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Unique Names


Oct 28, 2008
Los Angeles
Ive always been a fan of Dynamic Civ Names, but i think some of the names get a tad dull after a while (possibly too similar). So Ive decided to make a whole slew of civ unique names. These are all the names Ive assembled, but Im sure there are many more to be found, and some of the ones ive found could be better. So i have decided to enlist CFC.

I'm trying to avoid dynastic names.
"<-TBI" simply means I havent put that name into the game yet.
I added new civics module I made that added one (1) new civic to each category.
Some of the names where pillaged shamelessly from RFC.
"Junta" means under Police State AND in the lower half of the scoreboard. (currently the trigger code isnt working for some reason)
When I put "Republic", it means both Representation and Universal Sufferage trigger the name.

Names I have, divided by civ:
Spoiler :
Spoiler :
Arabian Caliphate (HR, Theocracy and State Religion MUST be Islam)
Arabian Emirate (Vassal Kingdom)
Ba'athist Arabia (State Property AND Nationhood)
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Modern age Kingdom)
League of Arab States (Modern age City-States)
Socialist Action Arabia (State Property and Republic)

Spoiler :
%s States of America (Theocracy, where %s is the State Religion)
Autonomous States of America (City-States)
Federal Kingdom of America (Kingdom)
Perpetual Union of America (another choice for City-States)
United Kingdom of America (Kingdom)
United State of America (Police State)
United States of America (Republic. Also possibly city-states.)

Spoiler :
Aztec Democracy (Police State)
Aztec Narco-State (Junta)
Aztec Syarchist Union (Police State AND NOT State Property AND a State Religion)
Popular Socialist Aztlan (State Property)

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Note: both will use the same set of names, but "Babylonia" will obviously be replaced by Sumer if your playing as Sumer.
Ba'athist Babylonia (State Property AND Nationhood)
Babylonian Caliphate (HR, Theocracy and State Religion MUST be Islam)
People's Union of Babylonia (State Property)

Spoiler :
Airstrip One (Police State, Nationhood, NOT Emancipation, State Property)
British Commonwealth (Republic)
British Permanent Revolution (Republic AND State Property)
Holy Britannian Empire (Theocratic Kingdom)
Protectorate of England, Scotland, and Ireland (Police State)
United Kingdom of Great Britain (Post-Renaissance Kingdom)

Spoiler :
Autonomous Themata of Byzantium (City-States) <-TBI
Exarchate of Byzantium (Theocratic Vassal Kingdom) <-TBI
Iconoclastic Byzantium (Theocratic Kingdom)

Spoiler :
Carthaginian Caliphate (HR, Theocracy and State Religion MUST be Islam)
Carthaginian Shofetate (City-states? Representation?)
Carthaginian Vizierate (Islamic Vassal Kingdom )
Exarchate of Africa (Vassal Kingdom) <-TBI

Spoiler :
Beiyang China (Police State) <-TBI
Kuomintang China (Nationhood AND NOT State Property)
One China (Nationhood AND State Property)
%s Kingdoms of China (City-States)

Spoiler :
Egyptian Progressive Union (Republic AND State Property)
Egyptian Sultanate (HR, Theocracy and State Religion MUST be Islam)

Spoiler :
Ethiopian Derg (Junta AND State Property)
Shewan Sultanate (HR, Theocracy and State Religion MUST be Islam)
Woredas of Ethiopia (City-States) <-TBI

Spoiler :
German Reich (Kingdom)
Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Republic AND NOT State Property)
Deutsche Demokratische Republik (Republic AND State Property)
Nazi Germany (Police State AND Nationhood)
Reichskommisariat Deutschland (Vassal AND Police State)

Greece (considering changing to "Hellas")
Spoiler :
Hellenic Civilization (Police State)

Holy Rome
Spoiler :
Holy %s Empire (Theocratic Kingdom/City-states, where %s is the State Religion)

Spoiler :
Indian Maharajate (Hindu Kingdom)
Princely States of India (Vassal Kingdom) <-TBI
Indian Sultanate (HR, Theocracy and State Religion MUST be Islam)
Thikanas of India (Hindu Vassal Kingdom) <-TBI
Naxalite India (Police State and State Property)
Undivided India (Nationhood)

Spoiler :
Japanese Shogunate (Kingdom)
Empire of the Rising Sun (Police State)

Khmer (Becomes Cambodia at Industrial)
Spoiler :
Democratic Kampuchea (Police State and State Property)

Spoiler :
Korean National Defence Commission (Junta and State Property)
Undivided Korea (Nationhood)

Spoiler :
Military Committee for Malian Liberation (Junta)

Maya (Perhaps becomes Guatemala at Industrial)
Spoiler :
Maya Ajawate/Ajawdom (Kingdom)
Maya Federation (Republic)
Maya National Revolutionary Union (State Property and Republic)
Maya Revolutionary Government Junta (State Property and Junta)

Spoiler :
Bogd Khaanate of Mongolia (Theocratic Kingdom)
Mongol Khaganate (Kingdom)
Mongol Khanate (Vassal Kingdom)
Occupied Mongolia (Late game Vassal Kingdom)
Republic of Buryatia (Vassal Republic)

Spoiler :
Batavian Republic (Vassal Republic)
Dutch Communist League (State Property and Republic)
Dutch National Union (Police State and Nationhood)
Dutch Stadtholdership (Vassal Kingdom)
# United Netherlands (Republic, where # is the number of cities)

Norden (Vikings)
Spoiler :
Communist Nordic League (State Property and Republic)
National Nordic Democracy (Nationhood and Republic)
Nordic Council (City-States)
Nordic National Gathering (Police State)
Patriotic People's Norden/Lapua Norden (Police State AND Nationhood AND NOT State Property)<-

