'US troops' strike inside Syria

Is it ok for Mexico to strike inside the US to target (something Mexico dislikes)?

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The real poll should be:

If a nation knowningly allows and harbors people that carry out attacks on another nation, is that other nation justified in taking action against these people?

Easy answer is yes. What exactly do you think the war in afghanistan was?

Can you tell me why it was ok to invade afghanistan (with the support of the world) when they were doing exactly the samething as Syria is doing?
The real poll should be:

If a nation knowningly allows and harbors people that carry out attacks on another nation, is that other nation justified in taking action against these people?

Easy answer is yes. What exactly do you think the war in afghanistan was?

Can you tell me why it was ok to invade afghanistan (with the support of the world) when they were doing exactly the samething as Syria is doing?
Because the world failed to support Iraqi War.
either declare war or stop bombing them. No one any longer beleives the crap that comes out of the US' mouths, nobody just accepts the US can attack any country they like without evemn having the guts to declare war. Frankly, I hope theres some effective retaliation for this

Yeah, because you really have to take the US's word for it that Syria is a terrorist harboring dictatorship that lies though its teeth :rolleyes:

The fact that you are actually wishing death upon people defending Iraqi civilians in revenge over the death of terrorists is RRW at his best :goodjob:
More global dickwaving by the U.S. government, which we know has (is?) the biggest dick of them all.
It looks like everything just boils down to "might makes right". Very sad.

Given your poll, I can hardly see what might Mexico has.
The thing is that the US has no idea how it feels to be attacked.
I know some of you think 9/11 was an attack but there is a serious difference between terorism and a military strike.
This just proofs once aggain that the US is the real rogue state.

The pentagon was attacked. Technically wasn't terrorism. That, my friend, was a military strike.
either declare war or stop bombing them. No one any longer beleives the crap that comes out of the US' mouths, nobody just accepts the US can attack any country they like without evemn having the guts to declare war. Frankly, I hope theres some effective retaliation for this

Ah...the same old mantra.

Syria GOOD...USA bad.

The pentagon was attacked. Technically wasn't terrorism. That, my friend, was a military strike.

Wrong. It absolutely was terrorism. You may want to brush up a bit on your understanding of what terrorism is.
Because the world failed to support Iraqi War.

These attacks by insurgents are mainly directed towards the citizens of Iraq, not the US military. The world supports rebuilding Iraq...even the "precious" UN. So then why are these actions looked down upon?

As far as not supporting the war, that is a bad answer seeing the world supported afghanistan, yet the world and people on this board for what I recall, are up in arms when attacks are carried out against Al-Qaeda in pakistan.
Ah...the same old mantra.

Syria GOOD...USA bad.

Wrong. It absolutely was terrorism. You may want to brush up a bit on your understanding of what terrorism is.

I agree, it was terrorism because it achieved a political aim; get us into a stupid war we can't win on military terms.
I agree, it was terrorism because it achieved a political aim; get us into a stupid war we can't win on military terms.

Thats one reason. There are others that also signify it as a terrorist attack, which also include (but are not limited to) the method used, and the fact that the attackers themselves were not members of any military service.
I have the uneasy feeling that there may be many more such
incidents in this tail end of the Emperor Bush II administration.

The give them hell special forces will no doubt want to go out
in style finishing off a few nasties on the top of their hit list.

And likely they will get it wrong and kill civilians in the process too.

I do wonder if (and what) may be planned before 4 November 2008.
Screw them. We should invade that craphole and install democracy.

And Americans wonder why people hate us.

Ask them about Lebanon's sovereignty. If this constitutes an invasion and act of war, what do you call what Syria does in Lebanon?

So, because Syria stoops to such lows, America should as well? :rolleyes:

Edit: . .. .. .. ., voted yes not no.
Well, apparently they managed to get a senior Al Q corrdinator...


A U.S. strike on a network of foreign fighters in Syria killed its main target — an Al Qaeda coordinator who was wanted for sending foreign fighters, weapons and cash into Iraq, a U.S. official told FOX News.

Killed in Sunday's attack by Special Operations Forces was Abu Ghadiyain, Al Qaeda's senior coordinator operating in Syria who was closely associated with the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq.

The assault, which took place about 4-5 miles inside Syria, came just days after the commander of U.S. forces in western Iraq said American troops were redoubling efforts to secure the border, which he called an "uncontrolled" gateway for fighters entering Iraq.
Blatant violation of Syrian sovreignity, and an act of war.

Meh, not like Syria can do anything about it. Hell, if they didn't encourage people to use Syria as a base to attack Iraq then this situation would never have happened. Remember not that long ago Syria was hosting Kurdish rebels and allowing them to organize in Syria before launching attacks into Turkey; the Turks actually launched a limited invasion taking over the border region, destroying outposts & taking captives, before going back to Turkey. I'm afraid the Syrian regime has a history of letting proxies use its territory.
Funny, but everyone at the UN seemed to think that Iraq had WMDs. All foreign intelligence confirmed US intelligence. There was not a dissenting voice to Powell's presentation. .

