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Middle East thread

Bonyduck Campersang

Dec 11, 2022
Didn't see any thread that focuses on the Middle East, so made this one.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said more than 100 people were killed and 125 injured. An official in the alliance backing Syria’s government said the toll was about 100.
Al Jazeera’s Zeina Khodr, who has reported extensively on Syria, said that that attack represents “a major security breach, a blow to the Syrian regime”.

“It has been years since the forces of the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad have been targeted in such an operation in the heart of government-controlled territory,” she said.

“It seems that the Syrian regime is blaming the opposition because just moments after this attack, their planes started to target residential areas in the opposition-controlled enclaves in the northwest of the country.”

Also from the same article:

US claims to have shot down Turkish drone​

Meanwhile, in northeast Syria, the United States said it had shot down an armed Turkish drone that was operating near its troops on Thursday, despite denials from a Turkish defence ministry official.

If the drone was Turkish, it would be the first time that Washington has brought down an aircraft belonging to its NATO ally.
various unmarked drones have been brought by both or more sides . As for aircraft , let us say this is tenous , say since 1960s or 70s .
there is some joy , by the looks of it . The echo chamber follows the stuff with 17 of the 50 threads on its first page related to it . Of course , there will be the usual savagery and whatnot in coming days and as a round number for the purposes of discussion maybe 10 000 will die . No , this is not to be reported as an upper or lower limit , just a figure of speech and there is no need to move this post elsewhere , because it is somehow related to Israeli-Palestinian conflict , because remember usual savagery ? See , the good old Ihvan is getting used to its proxies to keep its "rear elements" safe while "fighters" seek martyrdom . Thinking that it is able on its own , unlike a full century since it was "re-established" . That it just might go for better prizes . Not yet seen in CFC yet but reportedly Western internet users were celebrating Budanov striking evil enemies everywhere with the perfect example of the drone strike against the graduation ceremony mentioned up above, even if Iranians have top grade stuff themselves to knock out those Merkavas and whatever .

see , the thing is when the savagery is over and do not be surprised to see there will be so much of it , those who are enjoying themselves today might not be happy . Even goaded to trust on Hamas and its success today for emulation to try things , to take revenge on easier targets . This is not a warning , this is not anything , this is ... whatever . Do not find it out in the hard way why the West have been protecting you , instead of doing it on their own .
Moderator Action: OK, but let's not get this one mixed up with the Israel/Palestine thread.
Syria and Iraque should united in a single country as ISIS tryied to do.
Syria and Iraque should united in a single country as ISIS tryied to do.
I'm not sure Iraq is willing to unite even with itself

I'm not sure Iraq is willing to unite even with itself

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Except for a Kurdish on north, most of Iraq is Arab and can develop a nation based on that despite have sunni and shia groups.

The shia is right in their claim about Ali and his family should be the real caliphas, but this claim don't make more sense in third milenium because there is no more Ali descendents on earth.

What Iraque need is a strong man to rule over the nation,as Sudam Hussein was, but unfortunelly US invade it and make the chaos in name of liberty.
Except for a Kurdish on north
So you agree that Kurds deserve to have their state too? Which would require to take chunks of land from Syria and Turkey as well, where Kurds live.
The shia is right in their claim about Ali and his family should be the real caliphas, but this claim don't make more sense in third milenium because there is no more Ali descendents on earth.
Good luck trying to convince any Shia Muslim that their religion doesn't make sense in the third millennium.
What Iraque need is a strong man to rule over the nation,as Sudam Hussein was, but unfortunelly US invade it and make the chaos in name of liberty.
You probably know that the US invaded when the "strong man" decided that he was strong enough to invade a weaker neighbor for some extra living space and extra oil
So you agree that Kurds deserve to have their state too? Which would require to take chunks of land from Syria and Turkey as well, where Kurds live.
Yes, Kurds deserve being a country taking land of Syria and Turkey as well.

You probably know that the US invaded when the "strong man" decided that he was strong enough to invade a weaker neighbor for some extra living space and extra oil
You are talking about Kuweit war? I still believing US should not interfer in this kind of stufs.

What is the national difference between Kuweit and Iraq, they could be a single country yes.
Approving the use of force to seize territory is not something most people would agree to. Hussein started the eight-year-long Iran tires war. Two years after that war ended in a stalemate, Hussein invaded Kuwait. A true peace lover.

I guess it's bad if the US invades a country, but it's just fine for everyone else? Circular logic indeed.
Approving the use of force to seize territory is not something most people would agree to. Hussein started the eight-year-long Iran tires war. Two years after that war ended in a stalemate, Hussein invaded Kuwait. A true peace lover.

I guess it's bad if the US invades a country, but it's just fine for everyone else? Circular logic indeed.
The boarder of middle east is very arbitrary, and just war can change boarders.
I think a war to united the arab world is inevitable.

