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TSK 01 - Eastern Uproar

I cast a vote for Forbidden Palace in Mecca. The timing and geography is good for it.

The army/ Heroic Epic route is also perfectly valid, and I'm tempted for it. But...I've already confessed I'm a builder at heart.
Unfortunately, we're not going to do much building this game. C'mon! We're the Japanese! We're people of the :hammer:! We are born to fight! Let us build a mighty army so that our people's hearts will swell with pride and they will be urged on to greatness! :tank: [plasma] :die: is what is in store for our enemies! Wipe them out!
Plus, Sirian said so here ;). And all of us should :worship: him.
Originally posted by Tsukemono5
Unfortunately, we're not going to do much building this game. C'mon! We're the Japanese! We're people of the :hammer:! We are born to fight! Let us build a mighty army so that our people's hearts will swell with pride and they will be urged on to greatness! :tank: [plasma] :die: is what is in store for our enemies! Wipe them out!
Plus, Sirian said so here ;). And all of us should :worship: him.

Yes. You can go for an army now. However, as I said earlier if you build and army now you will probably fill it with swords. So for all practical purposes the only benefit you will get out of it is building a HE early.

I do not disagree with building an army. All I am saying is wait till you get Samurai. Then fill it. Now, even cavalry will not attack an army of Samurai.
Also, the best shield producing city is our capital. Would you tie it up creating a HE or would you rather keep pumping swords from it?

Also, once you do the math, you will realize that on the average the HE starts paying off only after more than 80 elite victories. That's a long way from here.

I would not go for a HE just because Sirian or someone said so. Let's do what logically makes sense.
I was actually hoping for another GL to rush the HE with ;). But you have a good point, but I think I have an alternative...
The Pyramids. I don't think they've been built yet, and I am 99% sure we have Masonry. Pyramids + Sunny T = the best combo of wonders for warmongering. I just don't want to build the FP yet, but it really depends on our play style: whether we go for long range benefits or short range. If long range, then Pyramids in some city, or an army. If short, then rush the FP in Mecca.

My point about Sirian's recommendation was that we will be making 80+ elite victories by halfway through the Middle Ages. So the Heroic Epic will be very useful for us.
Originally posted by Tsukemono5
I was actually hoping for another GL to rush the HE with ;).

:) Now, now! Aren't we being real greedy? :)

Yes, We can build the pyramids too. This looks like one pangeae map. So that will be useful. And I agree Pyramids + Sun Tzu is ideal for warmongering.

So, yes we can go for Pyramids too. :)
Okay, here goes.

1.530BC We learn Philosophy and code of laws from the Great Library (no government:cry: ). I rush a sword in Kyoto to get rid of an unhappy citizen. and still grow in 1 turn. I also rush a spearman in Kagoshima ( I hate to see unhappy people;) )
3/5 Elite sword attacks Medina and wins. this produces Hirohito. My 1st Elite attack of the game and lady luck is definately with us:D . Medina is destroyed, sending Hirohito to mecca. Nagoya finishes Spearman starts Temple. I build an Embassy in Egypt for 40 gold and an embassy in china for 32 gold. I then sign a rop with Egypt and get 16 gold. I also sign an rop with China and get 21 gold and we trade WM ( only 10 more turns to have to honor these, plus we might have some allies and spread them out across the land) Otto knows construction, but I don't like the price.

2. 510BC Barracks complete in Satsuma start Spearman. 2 stacks of swords 3 each headed south.

3. 490 BC Edo completes Spearman Start Library ( I like this town for science) Upgrade Warrior and send off to meet others. Tokyo finishes Worker, Starts Spearman, also upgrade 2 Warriors
Korea knows Polytheism. I hold off. a vet sword is attacked by archer loses to hp wins the battle and gets promoted.

4.470BC Osaka Settler done and Settler started. 3/5 Elite sword attacks archer outside of Khurasan and dies after getting archer down to 1hp. 2nd3/5 elite sword takes him down! Rush spear in Kagoshima.

5. Istanbul has built the Pyramids:rolleyes: Najran Warrior done, temple next. 3/5 sword attacks Khurasan and lost, doing no damage to spearman. 2nd 3/5 attacks and wins. Kagoshima done with Spearman starts Temple. build Embassy in Ottomans (70 gold)

6. 430BC Arabs wanna talk, I tell them to get bent!!
Satsuma done with Spearman starts Swordsman. 3/5 sword attacks archer outside of Khurasan wins 4/4 sword attacks Khurasan wins, no damage gets promoted and destroys the city:p
Build Embassy in India (47 gold) Hirohito builds Army (swords on the way)

7. 410BC Kyoto Builds Sword Starts Sword. Nagasaki founded starts Temple. Decide for a tight city build in old arab lands because there is an Idian settler headed for it and we have a settler ready to go here, So Yokohama founded(right on top of horses), starts Temple

8. 390BC Otto and Korea have signed a peace treaty. I didn't even realize they were at war :lol:
I tell India to get out!
Army is now loaded with 1 reg, 1 vet and 1 of our victorious Elites
Road started on horses up north.

9. 370BC Tokyo Spearman complete starts worker. 3 swords just outside last Arab city. I DEMAND that India leaves, they do quickly.

10. 350BC Osaka settler don and settler started. 3/5 attacks archer outside of Kufah wins, no damage.

Otto still wants way too much for Construction and Korea, well, I will let you decide if you wanna trade for Polytheism. It might help in a trade for Construction. But I did not wanna give Otto all that he wants. BTW Korea wants all our gold and 14 gpt and wm.

