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Vincentz Infinite Projects [VIP MOD]

1) They should be able to change the theme color. The Solids makes the bars/windows 0% transparent, while Transparents makes the bars/windows seethrough.
F.ex. Red Solid :
Spoiler :

or Green Transparent (with civ color text off) :
Spoiler :

2) They should work : 1st Civ specific, 2nd Era specific, 3rd None. Also the Civ text changes in my setup. Maybe try using the Python folder a few post up. Not only does it work, it also have "Vincentz Build List" in it ;) (Download link)
Civ specific
Spoiler :

Era Specific
Spoiler :

Spoiler :

3) Its not that you are attacking 2 times, its just the defender withdraws and another defender is sent as a reinforcement, making combat a lot more dynamic and a bit more unpredictable. The higher movementpoints and withdrawal rate, the better chance of escaping combat, even if loosing. It should write a message that defender have withdrawn.

4) Did they have 1 visionrange or 0 visionrange. If the later, sometimes a ship can "run over" them without getting notification. The AI trireme could have been dispanded by the AI because of financial problems, though I havent personally seen any of the examples, but will look out for it. Best of course would be a savegame, so I could study why they disappeared.

1) I will try the solid graphics. I assume that it overrides the Platy option?

2) I have the civ specific background, no matter which one I choose. I tried installing the zip file. It did make the Platy options work but everything except the map disappeared when I entered the city screen. In other words, the panels at left, right and bottom were all blank… no resource list, built list, build list, specialists, etc. I replaced the Python folder with the one in the zip file. Should I look in the folders and only replace the files that have the same name instead?

3) That explains things. I did not know if something was wrong or if it was intended. Is there something in the civilopedia that explains the VIP "rule" changes? I have looked for such info without success.

4) Both ships of mine that disappeared had 0 visionrange and were located next to unexplored spaces. Neither one had orders to move when they vanished and no barb ship showed up later. One of them was offshore of an AI, so there could have been a barb there but the other one was in the midst of my coastal waters with only the one tile unexplored and the tiles on both sides visible. No other ship ever showed up there and another ship that I then sent there found nothing on the hidden tile. I don't have a save but if it happens again, I will up load the autosaves from the two consecutive turns. (I have autosave set to save every turn but only to retain the most recent 10 saves.)
I'm on my 3rd game of the current version (had to abort the previous two ones because the AI crushed me!!) and now that I've noticed it, I wonder why the Dualism tech sticks around even after someone else has already unlocked Hinduism with it. It's a dead end tech and serves no further purpose than to found a religion ... why would somebody waste some turns on it then?
OK, question. I'm on a continent w/4 AI, all same reli, have OB and DefPacs with all. I'm in Rep & FM and have roads connected to all. So how come my trade advisors telling me that they're not connected to trade network? I'm in the flipping early REN era playing as Musa, I should be rolling in trade routes by now. So what's the scoop Oh Evil Genius?

Which advisors? A screenshot or a savegame would be very helpful. Is it resources you cannot trade? or the national/international cityscreen traderoutes?

1) I will try the solid graphics. I assume that it overrides the Platy option?

2) I have the civ specific background, no matter which one I choose. I tried installing the zip file. It did make the Platy options work but everything except the map disappeared when I entered the city screen. In other words, the panels at left, right and bottom were all blank… no resource list, built list, build list, specialists, etc. I replaced the Python folder with the one in the zip file. Should I look in the folders and only replace the files that have the same name instead?

3) That explains things. I did not know if something was wrong or if it was intended. Is there something in the civilopedia that explains the VIP "rule" changes? I have looked for such info without success.

4) Both ships of mine that disappeared had 0 visionrange and were located next to unexplored spaces. Neither one had orders to move when they vanished and no barb ship showed up later. One of them was offshore of an AI, so there could have been a barb there but the other one was in the midst of my coastal waters with only the one tile unexplored and the tiles on both sides visible. No other ship ever showed up there and another ship that I then sent there found nothing on the hidden tile. I don't have a save but if it happens again, I will up load the autosaves from the two consecutive turns. (I have autosave set to save every turn but only to retain the most recent 10 saves.)

