I am making a scenario/mod map that has a series of keeps that can be captured using seige weapons and heroes. This is being based off of DAoC and their frontiers, but of course due to Civ3 limitations and design ideas of my own, it's not going to look the same lol.
Anyways, I'm really in need of a unit that can represent a central keep tower. To give you an idea of what I am trying to do....
I am using Kinboat's medieval walls units for the outer walls, a 9 square box, the central box is going to be a "city" that produces keep guards, and will have the capturable "central keep unit" that I am asking for. The city itself I am going to make invisable, in the city.pcx files I will put a blank spot for size 1 cities. Also I asked Kinboat if he could help me out and modify his keep walls such to add a straight wall section that was a "gatehouse". In DAoC, the only way into a keep is through the gate, so basically the other sections are unable to be moved through.
Any help in this would be very much appreciated
I don't have any pictures to attach
but maybe i can do A lil somethuing here to show an overhead of what it might look like:
And this is in a 3x3 grid. The equal signs are walls, the pluses are tower tops. And I had to put in the periods to space it out since it didn't like spacebar
Hopefully someone has a neat idea for the central keep part. I liked the roman seige tower BTW but the fact it has wheels, is made of wood and not stone, and it's not totally suare, are all valid issues lol. I got no idea how to draw/design units but I'm sure oneof you out there knows how to make what I'm babbling on about a reality LOL
Thanks for reading and I hope someone takes this up, there mioght be alot of other neat uses for this unit besides mine