Finish off the arabs, sorry I did not get that done. Next turn ;) The Save
Hey guys , I missed the rest of the discussion while I was trying to finish my turn. I would not worry. The way we are going. I think an army will be good. As you can see the Pyramids got built by Otto. sooo.... I thought of the Pyramids but I did not react on it.
Good turns. :goodjob: But...erhmm... You do remember we have the Great Library, right? You can just forget about trading for tech until some sucker Civ discovers Education. Save all our money for the military and some infrastructure once we get a new Government.

We need a victory with Hirohito's army, or no HE for us until the next war! (next player)

Not quite sure about the wisdom of ROP with China...as they have spent the last 2000 years trying to get into our lands and settle past us. If they are our next target, then we'll screw our Rep if we attack before 20 turns.

I know this isn't a training game. So sorry if I seem critical. I just wanted to point out some "pointers" so everyone can improve their game!

(Besides, you can just tell me to "Get Bent" if I'm off-base here!)
:D :D :D
See, I learn somethin new all the time, I did not realize that the great library worked that way, I just thought that it was obsolete at Education. I have been enlightened :worship: (remember, I'm new to this level. and pretty much all above Warlord so, I've never played without leading, oh sorry, unless you consider the last 4 gotm's.:crazyeye: )

as for the rop, I was trying to bring our 1 lonely exploring warrior back home to upgrade to sword, and I did do the rop at the beginning of my 10 turns, and most of our lands have our borders around them,, so we only have 10 nore turns for rop:) and I saw no Chinese coming towards our area, only Indians and Koreans where Arabia used to be:D

My thoughts were that we did not need to trade with Korea, They are weak, like 5 cities or somrthing like that and they were sending a settler in our direction IIRC. So we take out Arabias last city, regroup then make some demands and/or declare war on Korea and then sue them for there techs after we have knoced out 1 or 2 cities then redeclare war and finish them or go after Otto, He is annoyed with us anyway ;) . These are the only 2 scientific civs in the world and then there would be no free techs in the new age and we would slow down the tech pace and have our Swords for a little longer. Does that sound :cool: or am I just :crazyeye:

Oh and we can just take the Pyramids from Otto.
I've already posted some battle plans, back on page 3 or 4. Look at them and tell me what you think.
And this is my official, "Got it"
Ok, I just un-got it. My game started acting really weird on turn 3. I sent an email to tech support, but I won't be able to play for a few days :mad:. Sorry. I can still offer devastating critiques though ;).
Raze and replace Kurfa. Use the galley to pick up the settler pair and run a blockade of the koreans with our swords. That iron is OURS.
Use our ROP with China to build a trade route. They're the only civ we aren't going to deliberately kill, so we might as well trade with them.
Avoid any multi-turn deals with Korea. They're our next target.
Build up horsies and mass swords on Korea's border. Once Chivary pops, mass upgrade to samurai, and Korea is doomed.
That's about it ;). Good luck.
Originally posted by Tsukemono5
So here's my plan: Storm through India, and Korea if need be, and clear a path to Ottoman country. Then sign peace with them, rebuild troops, build a supply line, and take him out. Sorry Ottomans, but Sipahi are too great a threat for us to even consider letting you survive to Mil Trad. After that, if Mil Trad is close, then build up samurai and do another mass upgrade to cavs once it comes in. Then wipe out Korea and India, and if we aren't over the domination limit, Egypt as well. Sound simple? Good. I've revised my plan in that we DON'T attack China. China will be our good buddy, simply so that we can sign him to MA if we want to distract some enemy troops.

I think this was the one that I read and that is why I was saying Korea, Or drag them into a war with Otto;) I think Korea was between Otto and Ghandi. That is why I felt ok with rop's.

Go Tsukemono, Teach them all who is in control of this world:D
Bummer about your game, I will keep checking back:(

Sounds good to me but I think we could get rid of Korea pretty quick, Unless you think this would hurt us, Or we would just wipe out the world quicker after upgrades:)

anyway, its off to the land of gotm for me, wish me luck, I will definately be needing it;)
Bad me for not reading back on Tsuki's new Chinese policy, OneFastWarrior.:o
What you did was great then.

Personally, China pissed me off more than anything the Arabs ever did, but it must have only been on my turns! :p

Onwards to victory! (aginst Korea and India initially.)
Go bz :hammer: :hammer:! I've revised my plan; move our swords up to take Korea, then we wait until Chivalry to kill the Ottomans, ignoring India until Military Tradition. WHy? India will be at its most dangerous during the same time we're trying to take out the biggest possible threat of the game. Butter up to Gandhi, do anything to keep him from attacking us, but keep him from expanding. Run a naval blockade if we must. Just keep him hemmed in, and the Japan-India war will be short. If we get a GL in the war w/ Korea, rush the FP in Seoul. And remember; build up horsemen and move them to the front line cities with barracks in them, so that when Chivalry pops, the Ottomans are doomed.
btw, the next few player turns should be infrastructure and military buildup before our next offensive. Get us trade routes and marketplaces. And don't make the mistake of staying in Monarchy when we're not at war. Use the religious trait to its fullest.
bz, where are you? Do you have it? Do you want to pass to Nick?
Nick, if bz doesn't post by tomorrow, take it. It's been a day without confirmation, nearly two, and the next turn is too important to wait without knowing what he's up to.
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