1) Nope, Platy overrides mine. But iirc its only some of the fullscreen advisors that it makes transparent, not the interface as such.

2) Yup, replacing should do the trick. Though while replacing it while running the game should be possible, I usually close down the game before editing/replacing python files.
A stupid question. Is your civ updated to 3.19 (of course it is, but just making sure). Also, do you have mods installed in the Documents folder?
I'll make a new python folder update, as Joseph pointed out that some files were older in the last update. Hopefully that should work. Btw, did you install VIP 0.97 on top of an old VIP install?

3) I've been pretty bad at making civopedias, sorry, but I often change the rules, and they would then become obsolete or misinforming. My best advice is to read the 55 pages in this thread :p (nah ;) just ask questions in this thread, I usually take a look here every day, sometimes multiple times a day.)

4) I think I know what the problem is. I had it with Rams before, when they couldn't attack. Then enemy units walking on top of them would simply destroy them without a fight, and the Rams could walk straight into an enemy city and capture it without a fight. The first boat cannot attack too, which makes the problem. I'll fix for 0.97. Thanks for report.

View attachment 383699

This. As I said. I'm in the REN era, just recently discoveed gunpowder (hence caravels), I'm in REP/FM, have OB and same reli with all the civs on my continent (including def pacs) and yet I can't trade any resources with anyone.

I probably should mention that I did a classical start instead of a Neo/Anc, but I can't see whee that would make a difference on tade routes.

Oh, 1 additional note. AI's still can't handle RB on epic/mara speeds. My first game ended by the Med era with all 30 AI's ghosted by barbs :goodjob:.
I'm on my 3rd game of the current version (had to abort the previous two ones because the AI crushed me!!) and now that I've noticed it, I wonder why the Dualism tech sticks around even after someone else has already unlocked Hinduism with it. It's a dead end tech and serves no further purpose than to found a religion ... why would somebody waste some turns on it then?

Tbh I thought about deleting dualism for .96, moving hindu to polyteism. I'm one step closer at doing that now (dualism is a remniscient from Rise of Mankind that had zoastrism (spelled ver wrongly :crazyeye:)).


View attachment 383699

This. As I said. I'm in the REN era, just recently discoveed gunpowder (hence caravels), I'm in REP/FM, have OB and same reli with all the civs on my continent (including def pacs) and yet I can't trade any resources with anyone.

I probably should mention that I did a classical start instead of a Neo/Anc, but I can't see whee that would make a difference on tade routes.

Oh, 1 additional note. AI's still can't handle RB on epic/mara speeds. My first game ended by the Med era with all 30 AI's ghosted by barbs :goodjob:.

Roger. Raging barbs and late starts is on my testing block. (You did build a Palace, right? Coz that would make no trade if you (or all the Ai) didnt).
@ luftwaffles and Vinz: Yes to both of your questions.
1) Nope, Platy overrides mine. But iirc its only some of the fullscreen advisors that it makes transparent, not the interface as such.

2) Yup, replacing should do the trick. Though while replacing it while running the game should be possible, I usually close down the game before editing/replacing python files.
A stupid question. Is your civ updated to 3.19 (of course it is, but just making sure). Also, do you have mods installed in the Documents folder?
I'll make a new python folder update, as Joseph pointed out that some files were older in the last update. Hopefully that should work. Btw, did you install VIP 0.97 on top of an old VIP install?

3) I've been pretty bad at making civopedias, sorry, but I often change the rules, and they would then become obsolete or misinforming. My best advice is to read the 55 pages in this thread :p (nah ;) just ask questions in this thread, I usually take a look here every day, sometimes multiple times a day.)

4) I think I know what the problem is. I had it with Rams before, when they couldn't attack. Then enemy units walking on top of them would simply destroy them without a fight, and the Rams could walk straight into an enemy city and capture it without a fight. The first boat cannot attack too, which makes the problem. I'll fix for 0.97. Thanks for report.

1) I'll have a go at it tonight.

