Tomatekh's Historical Religions

Tomatekh's Historical Religions v.24

Are you able to use one of the various steam workshop downloader type pages to get the uploaded zip?
Love this mod.

Would you consider adding Waaqeffanna?
Thanks! I'm happy to hear people still enjoy the mod!

So, I'm not sure if I'm going to update it again. The mod is pretty extensive already and at this point in Civ's lifecycle, I've kind of turned my focus elsewhere. On the other hand, there are a small handful of things that I planned but never got around to adding that nag me from time to time, so it's not impossible. However, I'll keep Waaqeffanna in mind when I eventually make a Civ 7 version of the mod in a few years.
Okay, it should be updated for the 4 new leaders. As this is the first time I've touched Modbuddy in a year, I may have forgotten something or messed up the upload. Let me know if it doesn't work and I'll try to fix it as soon as possible.
can you add the description of what religion Ai for Abraham Lincoln and Nzinga Mbande picks?
Oh, whoops, forgot.
- Lincoln is set to Baptist in Complete Mode and Protestantism in Lite Mode. The config file also gives the option to remove his religious preference entirely.
- Nizinga is set to Nzambiism in Complete Mode and Catholicism in Lite Mode. (I was unsure if I should set Catholicism to the default in both modes, since she did convert in later life. Of course there's the question of how genuine the conversion and she would likely have practiced a syncretic form regardless. I just opted for Nzambiism for variety. The config file also gives the option to switch to the other one if you prefer. It also lets you enable Nzambiism and Baptist in Lite mode if you want them to appear).
- Julius Caesar is set to Imperial Cult in Complete Mode and Hellenism in Lite Mode. The config file also has some options for various other Roman religions.
- Sultan Saladin is set to Sunni Islam.
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Oh, whoops, forgot.
- Lincoln is set to Baptist in Complete Mode and Protestantism in Lite Mode. The config file also gives the option to remove his religious preference entirely.
- Nizinga is set to Nzambiism in Complete Mode and Catholocism in Lite Mode. (I was unsure if I should set Catholocism to the default in both modes, since she did convert in later life. Of course there's the question of how genuine the conversion and she would likely have practiced a syncretic form regardless. I just opted for Nzambiism for variety. The config file also gives the option to switch to the other one if you prefer. It also lets you enable Nzambiism and Baptist in Lite mode if you want them to appear).
- Julius Caesar is set to Imperial Cult in Complete Mode and Hellenism in Lite Mode. The config file also has some options for various other Roman religions.
- Sultan Saladin is set to Sunni Islam.
Nice and in the next bunch of DLC-which have been leaked-

I would suggest making Tokugawa lean towards Shintoism not Buddism. I have yet to find evidence that he was a keen Buddhist unlike Hojo
Narder would be first ever Shia Islam religion.
Thanks! Yeah, I'm really happy that a few of the new leaders should prefer unused religions.
Tomorrow is new D day and... I hope you keep Tokugawa as having Shintoism preferences DISPITE what civ wiki says about him preferring Buddism. I don’t see Tokugawa being Buddhist Zealot like Hojo was.
Tomorrow is new D day and... I hope you keep Tokugawa as having Shintoism preferences DISPITE what civ wiki says about him preferring Buddism. I don’t see Tokugawa being Buddhist Zealot like Hojo was.
I did go with Shinto, but I was hoping the DLC wouldn't set Tokugawa to Buddhism by default. I usually don't like to change what the developers officially set unless it's outright wrong or clearly a stand-in for something else (such as Dido being set to Judaism). Honestly, I'm not too sure about Tokugawa Ieyasu himself. The Tokugawa period in general used Buddhism primarily as way to control the populace and combat Christianity (it was a functional tool), but the state was sort of a Shinto-Neo Confucian hybrid (Shinto itself was weak, but it sort of did Shinto religion guided by Confucian philosophy). The config file has the option for all 3, so people can set what they like. Ultimately, I'm being less strict with these leaders and opting to add more variety for the default load (while still being mostly correct).

Nader is Shia/Twelver
and now with Chinese leader update upon us what kind of religion have you assigned for wu zetian and Yongle?

and now with Chinese leader update upon us what kind of religion have you assigned for wu zetian and Yongle?

I was thinking Yongle set to Confucianism, and Wu set to (Mahayana) Buddhism
Classic Qin I'm changing back to Taoism, while Unifier Qin will be set to Legalism
I'm also changing Julius Caesar to Numenism by default
(All of them will have multiple options in the config file, of course)
Ah so when Sejong comes out in future we will have 2 leaders set to Confucianism.
I'm happy with that, that a base game religion is finally getting used.

I'm kind of annoyed that despite adding so many Buddhist leaders to the game, not a single one prefers Theravada :/
Tomatekh updated Tomatekh's Historical Religions with a new update entry:


- Wu now prefers Buddhism (Mahayana)
- Yongle now prefers Confucianism
- Qin (Classic) now prefers Taoism
- Qin (Unifier) now prefers Legalism
- Julius now prefers Numenism
- Added some additional naming options to the config file.
- Misc. clean up and text changes.

Sorry for posting this later than usual.
Tomatekh updated Tomatekh's Historical Religions with a new update entry:


Sorry about posting another update so soon. I noticed a minor thing in the SQL which I was worried might cause a crash. It probably wouldn't have, so there's no real need to update again, but just in case. As the change doesn't alter anything with the religions, should still work with saves from the original v.21 upload.
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