Spend a lot of gold on Galleys, Settlers and some units.
Hannibal is willing to sign an MA against Byzanz for dyes and spices. We also get 16gpt in the deal.
Reduce lux slider to 0%.
Attack the Byzantine stack with Armies and eKnight and reduce it to 4 units.
CivAssist estimates ~490 tiles to Domination, but we haven't uncovered enough of the map yet for a precise calculation. It's probably somewhere between 500 and 600 tiles.
Turn 191:
Destroy remainders of Byzantine stack at Honnigsvag and march north.
Take Smyrna (Leonardo's), Teayo, Huexotla.
Lux needs to be raised back to 10%. Strange: I think we lost only one of those exposed Berzerks in southern Aztecia?! Must have tipped the scale.
Turn 192:
Take Malinolco.
Sign a RiP with Carthage, cancel our RoP with Osmania and declare war. Take Konya.
Interturn we gain another MGL on defense, when an eKnight wins against a Byzantine vMI. We lose two Galleys against Dromon counter-attacks.
Turn 193:
CivAssist now says 735 tiles to Dom limit. That's more than expected...

Take Tver, Amorium, Calixtlahuaca, Tlatelolco, Constantinople (with heavy losses

), Septum
Founding 4 new towns.
The sea battle against the Dromons is not going well, losing 5 Galleys this turn versus only 3 wins.
Lux spending can again be lowered to 0%.
Turn 194:
646 tiles to Domination.
Not much happening...
Interturn: Istanbul completes J.S.Bach's Cathedral. We -- need -- this --
Turn 195:
620 tiles to Domination. (Got a few culture expansions interturn.)
Take Tlaxcala, Tlacopan, Chalcedon,
Get another MGL! I'll keep that Army for Istanbul.
Found 2-3 towns.
Turn 196:
Tlatelolco flips, after I just chopped a forest into it...
574 tiles left.
Capture Tlalmanalco, Nicomedia, Tepetlaoxtoc
Found 3 more towns.
Turn 197:
521 tiles left.
Capture Chalco, Aydin, Antalya.
Found a few towns.
Turn 198:
429 tiles left.
Capture Tenochtitlan (Oracle, finally!), Chiconautlan, Ankara, Sinop and in a peace deal with Byzanz: Prilep, Ohrid, Vidin, Rusuccuru, Trebizond.
Turn 199:
328 tiles left. We have now 66% of the world's population!
Capture Tlatelolco, the Aztecs are no longer.
Capture Brusa, Caesarea, Kafa.
Found a few towns.
Interturn a Byzantine AC captures Constantinople.
Turn 200:
263 tiles left.
Capture Sardica, Varna, Constantinople, Heraclea, Iznik, Bursa
I get another MGL in Osmania, which immediately forms a Berzerk Army.
There is still an un-opened goody hut in 850 AD!! What is the AI doing?!? Completely incompetent.
Interturn I lose that new Army near Iznik to a couple of Crusader attacks.

(Not so incompetent after all

Turn 201, 860 AD:
171 tiles to Domination.
Capture Adrianople. Byzanz is gone.
Capture Edrine, but it is endangered by 4 Crusaders. Fortunately I can destroy all of them with the other Army and a couple shiploads of Berzerks. Pillage the Ottoman iron.
Handover notes: there are now only 123 tiles to Domination. You should be able to get these in the next 3-4 turns:
- Fill the last gaps on the Aztec continent. Some settlers are already on their way there.
- Same in Byzanz.
- The Osmans are down to their last 5 cities. Let the Army heal 2 turns, and ship more Berzerks to Osmania - there is a ship chain in place from Birka to Istanbul!
- Once all the Armies in Byzanz have healed and got into attack positions, you may also declare on Carthage and capture a few towns there. Their iron and saltpeter is ready for pillage. (Once Osmania is conquered, the ships and Berzerks there can reach the Carthaginian west coast within a turn and take further towns.) The Army in Aztecia (and another left over Berzerk) can take that Carthaginian town there.
(Just noticed I had T191 twice in my list.

So I did a turn too many...)