Persia (Becomes Iran at Industrial)
Spoiler :
Persian Shahdom (Kingdom)
Persia Spahbodom (early Junta)<-TBI
Persian Sultanate (HR, Theocracy and State Religion MUST be Islam)
Imperial State of Iran (Junta OR Modern Kingdom)
Tudeh Iran (State Property)

Spoiler :
Portugese Ditadura Nacional (Police State)

Rome (becomes Italy at Industrial)
Spoiler :
Exarchate of Rome (Theocratic Vassal Kingdom) <-TBI
Fascist Italy (Police State)
Senatus Populus Que Romanus (pre-Industrial Republic)

Spoiler :
Novaya Russia (Police State or Junta)
Tsardom of Russia (Kingdom)
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Police State AND State Property)

Spoiler :
Autonomous Communities of Spain (Industrial+ City-States)
Autonomous Taifas of Spain (Medieval+ City-States and State Religion MUST be Islam)
Caliphate of Al-Andalus (HR, Theocracy and State Religion MUST be Islam)
United Leftist Spain (State Property and Republic)
Viceroyalty of Spain (Vassal Kingdom)

Spoiler :
Revolutionary People's Liberated Turkey (State Property and Police State)
Three Pashas Triuumvirate (Police State)
Turish Beylik (Vassal Kingdom)
Turkish Bozkurt (Junta)
Turkish Sultanate (HR, Theocracy and State Religion MUST be Islam)
United Communist Turkey (State Property and Republic)

Rebel Names:
Spoiler :
Militia Movement (Police State)
Sons of Liberty (Republic)

Zapatista Rebellion (State Property)

Tongmenghui Movement (Republic)
Kuomintang (Nationhood)

Shining Path (State Property)

Indian National Congress (Republic)
Naxalite Uprising (State Property)

Green Movement of Iran (Republic)

Redshirts (Republic)

Russian Red Army (State Property)
Russian White Army (Republic)
Sons of Russia (Police State)
Just because they're not listed doesn't mean I removed them, it just means I have nothing for them. :)

But that reminded me that I did have something for Holy Rome, I just forgot it. Added
I dont know how old you are, but if you were alive during "Reagan's America" you'll remember all the paranoia and "ooh the Russians are gonna get us!" mentality. There was a TV show I had to watch in 7th or 8th grade called "Amerika" in faux Cyrillic with the "r" reversed I think, about the Communist take over of America. It would of course be "The Glorious People's Republic of Amerika" or the "Union of Soviet Socialized Amerikan States" or the something along those lines.

Good luck to you, seems like you have a lot of imagination! :goodjob:

Aztec becomes Mexico at industrial

New Roman Empire (Roman industrial if more than 10 cities, otherwise it is Italy)

Also, leaders should change names too.
I dont know how old you are, but if you were alive during "Reagan's America" you'll remember all the paranoia and "ooh the Russians are gonna get us!" mentality. There was a TV show I had to watch in 7th or 8th grade called "Amerika" in faux Cyrillic with the "r" reversed I think, about the Communist take over of America. It would of course be "The Glorious People's Republic of Amerika" or the "Union of Soviet Socialized Amerikan States" or the something along those lines.

Good luck to you, seems like you have a lot of imagination! :goodjob:

Im only 17, so no, I dont remember Reagans America. I think I prefer the cliche USSA though.

Very few of these names are of my own creation (I think only United State of America, but thats hardly very creative); some are pillaged from RFC, most are based on the names of some actual political parties or movements, and some (Airstrip One, holy britannian empire, novaya russia) are based on various fictional sources. All are from the interwebs.


Aztec becomes Mexico at industrial

New Roman Empire (Roman industrial if more than 10 cities, otherwise it is Italy)

Also, leaders should change names too.

1) im not entirely sure. i dont really want to change the Maya either. Although their unique names are both inspired by Mexico and guatemala, respectively (just like the Incas are inspired by Peru).

2) Interesting idea.

3) A little beyond the scope of this project though.

Have a look at the Community Civ V. Everything is already in there. ;)

I just checked, but CCV doesnt have unique names on this scope. Unless you were talking about civgeniuses leader-changing suggestion.
I have now added the unique rebel names I have to the first post.

Although the regular Unique Names is pretty well fleshed out, the Rebel names aren't. There are only a handful of them.

Also, I'm thinking about whether I should change the names to be "Noun of [Short Description]" rather than "[Adjective] Noun" (ie, Shofetate of Carthage and Caliphate of Arabia rather than Carthaginian Shofetate and Arabian Caliphate). Which would be better?
Did you actually get this to work? I have been trying to add it to my mod.

Also Thomas SG, what's up with you not answering my PMs man?
I just gave up trying to extract Dynamic Civ Names and used RevDCM as a base (if thats what you're asking). Afterwards, I opened the DynamicCivNames.py file and mass deleted most of the sections that handled what name was given. Then I began to rewrite it with new names and a different hierarchy- first, it checks if you are a vassal. Then it checks if you are theocratic, then if you have 1 city, then for Communism, Corporatocracy (a new civic), Nationhood, then by government type.

DCN already had a system in place for unique names like Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Third Reich, and a few others, which involved checking whether a word (like Russian or German) was in the civ's Adjective. Its pretty simple to make a name unique to certain civs just by running this additional check.
Or should it be Estado Novo Portuguesa?

And what about Carnation Portugal for a State Property republic? And Portuguese Salvation Junta for a State Property Junta?
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