Tomatekh's Historical Religions

Tomatekh's Historical Religions v.24

What will change for African patch? I think new cleo has preferences to Dodekatheon.
Yeah, sorry for the delay. I didn't realize the update was out today.

New Cleo defaults to Hellenism/Dodekatheon with an option to set her to Pesedjet in the config file. Ramses is set to Pesedjet. Sundiata Keita is set to Nommo with an option to set him back to Islam in the config file. So, all 3 default to one of my mod religions!
Tomatekh updated Tomatekh's Historical Religions with a new update entry:

Had more free time than I was expecting today and managed to get the update done.

v. 24

- Elizabeth and Steam Victoria now prefer Anglicanism
- Added alternate preferences in the config file for Varangian Harald
- Fixed Sejong’s alternate preferences in the config file to work correctly
- Renamed Nomo to Maa Ngala and updated its pedia entry
- Slightly changed the colors of Maa Ngala, Twelver, Puta Tuma, Vaishnavism to be more distinct from each other
- Misc. text and code changes
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