TM 01 - The alphabet games - America


Apr 4, 2005
OK Been thinking about this a while, finaly I get up the currage to try this.

TM => The Mailman (get it?), The Alphabet games, well my goal is going by the alphabet I would like to play all the Civs and I would like you to join me :D.

Since this is the first game we are stuck beeing American, with Roosevelt leading us. This means we are
Industrious and Organized
Have fishing and Agriculture
And have the navi seal as our UU.

Goal? Can be anything all are enabled. It doesnt seem fun to go for a military victory for the good old US of A, to much real live... How does UN sound? This doesnt mean we cannot knock some heads around... ;)

So I roled a start and a pretty good one at that... It is (what else for the USA?) the great plains.
Other settings are 'normal' and unchanged, level is Prince. Although I have a hardtime at Noble....

This will be our starting position.

Who will join me?
- Burglar
- Mailman
- namliaM
- rddc05
- SkunkDoctor
- SpriteSoda

3 to a maximum of 5 slots open depending on how many takers are out there.

Come join in the fun.
Yep its the long haul, so Hiya Guys welcome.... :)

So what research route do we take? We have the furs just to our North meaning $$$ after we camp it.
I ussually start with Hunting for the Scout and the GH popping, then beeline to Monotheism. That works allways on Noble, picking up Judaism sometimes even Hinduism.

Do we settle in place? Or sidestep 1 tile east or west? (any other direction doesnt seem logical to me, but if someone has a good reason)

But can it be done on Prince, I dont think so... So what is the plan?
Move the war onto that southern hill. If he doesnt uncover anything I see no reason not to settle in place. Interesting religious beeline, we could try it. I think that nearby resources may require to pick up a worker tech or two as we go, but that may lose us the religion. Another thought, we are industrious so we could maybe make a run at either pyramids or oracle (oracle esp if we are heading down the religion tree).
I would settle in place. If I see it right, we get defense bonus from that hill.
Tech wise the route is fine. I normally go for early pottery though (Skip religion if I don't have
Mysticism as start tech).
Let's hear what the others say...
Here are my suggestions:

Move the warrior SW to the hill and see if there are any resources to the south. If not, settle in place (which will pop the hut).

I typically beeline to Bronzeworking for chopping, with city producing warrior-->worker (the worker pops just a turn or two before BW generally). Early chopping of a second worker and settler usually gives you a good boost toward more commerce and a second city, not to mention BW reveals copper and allows slavery. After that, any path you like, as long we don't wait too long on pottery.
I would play, but this is what i did on my own in SP games...although i did it by leader name...i'm only up to Mao! Good luck!
pholkhero said:
I would play, but this is what i did on my own in SP games...although i did it by leader name...i'm only up to Mao! Good luck!
Yes, but did you do it on Prince? :mischief:
I'm now up on Prince...that's why i started our other game you silly-head...i just hopped up to it...
count me in :goodjob:
I think we/you should need the hills for mines cus its plains, so move the settler to a flat location.
I would move it 1 tile west, good defensive location.
@Greyfox I am guessing upfront that this will not all be finished by 1 team. Possibly I will not even finish it, but hey one has to start somewhere right?

First welcome to SpriteSoda, I take it that pholkhero did not sign up for this tour...

I moved the warrior SW, as thats what was suggested 2 times and it seems logical to me too.
It reveals nothing much intresting, you cant really see it in the screenshot. But there is 1 hill due West, and 2 due East. I am favouring the 2 hills... Plus it pops the hut upon settling.
BTW both East and west are flat grasslands without forest, else I might also consider moving the settler 1SE and pop the GH with it, but the GH is on forrest costing us a precious turn.

Here it is after the warrior move:
Well, this game as my name written all over it. it even got it backward, so it seems that the only logical option for me is to join in.

Thought about the starting position:
according to the terrain of the great plain maps we are just east of the middle of the map (full grass land is east, plains is middle, mountains are west)
I suggest settling on the spot and start spamming cottages

If we want UN win, we can either found a religion and spread it all over, or go with no religion in order not to upset any one.

tech-wise - we can probably grab Hindu if we want (we should check what our rivals are in the second turn via top 5 cities). we should priorities pottery and bronze working.
Welcome Mailman, LOL, I have seen you around. This is allready fun.

- Burglar <= Up
- Mailman
- namliaM ==> Will be skipped this round
- rddc05
- SkunkDoctor
- SpriteSoda

I have taken 'care' of the first 1.000 years. Burglar you have the honors of leading the people, 20 turns each for the first round, 10 turns each after that. Possibly less when time drags by.
24/48 and all the 'normal' rulez...

I got around to a lot of scouting.
The First GH (popped by settling) gave some maps due NW, so warrior scouted to the SW, S and later a bit to the SE.
It did not take the warrior to long to pop a hut and get a scout :eek:
That scout went on to pop some more huts, got some gold (38) and some techs (including Myst, after just one turn of research :) )

So here is our current situation (tho somewhat fortunat with GH popping!)
A big part of the nearest known world

The people we allready know

Some of the people we still have to meet

And finaly the tech situation (a lot of which popped) my path was Hunting=>Myst (just 1 or 2 turns) => Mining => Masonry (thinking Hinduism would be gone anyway) => Poly => Mono
Currently underway on Poly, but no Hindu's yet.

I build 1 scout and 1 warrior, the first warrior was killed by a Lion on his first fighting outing. 2 scouts were popped and lost. So we have 1 warrior and a Scout left.

BE AWARE Our one left over warrior is promoted allready from defeating 2 barb warriors I suggest getting the Worker out and starting an archer!

The save is attached and since I took the first 1000 for this shift, I will be skipped till next round.
Hi Freaks :)

Just finished my turns. Met Caesar and scouted borders of Montezuma (SW of Washington) and Victoria (S of Washington).
Warrioir defeated Barb and got Woodman Upgrade. Scout got Woodman Upgrade too.

Found Priesthood in a hut :D

I built archer then only needed 2 turns to grow to size "4" and so built barracks for 2 turns then switched to settler (as the hammers are stored). Archer moved to direction of the new 2nd city spot.

Most importantly I founded Hinduism and switched to it.
I did'nt go on for Monotheism and researched The Wheel instead.
Which I found more useful as we have already a worker and need roads for connecting our resources and our cities. After The Wheels I research Pottery.

I suggest the 2nd city to have wheat and cow or wheat and corn.
City best direct at river to have tradework with Washington instantly.
Anyone else thinking of two tiles north of the eastern spice for the second city? Build a quick obelisk and get the stone quarried for a run at the pyramids? It will turn into a pretty good production city. Chopping would come in handy at this point.
I too was thinking going east for the seccond city, but going south will be more logical. The east spot will be there for the 3rd city as well, the souther (possibly even western) spot may not be...
Someone should venture out and make a map of the cities we plan to have, if even just for discussion sake.

I dont have time for that right now, but if there is no map in 12 hours or so I will give one a shot...
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