To Whom It May Concern

John HSOG said:
I know a lot of you won't read the whole thing. None of you will have any idea what this is all about. I don't care. It was something that I had to say and for just once, not to myself. At least I know that some of you, out there, have gone through the same thing and in a rare instance, might sympathize. At least I can pretend.
I did read the whole thing and so did many others.
There are many that have gone something similar but it's not the same though.
Every situation is unique. It's your life, man. Nobody else knows it like you do.

John HSOG said:
Life is all about finding something to do with yourself. I think that for most of us, there are a standard set of things that make us happy and enjoy our lives. I thought that I was well on my way to having those things. I thought I knew what I had and how it was. I think I just got what some people call a 'reality check'.
Something just like that has happened to me.
I started questioning my motives to do things, questioning myself, the very essence of my existence and for a moment I thought I was going nuts.
John HSOG said:
It happens. For some, more than others. The one thing that I fear from it all is that one day it will be too much and I will become what despised as a youth. I will become a cynic. It takes more and more to fight it off each time.
I feared that also. Some people say when you get older you get more negative. But "cynic" is just a word. It doesn't mean a thing really. We never see the world how it really is. We see it only through our experiences and it fails always. When one illusion falls down, another one is created.
I would describe "cynic" as such person that doesn't want to create illusions so he won't get hurt anymore, so he becomes emotionally disattached to everything. So he retreats and won't get involved in the world because deep down the person is dead. Only thing left is empty shell that this person tries to fill up with everyday consumption falling again into illusion without ever knowing it.
You have to choose some illusions because after all everything is illusional. While back I got sick and tired to my ordinary life and my life took a new direction.
Unfortunately it wasn't what I expected, but it never really is. But I keep coming back into things that make myself the person I am. They make me strong in everything I do. So I'm able to share it.
Leha said:
First, a little cynicism could help. May be not exactly cynicism - rather irony. Looking a little cynicaly/ironicaly on life makes its ugly face funny.
I won't tell you "we all have bad days" stuff, I guess you figured it for yourself. When all those philosohpical things about my pre-destination on this Earth start to flood my head I take a deep breath (relishing every molecula of fresh air), look at the sky, see it's beauty and forget about all the shcmucks of the world. Also I concentrate on most important people in my life - family.
There's good advice. Very good.

John, you need to go through and understand that once again you will leap up. Only thing is sure that things won't be as you have used to think they are. I have went through the same but once it was much more deeper than it ever had been.
Everything went down, I went down. I wouldn't call it depression because I didn't feel bad. I felt absolutely nothing. That was kind of death. But I reincarnated because there's nothing else you can do unless you choose to die. But at that time it felt both tunnels led me into the darkness. For some reason I chose life. Don't know why and I'm here to find it out. I guess that's why I try to help you out and give you strenght.

Remember there's nothing without the heart.
You have to just keep on giving.
There aren't any other options.
Actually, I find John's post to be very thoughtful, and have to say I've thought through things ti that way, I think I still do.

Seems to me it's a natural part of maturing. 24 isn't as old as many think. I'm 34 and my way of thinking has changed drastically over the past 10 years. The world is cold and cynicism is a natural reaction to it.

John, just keep thinking.
I related what you posted to my wife (she's gotten handed a lot of reality checks in her life), who commented "God doesn't give people tests He knows they can't pass."

I know this may sound trite coming from an agnostic, but if you've got a fundamental choice to make, take a bit of time away from thinking about it and do some Bible reading. I'll bet your decision becomes very clear.

Please feel free to PM me if you'd like.
John HSOG said:
I have two real options with regard to my so-called crisis. Either one makes it feel as though I am giving up and either one makes it feel as though I have lost something.

If theres one thing that I had to learn the hard way its that you dont always win, but thats where your character shows through, those things like honour and dignity.
Wow...that was one of the most profound and intelligent things I've ever heard in my life. Did that just come out of your head, or have you been writing it in Word? (No, this isn't sarcasm).
John HSOG said:
It happens. For some, more than others. The one thing that I fear from it all is that one day it will be too much and I will become what despised as a youth. I will become a cynic. It takes more and more to fight it off each time.

