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Times For Heroes: Chapter 1, Origins

As it turns out, I'd much rather sleep tonight, but we'll still get the update a day early as i'll be doing it tomorrows
Wouldn't it be awesome if Spore allowed you to use domesticated species as mounts? That would be great.

I'm adding your content to the Sporecast, as well as the Tribal Drell.
It sure would. It would make Tribal a lot more interesting. Or maybe if they put City phase back in, as a pre-industrial period.

At the moment UFOs just seal my domesticated species. It's both hilarious and annoying when an outhouse UFO steals a creature.

And phase between Cell and Creature would be nice.
Agreed- When I was trying to make weapons to put on a tribal creature, I thought how awesome a weapon editor would be for the tribal phase.

EQ, you described the climate of northern Canada as temperate, and Panama as icy and mountainous. Could you be a bit more specific about this? Right now, I'm assuming that northern Canada has long, mild summers and mild winters.

Handlers are those amongst the Gil'Galeth who are gifted at manipulating sentient creatures. They exert an a strange influence on other species which allows them to bend them to their will. A young handler will typically begin by bending an assortment of small creatures eventually they will graduate towards increasingly complex creatures. A particularity gifted handler can even work on multiple creatures at the same time, slowly shaping their minds for the Gil'Galeths own cause. The more time that passes, the more pliable the minds of those the handlers work with. Only a rare few ca resist these changes becoming permanent. The more intelligent the candidate, the more difficult the manipulation, those with little to work with in the first place are the most susceptible to the commands of the handlers. It is also interesting that the parents transmit this vulnerability to their children which allows the Gil'Galeth to control and bond successive generations. Gil'Galeth control is not constant or complete, it is really composed of a series of rules and blocks in the mind of the handled. Those under the influence are not banned directly from not doing what the handlers want, but instead cannot even mentalise not doing what the handlers want. Those under Gil'Galeth control do not even realize they are being controlled, they act for all intents and purposes without realizing that they are in-fact being controlled. The Gil'Galeth themselves eschew close combat and physical labor something they themselves are not suited to, others however are and the Gil'Galeth are quick to exploit the inherant strengths of other races. The handlers themselves sometimes lead their charges into battle although that is not generally needed, it has been found that those under control are less mentally adapt than they would otherwise do... something the handlers have to work through.


Are the priests and priestess of the Gil'Galeth the beloved of the Dark Lady, The Empress of Shadows, Bramberlose. Able to commune with her agents the Tsai and sometimes with the Dark Lady herself. The C'yho however are gifted by the Dark Lady in a very peculiar way, they are almost incorporeal. The C'yho take the Gil'Galeths curse or blessing to extremes. The regular Gil'Galeth are only partially shadow and only drip blood from their fingers in a slow even pace. In contrast the C'yho are completely shadow with just a vestige of flesh to keep them tethered to the ground and the blood dark black drips in a never ending torrent from their fingers. The C'yho are terrofying in battle, during the day all that shows of them is disembodied fingers dripping black blood grasping a long thin black blade, which is nearly as invisible as the C'yho themselves, a gift from the Dark Lady.

Dark is the Moon:

The Gil'Galeth capital, built into a vast crag in the middle of almost impenetrable forests is always wreathed in black viscous clouds. The Gil'Galeth themselves enjoy the constant darkness, it suits their eyes and shadowy natures. It is quite unlike any other city in the world, it is built in and around the crag with vast spidery towers grow out at seemingly impossible angles from a octagonal central tower which if the reckoning of the Gil'Galeth is correct is the largest building by both area, height and width in the world. The Gil'Galeth did not build the towers themsevles, the Dark Lady did, it is her palace or was. The Gil'Galeth themselves maintain her possessions as carefully as they always have, her room is aired and sheets changed every dusk so that if she should ever return to her children she could lay her head down comfortably. The Gil'Galeth themselves inhabit the bottom of the tower, even with their growing population the tower never seems to require additions, the Gil'Galeth cannot be sure but they believe the tower might be growing to their needs. All the other towers are for her creations, the Gil'Galeth never enter them, they live in constant fear that the wards and protections she placed on them might be weakening. But even they do not know if her creations aside from the Gil'Galeth and the Tsai are still alive... Sometimes a room in a tower opens, and sometimes a Gil'Galeth enters, sometimes they do not come back, more often they return talking about vast hulking corpses perfectly preserved in vast jars or bones locked in rusted cages with the glimmer of wards still burning bright like the day they had been cast. The C'yho religiously attend to the wards, chant the correct arcane words and rub the ritual oils on the seals... it is only by force of tradition that they do it... the knowledge is no longer there. They do know that to attack the gates of the city is folly, the wards are not the only worry the massive gates and the long tunnel with numerous redoubts and other gates make it difficult... but the uncanny defenses make it impossible, nothing has ever managed with weapons raised in anger to even make it to the first gate.