Sadam Hussein try to start it invading Kuweit, ISIS try to united Iraq and Syria, what will be the next move? It's inevitable.
The boarder of middle east is very arbitrary, and just war can change boarders.
You wouldn't want to participate in any sort of war I'm sure, just or not. It seems it's like TV entertainment for some. Get the popcorn and place your bets.
You wouldn't want to participate in any sort of war I'm sure, just or not. It seems it's like TV entertainment for some. Get the popcorn and place your bets.
Yes, you are right, I'm luckly in a peacefull country without boarder disputes.
And I don't desire war to anyone else and I hope the Pax Americanas survive forever.

But still, some scenarios, as that in the middle east, shows as inevitable wars.
I hope some entitiy can bring pacific solutions, but Syria is also under a civil war and a proxy war between US and Russia who made that happens.
and Iraq was just invaded by US and western allies.

And the reason of all that wars was an arbitrary line between france and england when they took out land of the Otoman Empire.
Syria and Iraq should united as single country and let the Kurds be a free country as well.
And the reason of all that wars was an arbitrary line between france and england when they took out land of the Otoman Empire.

It's not really that though that's causing all the wars, otherwise the Baathists would have redrawn the post colonial borders long ago. Except they couldn't because they were a threat to the Saudi crown by proving themselves to be a viable pan Arabic alternative to "the family", while at the same time being a threat to Israel (remember the Baathists were the first to take action to "free Palestine") making them a threat to the American ruling political class via pissing off the NYC Jewish lobby should the USA fail to protect Zionist interests.

That's why eventually since they had a common interest the US and Saudis then started working in tandem to bump off all the Baathist strongmen one by one, despite being at odds with one another over the Israel issue. Eventually once the Baathists were gone eventually America and Arabia would have to go to war against each other, however oh so conveniently the Iranian revolution happened which then created another rival to "the family" creating a proper counterbalance that has ever since allowed the US to play off of Saudi insecurities of the Persians to get them to comply with tolerating Israel in the region, and in return the US supported Saudi puppets like in Kuwait to create a counterbalance to the few remaining Baathists to provoke them into making stupid decisions in order to have carte blanche excuses for eliminating the last of them.

[snip] Moderator Action: We have a thread on the current conflict and it is not this one. I have removed your comments on that conflict from this post. Birdjaguar.
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You probably know that the US invaded when the "strong man" decided that he was strong enough to invade a weaker neighbor for some extra living space and extra oil

No, they invaded because Dick Cheney wanted to increase Halliburton's stock price. Don't confuse gulf wars 1 and 2. Oh and btw Kuwait isn't a real country, it only exists becuase the British wanted a base in the Persian Gulf.
Do I look like red_elk to you :lol:

*shrug* Kuwait is a dynasty of *******s that, like the House of Saud, have their own state because it was useful to the British for them to have it. (and btw it had nothing whatever to do with lebensraun - have you looked at Kuwait on a map? - and everything to do with the oil).

The West had no problem feeding Saddam weapons and intelligence while he was fighting a damn-near-genocidal war against Iran. Funny how that works, innit?
The West had no problem feeding Saddam weapons and intelligence while he was fighting a damn-near-genocidal war against Iran. Funny how that works, innit?

Iraq's army was primarily equipped with weaponry it had previously purchased from the Soviet Union and its satellites in the preceding decade. During the war, it also purchased billions of dollars' worth of advanced equipment from France, China, Egypt, Germany and other sources. Iraq's three main suppliers of weaponry during the war were the Soviet Union followed by China and then France.

The United States sold Iraq over $200 million in helicopters, which were used by the Iraqi military in the war. These were the only direct U.S.-Iraqi military sales. At the same time, the U.S. provided substantial covert support for Saddam Hussein. The CIA directed non-U.S. origin hardware to Saddam Hussein's armed forces, "to ensure that Iraq had sufficient military weapons, ammunition and vehicles to avoid losing the Iran-Iraq war. And "dual use" technology was transferred from the U.S. to Iraq.

West Germany and United Kingdom also provided dual use technology that allowed Iraq to expand its missile program and radar defences.

According to an uncensored copy of Iraq's 11,000-page declaration to the U.N., leaked to Die Tageszeitung and reported by The Independent, the know-how and material for developing unconventional weapons were obtained from 150 foreign companies, from countries such as West Germany, the U.S., France, UK and China.

Iraq's main financial backers were the oil-rich Persian Gulf states, most notably Saudi Arabia ($30.9 billion), Kuwait ($8.2 billion) and the United Arab Emirates ($8 billion).

There was the United Arab Republic and that didn’t last. And I don’t get the desire to pretend like the last 100 years didn’t happen and the map should be redrawn again. Why?
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