Traditional Chinese ellipses and SmallCaps formatting conflict


Jan 31, 2006
This is so minor that it doesn't actually manifest in the official version, but that's because the official Traditional Chinese translations are quite bad, making lots of mistakes everywhere, so I'm redoing the whole translation for myself, and that revealed this bug.

It is also into nitpicking territory, so this bug report is more of a For Your Information report.

In Traditional Chinese, the ellipse is a "long" punctuation mark, much like how in English the em dash is longer than the en dash which is longer than the hyphen. So a proper ellipse in Traditional Chinese looks like this: "……", six dots, in practice made by just repeating the three-dot ellipse.

In the screenshot above, the second ellipse character appears smaller. This is due to the SmallCaps style applied to the Label control on line 37 of UI\FrontEnd\LoadScreen.xml shown below:

<Label Anchor="C,B" Offset="0,124" Align="center" Style="FontFlair18" SmallCapsType="EveryWord" SmallCaps="24" String="{LOC_LOADING_PLEASE_WAIT:upper}" Color="200,200,200,255"/>

Removing the small-caps will allow the ellipse to display properly.

To repeat, this is into nitpicking territory, but people who notice these things will notice. Subjectively, I'd rank this problem to be the same severity as using two full stops when the abbreviation "etc." is used to end a sentence, like so: "Eat fruits, like apples, bananas, oranges, etc.."
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