A shadow on the glass:

The only other Gil'Galeth city, built in a deep, eternally dark, gorge with no vegetation and no other living thing except the Gil'Galeth. The Gil'Galeth have built normal homes of stone and timber carefully black-washed to suit the sensibilities of honest Gil'Galeth. The city itself is carefully ordered as the Gil'Galeth are won't to be. The only reason there is a city here however is the mirror, a mirror that hangs suspended in the upper part of the gorge, almost invisible from down below... a mirror of improbabilities. A mirror where a face can sometimes be seen, looking, shadowy, something not quite right staring back across a vast distance crystal clear. The Gil'Galeth do not know who made it, or what it is meant to do, or why it hangs in the air but they do have theories, worrying theories. The city is defended by a natural slope of scree with but a single narrow path wending slowly up the side of the gorge, there is no other means of access.
Working on the update bit by bit, but other stuff is distracting me. Rest wil be finished tomorrow.
This looks really really interesting, but I'm already in a few NES's... Would it be possible to make a race, not play in Chapter 1, but come in a later chapter? Or are you closed already?
you could make a race i suppose, you'll be more than welcome in following NESes
Thank you!

Dark Seraph

Strength: 4
Diplomacy: 1

Basic Physical Description
Body like a graceful lithe human with pale skin, but four membranous wings like a dragon's come from the back. The wings generally are wrapped around the Seraph like clothing, two for the chest, and two for the lower areas, but generally Seraphs will generally wear something underneath though, in case they need to use their wings for combat or gliding. Given that they have the legs of a normal human, flight is not possible, but they can do a wing assisted jump that is greater than any human could (similar to the frog-folk) or glide to survive much greater falls than otherwise possible. Some attach blades to their wings and lash out with them as weapons as well.
Eye color can vary greatly, but is normally very bright. Piercing blues, bright greens, violet purple, and red are all common colors. Hair follows a similarly extreme pattern, with fiery reds, pitch black, silvery platinum or straight white not being uncommon.

Background and Creation
Some say they are an inversions of Angels, but their mortal nature and free will does not align with this theory. They are not frequently found anywhere, but they have a preference for mountains, where their gliding ability can be of some use. They are generally very individualistic, and rarely get along with one another, and so aren't very adept at forming an entire nation of themselves. This individualism, as well as an odd detachment from reality has lead them to be less than diplomatic with others, but their otherworldly attractiveness, in both male and female, helps negate this to a degree.
Their otherworldly nature doesn't stop at their appearance however, many have an affinity towards the Gods, specifically Rorshack and death related magics, as necromancy allows them to make up for their small numbers without having to deal with one another. While they seclude themselves from one another for most of their lives, either living alone or in small families, in dying they do expect their bones to be taken and stored in one of the few hidden crypts, deep in the mountains. Scattering one's bones after death is considered the greatest insult possible.

OOC: Basically born to be great arch-villains or heroes.
I'm in.

Strength: 3
Intelligence: 1
Ingenuity: 3
Mysticism: 2
Diplomacy: 1
Location: Minotaur live on the Great Plains in the middle of Azmenaal.
Basic Physical Description: The Minotaur stand roughly 7-8 ft in height, with large, bovine heads, characterized by horns protruding to the sides of their skulls. Their bodies are large and muscular, with long arms, and huge cloven feet. Though generally docile in nature, they are fierce in combat, especially against their mortal enemies, the Centaur.
Background and Creation to follow (it is a bit lengthy, though EQ said that was ok)

Tribal Confederation
Patron gods: Leifeimara (The Earth Mother), Lowkey (The Wit Bringer), Semiv (The Giver of Order and Law)
TLJ has informed me of his starting location already, as for Tyrs, he's already stated that he'll be playing in a later NES, as far as i can tell, that's it for the moment as his race doesnt sound like it would be a real nation.
If I were to play in this one, it would be as a hero, not a nation. My race would most likely be found in Panama, which is icy mountains apparently, or the Rocky Mnts. A handful could probably be found in most non-xenophobic countries.
I'm in.

Strength: 3
Intelligence: 1
Ingenuity: 3
Mysticism: 2
Diplomacy: 1
Location: Minotaur live on the Great Plains in the middle of Azmenaal.
Basic Physical Description: The Minotaur stand roughly 7-8 ft in height, with large, bovine heads, characterized by horns protruding to the sides of their skulls. Their bodies are large and muscular, with long arms, and huge cloven feet. Though generally docile in nature, they are fierce in combat, especially against their mortal enemies, the Centaur.
Background and Creation to follow (it is a bit lengthy, though EQ said that was ok)

Tribal Confederation
Patron gods: Leifeimara (The Earth Mother), Lowkey (The Wit Bringer), Semiv (The Giver of Order and Law)
You should probably change the name of your nation- you're really immitating Warcraft here. Referring to Leifmara as the earth mother is something straight out of the Tauren book.

Note that I'm not trying to say this in a mean way, but I feel that it cheapens the setting to bring in something directly from another well-known source, both for you and the rest of the players. Of course, EQ's the ultimate judge of this, so that's just my opinion.

On another note, has anyone noticed that Diplomacy seems to be everybody's dump stat?
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