Turn 50


Warmongering Fool
Mar 21, 2005
The Netherlands
Turn 50 came in, I'll play late tonight or tomorrow morning.

Not much to do, Persian bloke is now W-SW of Shelby. I'll send two warriors to cover the grasslands he can reach.
No comments? Ok, here goes.

1800BC. Never warrior -> warrior, may want to change to archer later. settler-pair moves, use two warriors to block Persian. Explorers explore but see nothing of interest. Our military is now weak compared to Persia, which is a bad omen. Things will get dicey soon.

Discussion points:
- whereto with next settler?
- what to research after HBR?

We still have a few turns for answering both.
Turn sent.
TNT probably built one, maybe two immortals that turn, which would shift the balance, however considering our scouts are some 20 sq away to the north and we still haven't run into TNT means that will will still have a fair bit of time to organise ourselves from a major attack, but it gives us all the more reason to hook up the iron and horses quickly and get production underway. If we agree to the new KISS deal then we will be researching maths, and the next settler i think will be going to position 2 on daveshacks map.
I would settle nr 3. After that 2, but moved 1 tile east, so that it is distance 3 from several towns and on our side of the river.
zyxy said:
I would settle nr 3. After that 2, but moved 1 tile east, so that it is distance 3 from several towns and on our side of the river.

Oops, i got the postions mixed up, i agree with 3 then 2.
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