The crispness of the units is very nice the more I see them.
Do you know if photoshop has an unsharp mask?
Do you know if photoshop has an unsharp mask?
Photoshop has always had that tool because it dates back to the darkroom days when technicians created them manually.Do you know if photoshop has an unsharp mask?
It depends upon what you are trying to achieve. The unsharp mask effects the pixels on an edge of an image fooling your eye into believing the image is sharper. Adobe Photoshop has the definitive USM tool, and Elements has the same tool. Photoshop has added Smart Sharpen, which is USM with additional options, and seems very nice. In these Adobe programs, you can hold the left mouse button down on the little image in the tool to see the unsharpened original, or let up to see the sharpening effect.It's under Filter-Sharpen-Unsharp Mask.
I've never used it before, but it sounds much better than using the sharpen tool as Gary mentioned.
You are the best, Gary
Thank you for these wonderful units
I hope there will come a lot of more units in this Area...
AWESOME. Thanks! If you have the time, I wouldn't mind seeing this one Civ Colored as well. If you don't, well, that's okay too.