John, it is presumptous for me to tell you how you might feel down the road, but because I am myself on a similar road IMHO there is another possibility other than being a cynic. (Or rather, cynicism is just a milestone on the journey if you are willing to continue down the road)

You start off being rosy-eyed - Wow, things are so cool. Then,
You are disillusioned - Damn! Things are not so cool. Then,
You are a cynic - Not only are things bad, bad is the only way of things. Then,
You are a wiser man - The really important things (which are only becoming apparent to you now) are not bad. Then,
You are enlightened - Haha! Most of the stuff that you thought were either good or bad or important didn't matter in the long run.
You are even more enlightened - Damn! Now I know what matters, and there is nothing I did about it (or couldn't have done about it even if I knew). Then,
You have reached the end of your natural life and you are dead!

Hope things work out for you. Good luck.
According to you betazed I should have died few years back when I suddenly realized what things mattered the most and I realized I had never done thing about them.

I guess some of us learn quicker some things than most in this lifelong journey of education.

Thinking about your life is just small process inside a larger process which is your life.
Don't mix them up.
C~G said:
I guess some of us learn quicker some things than most in this lifelong journey of education.

Heh, maybe.

Or maybe, some of us only think they have learnt it when it is really just continuing education. :)
Its good that you were able to write it down. I, for one, used to write things down, especially when I was really upset. I actually began to write poety, and it seemed to help a lot, because I didn't have to tell myself what I already knew. It was a much better way to express myself than to simply keep it bottled up inside. I used to be a really bent up kid, but now, I feel happy that I was able to resolve my problems through something simple expressive. I hope that you will be able to make sense of the coldness of the world, and, rather than have a cynical look on it, have an open mind, and realize the wonder (I hope I can assume you believe in God) of the complexity of God's creation of life.
IglooDude said:
I related what you posted to my wife (she's gotten handed a lot of reality checks in her life), who commented "God doesn't give people tests He knows they can't pass."

Slightly OT, but this reminded me of a Bill Ingvall joke I heard in the last week or so (Ingvall is a red neck comic). He is recounting a story about getting a massage for the first time and when the masseuse comes in it is a beautiful young woman. At this point Bill said a little prayer to God: "God...I know you are testing me.....but I need to remind you I was only a C student".:lol:

Funny stuff.
First, I'd like to say that I did, in fact, read each and every post, top to bottom. I appreciate all of the sincere responses. Forgive me if I do not reply to every one of you.

Dawgphood001 said:
If I may ask, why do you fear cynicism?

I fear that being a true cynic would make me unhappy.

The Yankee said:
John, maybe you mean politics (certainly applies) or maybe you mean meaningless squabbles that people find themselves in with friends, family, and strangers that take away valuable moments of time, but all the same, I think it's very beneficial to take a step back and look around, see where you're headed and whether you want to change course or not.

Certainly, it'd be best to keep this in mind all the time, but I'll admit, I may not be able to do it. It makes me feel terrible when I reflect on it minutes, hours, days, even years later, especially when I know very well the value of such relationships or the condition of other people or how much time is left with someone or something.

Perhaps it is because that we do not find ourselves doing something meaningful that we end up in pointless fighting (maybe politics aside, as it can be thought-provoking in the right cases).

I've seen it on the road...someone driving foolishly for the sake of getting to the next red light three seconds earlier, always in a "rush" but not taking care to protect what is here and now.

These are thoughts that require some self-examination and a devotion of some time. It's very deep, but definitely not without value. I suppose if everyone poked their heads above the ground to take a look around once in a while, things may be better off. Maybe.

I very much appreciate this post. In all honesty, I did not get the chance to read it until now, but it spoke volumes about the solutions. I did have to step back and think about the situation. I still am.

MobBoss said:
My wish is for you to have the wisdom to make the right choice for you and the courage to see it through.

PM me if you want. At the very least I can lend a listening ear.

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

I very much appreciate your concern. You have always struck me as an honest and sincere poster, regardless of your position on the issues.

CurtSibling said:
I am surprised you got through that 1st post without any theology!

But on the serious side, I hope your crisis can be resolved, whatever it is.

You won't want a heathen's help, so I'll leave it to your fellow religionists to sort you out.

You may not want to hear this, but God's work is not only for the believers. It is my observation that he will work through non-believers, as well. Even so, it may be that your point of view is just as valid as any other, and worth something considering where you stand. Never believe that I hold you as worth any less consideration due to your spiritual beliefs, or lack thereof.

IglooDude said:
I related what you posted to my wife (she's gotten handed a lot of reality checks in her life), who commented "God doesn't give people tests He knows they can't pass."

I know this may sound trite coming from an agnostic, but if you've got a fundamental choice to make, take a bit of time away from thinking about it and do some Bible reading. I'll bet your decision becomes very clear.

