Horse based homoids. Agressive Centaurs who like rape and plunder. Worldly Cenatauros who are smaller and are usually white. They are thinkers and wonderors. Cenatans are between the two and are the only one with 'civilization'

Crossposted, Cenatauros is created by any god of knowledge. (in your orders). Thanks for the timely help.
OOC: There are 3 Horse based homoids. Agressive Centaurs who like rape and plunder. Worldly Cenatauros who are smaller and are usually white. They are thinkers and wonderors. Cenatans are between the two and are the only one with 'civilization'

Crossposted, Cenatauros is created by any god of knowledge. (in your orders). Thanks for the timely help.

I was imagining Centaurs not necessarily as evil, but as basically like nomadic humans, but with horse bodies instead of horses. In other words, vicious in war but really just trying to find new homes on which to live. Would it be possible to have 'neutral' centaurs like that?

Oh, and Charles Li, in cased you missed it I edited in a diplo to you.
Orc Military:

Big'urs- Big'urs are the heavy infantry of Orc armies. They are equipped with the best weapons, and as much armor as they can scavenge. They are, as the name implies bigger than most orcs, meaning that they are older and more experienced. They are also the leaders of regular "units" of orcs in battle. The normal orcs often call them boss when talking to them, mainly so they don't get their heads beat in by the Big'ur. Big'urs use more than just conventional weapons. They also use their teeth, often coated with metal, and their massive bulk smashing into enemies.

Arrers- Arrers are the specialized archers of the orcs. Like all orcs, Arrers are trained in war as soon as they can walk. The Arrers however are more highly skilled when it comes to ranged warfare than the other orcs. They are regarded with suspiscion by the others, often made fun of for "not wannin' tah get inna good scrum, an' lookin' funny." Arrers often dress differently than other orcs, but they are effective archers, while not very accurate, (they are orcs after all), they manage to lay down a withering hail of arrows.

Shamans- Shamans are the most religious of the orcs. They are never dressed in anything more than a loincloth, and have tatoos all over their body. These tatoos have mystical signifigance, and the orcs believe it protects them in battle as well as helps them commune with their god. This is slightly true, as once a week and/or before battle, the Shamans cover their tatoos with a hallucinogenic drug, causing them to see visions and feel no pain. They do seem to be in their god's favour however, because if the need is great, they do sometimes get magic from their patron.

Stunties- Stunties are used as cannon fodder. They are basically orcs with birth defects, causing them to grow at a much slower rate. They do have a slightly larger intellect than other orcs. Stunties are the size of human children for the most part, and when they are not fighting in a battle, are in their own seperate area of the orc camp. They do much of the orc "inventin'," and are an orc sub-culture. They have their own Big'urs, Arrers, and Shamans, although they are less effective than their larger orcs brethren.
OOC: Agressive Centaurs who like rape

Please...Stop with the images.

From: Dexter Swift, Son of William, Defender of the Realm of Ronra
To: Khazador

Any stray Centaurs that dare try and ravage our towns will fall to my blade. No more will barbaric beasts spread fear in these lands.
A Baby Tsai

It's so cute mummy can we have one?!

I'll be sending orders soon. Can I get a price on my Tsai?
To: Grothmag Ironhelm
From: Khazador

That be a grrrreat offer.
Orc Military:

Big'urs- Big'urs are the heavy infantry of Orc armies. They are equipped with the best weapons, and as much armor as they can scavenge. They are, as the name implies bigger than most orcs, meaning that they are older and more experienced. They are also the leaders of regular "units" of orcs in battle. The normal orcs often call them boss when talking to them, mainly so they don't get their heads beat in by the Big'ur. Big'urs use more than just conventional weapons. They also use their teeth, often coated with metal, and their massive bulk smashing into enemies.

Arrers- Arrers are the specialized archers of the orcs. Like all orcs, Arrers are trained in war as soon as they can walk. The Arrers however are more highly skilled when it comes to ranged warfare than the other orcs. They are regarded with suspiscion by the others, often made fun of for "not wannin' tah get inna good scrum, an' lookin' funny." Arrers often dress differently than other orcs, but they are effective archers, while not very accurate, (they are orcs after all), they manage to lay down a withering hail of arrows.

Shamans- Shamans are the most religious of the orcs. They are never dressed in anything more than a loincloth, and have tatoos all over their body. These tatoos have mystical signifigance, and the orcs believe it protects them in battle as well as helps them commune with their god. This is slightly true, as once a week and/or before battle, the Shamans cover their tatoos with a hallucinogenic drug, causing them to see visions and feel no pain. They do seem to be in their god's favour however, because if the need is great, they do sometimes get magic from their patron.

Stunties- Stunties are used as cannon fodder. They are basically orcs with birth defects, causing them to grow at a much slower rate. They do have a slightly larger intellect than other orcs. Stunties are the size of human children for the most part, and when they are not fighting in a battle, are in their own seperate area of the orc camp. They do much of the orc "inventin'," and are an orc sub-culture. They have their own Big'urs, Arrers, and Shamans, although they are less effective than their larger orcs brethren.
Damnit, why do all orcs speak with Cockney accents?

(I know the answer, it's rhetorical)
Chaos! Cleaver met flesh as the Drell fell upon their adversaries. One enemy screamed as a brutal blade cut throgh his torso. Blow after blow were blocked by another, before he was wrestled to the ground. The Drell bit into his victim's neck and shook until it went limp.

Screams and other calls echoed along the gravelly riverbank for a few more moments, then fell silent. Then came shouts of victory, as the small group of Drell stood above the bodies of those who had denied the rule of Gethell the Great-Armed.

Gethell himself was among the victorious. A great conquerer though he was, he was still not so elevated and self important that he would not rummage through the bodies of this rival tribe, searching for trophies. Picking up the limp body of an enemy he had slain, he sliced the head off and stuck the jaw through a hook, adding this latest conquest to a long chain of skulls slung across his arms, adorning his body.

The first great despot of the Drell had earned his title 'Great-Armed' for his abnormal strength, and for the two great arm-shields he carried. While they would weigh down a lesser Drell, Gethell carried both with ease, and could even wield cleavers while doing so.

Now, however, his weapons were stowed against his back. The Drell stripped their opponents of all valuables, and many nonvaluables- they would take as much as they could feasibly carry.


Ghrada thak.


With a few more shouts, the group began to return the way it had came- it was three days march through river and forest until they reached home. Later, some Drell thought, they might return to this place as settlers- setting up a village and some comfortable warrens, living off their gains in battle and the bounties of the river and forest.


I went to see Gran Torino this evening, thus the late start. Nonetheless, I will be starting an update very shortly. Remember, if you're in TWTUD II's Council of Nations, Just Say NO to Communism.
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