I was looking at the unique units/buildings listed on the Spreadsheet posted, and I saw that no Russian unique unit/buildings are listed.
Using history as a guide...I suggest creating a building that decreases war weariness in the city it is built. Something like -75% war
Infantry units should get a 2 city defense bonuses to start, along with +10% strength.
This would represent the fact that Russia has never been successfully taken over - even though they have lost major portions of land/population, the Russian soldiers fight back and continue to fight. They took down Napoleon, and outlasted Hitler's Wehrmact and continued fighting - even when all looked lost. This would represent the city garrison promotions, and the decreased war weariness building.
Possible Russian Infantry Unit graphics:
Building: I'm not sure...but why not just use the Kremlin/a variation of the Kremlin as the unique building that can be built in all cities. It is a part of Russian culture, dating all the way back to the Czars/Byzantium empire...so maybe just use the Kremlin and allow it to replace the Jail, and use it as their unique building. The Russian peoples seem to be able to take on a brunt of fighting without getting as discouraged as other militaries such as the USA. The citizens seem to take fighting hand in hand with life, and it has been a major part of Slavic history/culture.