Please feel free to PM me if you'd like.

I have heard this before. It is a favorite quote of mine. I had never thought, for even a second, that this was something that I was not able to overcome. It is only that with respect to this situation and the other issues, I feel a deep saddness that certain things have to be this way.

I also appreciate your concern.

Rad Chris said:
If theres one thing that I had to learn the hard way its that you dont always win, but thats where your character shows through, those things like honour and dignity.

This is probably the most profound statement that I had the pleasure of reading, here. I did not get a chance to read it before my choice was made, but in the end, that was my conclusion. Thankyou for this.

I have a saying that is similar and that I was fortunate enough to remember after reading your post.

"Sometimes doing the right thing is not always that which will save you."


In the end, there were a lot of things bothering me. I don't know if I will regret some of the decisions that I have made, but I do know that I have succeeded in doing something very important. I made a choice. When a situation presents itself where there are two choices, both equally unsatisfactory, it is not uncommon for one to find oneself failing to make any decision at all. The problem festers and more damage is done by not having made a decision. Once again, I do not know that what I have done will come without regret, but I do know that I have done what I had to do.

I suppose that when you consider any individual issue that I was facing, it is always the same thing. I know what and whom I wish to be. I know how I want to feel and act. It is just so hard to maintain the discipline and fortitude to be that way.

For example. Tonight, I have had a serious moment of clarity. When I awake tomorrow, it may or may not still be with me. Inevitably, however, a day will come when it is all, but gone. It will take another horrible circumstance to return to this place for which I never wish to leave to begin with. I feel an incredible guilt and saddness, because I am not strong enough, not merely for myself, but for others.

I am trying hard. I am trying real hard to be everything that I believe in and everything that a good man should be. I am terrified that I can never be that person. What other choice do I have, but to keep trying?
MjM said:
Uhh, aren't personal threads disallowed? :crazyeye:

Rockin @#%$in Roll!
John, you aren't responsible for other people's behavior. The fact that they do or don't do something and whether or not they get it or don't get it shouldn't have any affect on the way that you feel. All you can do is to live your life as close as possible to whatever rules and guidelines you've established for yourself. I'm saddened to see someone so young so depressed. Life is filled with great disappointment but it's also filled with great joy. You have to strike a balance. You recognize that there are important moments in life, things to be enjoyed and savored. Grab hold of them. If you are feeling bad all the time, you don't have to. If this low point continues talk to your religious advisor or your doctor or both.
John HSOG said:
I fear that being a true cynic would make me unhappy.


I am an ultra-cynic, and I am as happy as a cucumber.

Cynicism removes doubt and makes things simple.

But I guess we are all different people.

MjM said:
So, that guy's thread was closed and John's isn't?

Can you say, elitism?

Yes. 'Elitism'.

I guess being a god-fearing man is a ticket to personal thread elbowroom!

MjM said:
Uhh, aren't personal threads disallowed?
MjM said:
Just saw this:

So, that guy's thread was closed and John's isn't?
Can you say, elitism?
I believe personal threads are disallowed in the forum rules but I guess how you define such threads.
Many threads roots are in personal experiences.

I would find that this thread created by John touches also other people by him talking how he sees life and in a way is less personal than "I want to hug her"-type of thread.

Of course it might have to do how you put the actual message on the board rather than just about the subject.
In that way it might be elitism, otherwise I'm not falling into such thoughts.
I think i am experiencing what you said in the first post right now. It's very wierd that i am reading this today ... i had a very bad night.

When my several-years depression ended i thought "This is it. I am free now." That thing lasted for about 2 years ... it's effect seemed to be wearing off. Though i feel i am mentally stable now (my user title) my physical health isn't going so well ... I am once again caught between the doctors' "We don't know" and "We are not sure" usual phrases. The surprising thing is that these are not the old unsolved medical problems (they didn't have a clue then either ... but that passed eventually, without their help of course).

Anyway, you should ...
Stop for a moment and look at peacefull things, look at a garden, look at a tree, see how life is beautyfull through it's existence alone.
Think about the people who will love you, no matter what descision you will take- they are your true friends.
IglooDude is right also ... take a moment and read a bit from the Bible.
Regardless of what choice you will make, it will be ok.

Never loose hope, i wish you to see the things around you not as they are, not as they should be and not as they could be, but as they will be, soon, when people will see their heritage and the true values of life.
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