Surely people are not still coming out with that crap.

Intelligence did not say Iraq had WMDs.

The US and British administrations said that intelligence said that Iraq had WMDs.

They lied, as did Powell.

Even your Senate has caught up with this one, so why can't you?

Yeah, because you really have to take the US's word for it that Syria is a terrorist harboring dictatorship that lies though its teeth :rolleyes:

It's no longer possible to simply take the US's word for anything. See above.
either declare war or stop bombing them. No one any longer beleives the crap that comes out of the US' mouths, nobody just accepts the US can attack any country they like without evemn having the guts to declare war.
Oh come on! As if the world would be a better place, if US declared war on all states that supports terrorism. It would lead to thousands of unnecesary deaths, and no one wants that.
It has nothing to do with guts. It's realpolitics. So now that we have established that US shouldn't declare war, which options are left? Do nothing? Ask them nice and politely to stop killing your boys? Or giving a rats ass about their dictatorial leaderships "rights", and targeting the people who are already at war with you.

Frankly, I hope theres some effective retaliation for this
At least you show your true colours now, so we know which side you are on...
Oh come on! As if the world would be a better place, if US declared war on all states that supports terrorism. It would lead to thousands of unnecesary deaths, and no one wants that.
It has nothing to do with guts. It's realpolitics. So now that we have established that US shouldn't declare war, which options are left? Do nothing? Ask them nice and politely to stop killing your boys? Or giving a rats ass about their dictatorial leaderships "rights", and targeting the people who are already at war with you.

I'm so sick of hearing excuses for behavior by the US that would see any other nation castigated... stop pretending there are a different set of rules for america, there isnt, and the world as a whole is getting sick and sicker of US aggression. should the UK have bombed Dublin during the troubles? Do you honestly think this is going to achieve anyhting other than make even more people hate the US and slightly cinrease McCain's chances? Dont give me this realpolitik BS, its the US acting however they wish because they know a tenth rate military power like Syria cant do anyhting about it, well, not directly in any case. their troops ar eonly within striking distance of Syria because of US lies, do you honestly expect anyone to just take the Us excuses for aggression at face value anymore? those days are over, for good.

At least you show your true colours now, so we know which side you are on...
either with us or against us... funny, last time I was tlkaing with a Danish soldier he seemed to actually have a lot of cop on, apparently its not universal though

4 of the dead were children incidentally, I'm sure I'll be told that was a mistake but its a mistake the Us keeps making... hope yer proud lads, 4 more dead kids
I'm so sick of hearing excuses for behavior by the US that would see any other nation castigated...
Russia was castigated for invading Georgia?
stop pretending there are a different set of rules for america, there isnt, and the world as a whole is getting sick and sicker of US aggression.
Different set of rules? What happened to Colombia for violating Ecuadorian and Chavistan borders? Nothing. What happened to Syria for sending foreign fighters into Iraq? Nothing (except what the US does about it... the UN does NOTHING). What happened to Russia when it invaded Georgia? Nothing.

How is nothing happening when you invade another country a NEW rule?
should the UK have bombed Dublin during the troubles?
But the US did not bomb Syria. And yes, the UK killed Irish terrorists and this is a good thing.
Do you honestly think this is going to achieve anyhting other than make even more people hate the US and slightly cinrease McCain's chances?
Well, it did (capture or) kill AQ's senior coordinator in Syria. The objective is to secure the border and this is a major step in that direction.
Dont give me this realpolitik BS, its the US acting however they wish because they know a tenth rate military power like Syria cant do anyhting about it, well, not directly in any case.
But I thought you said it was because the US "Didn't have the guts"? Now you are changing your story already? Tell me... why didn't Russia declare war on Georgia?
their troops ar eonly within striking distance of Syria because of US lies,
How does this matter? Somehow, your assessment of "lies" (which is not supported by anything real, including the commission report) means that crimes against the US are ok now? Nice logic there.
do you honestly expect anyone to just take the Us excuses for aggression at face value anymore? those days are over, for good.
Haha. The US will continue to do what it deems necessary. You can believe whoever you want.

either with us or against us... funny, last time I was tlkaing with a Danish soldier he seemed to actually have a lot of cop on, apparently its not universal though
Ad homs vs. posters with other opinions? Weak.

4 of the dead were children incidentally, I'm sure I'll be told that was a mistake but its a mistake the Us keeps making... hope yer proud lads, 4 more dead kids
According to Syrian officials (read: terrorists). It's funny how you will not believe the US but you have no problem believing Syria (as if they have never lied).

By the way, you say "I'm sure I will be told that was a mistake". Does this mean that you do not believe that? You mean to say that the US killed the children (if they really existed) ON PURPOSE?

And what happened to Turkey when it violated Iraq borders earlier this year? Nothing. And you said that was fine.

So, in the last 6 months we have about 8 countries that have violated another's borders and nothing happened to any of them. Half of those instances, you supported the border violation. In none of those instances was war declared.

But now YOU want new rules?
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