2) I never muck around with the files of a running program, so that won't be a problem. I'll try this then.
Yes, it is 3.19. All the mods that I have installed, including VIP, are in the BTS program folder, not Documents. I have CIV installed in a folder that I call applications, not in the default "Programs" folder, in order to avoid all the restrictions that the system puts on the Program folder.
Don't you mean 0.96? I thought that you were now working on 0.97. This is my first install of VIP, so there was nothing there to delete. I have been seeing all the positive comments in the General Discussion thread and decided to give VIP a try.

3) At this point I am still figuring things out. Thank you for being so available for questions, as well as for creating the mod!

4) Glad to help.

5) New question: Does Trade allow tech trading or only resource trading? I haven't had any tech trading available yet. If Trade does not unlock tech trading, which tech does?
I tried to recreate the trade problem, but couldnt. A savegame would be very helpful.

My bad Vinz, I did NOT build a palace :blush:. My apologies. All better now.
We'll just call it a senior moment.. Yeah, that's what it was...

Meant to ask, why did you get rid of the Limited Religion option in custom settings?
Iirc there were some problems with it, plus it was python, and I prefer an (almost) Platy only setup. Exception is Air unit experience.


I was having a pretty good game when Monty decided to throw me off his continent. He took my biggest army with him, and it barely scratched his SoD.... I'm soo f....'ed....
The key word is insurmountable I guess.
Spoiler :
Are workers supposed to disappear?
I only just noticed - I ordered one worker to build a camel pasture and another nearby finished its cottage and vanished. I looked on the F5 screen and half of the 30 I built or captured are gone.
I'm pretty sure this wasn't happening an era ago. I am at the start of the Renaissance era, building Observatories and Cothons and Guildsmen in my biggest cities. Everything's very busy, so I could have missed a message the same way I didn't notice this was happening.
I guess it's not an enormous problem; I can just rebuild them.

Edit: Oh, OK. Thanks, Drakarska. Well, I'll manage, then. Too bad the Civilopedia doesn't know what the game is doing.
Are workers supposed to disappear?
I only just noticed - I ordered one worker to build a camel pasture and another nearby finished its cottage and vanished. I looked on the F5 screen and half of the 30 I built or captured are gone.
I'm pretty sure this wasn't happening an era ago. I am at the start of the Renaissance era, building Observatories and Cothons and Guildsmen in my biggest cities. Everything's very busy, so I could have missed a message the same way I didn't notice this was happening.
I guess it's not an enormous problem; I can just rebuild them.

Yuppers. Workers evap whenever you build (or upgrade) a cottage, as well as when you build an improved version of the workshops. You need to plan accordingly or you'll find when your chaining worker orders there job will be incomplete ( I.E. chain cottage and road, build the road 1st, then the cottage).
I think the civopedia actually says "will consume unit" with the cottages+. Its sort of workers "settling down". I'm considering to not consume the units whem building factories though. Iirc correctly, I made the change because i was tired of AI workers building a cottage, then next turn destroying it by building a farm on top.

About the civopedia... someday... someday ;)
1600 AD Challenge, for those who wants to try industrial era "instantly" ;)

Situation is :
War with Monty. I just took the last Russian cities in the north, and Monty is sending a HUGE SoD, so peace is prolly only solution.
Have a slight techlead, though AI's are VERY close behind.
Building 2xbombards, but they should change to Cannons when Mil Science is teched.
Have 2 Generals and 2 Great People at disposal. Dont waste with Golden Age as Steel and Corps is around the corner.
Just landed 2 Agents on Monty's land, plan was recon, as there are plenty of black spots and map trading is off.
For the first time in history, AI join forces against Sitting Bull, which should leave some room for diplomacy by the pen and not the sword.
Gandhi is going for Cultural.

Settings are :
Big and Small
Large + Map with 15 AI. 11 is left.
Emperor Difficulty
Normal Speed

NO World Builder have been used, and only ONCE reloaded (got squashed by Monty. Loaded autosave 2 turns earlier, still got squashed by Monty, but saved important units (Generals and Bombards and such).

Some Pics.
Spoiler :

I'm not getting the Tech Splash Screen or any movies with this mod. Otherwise it seems to work fine. (The option in the main menu for movies is not checked.)
Similar to Jorad^^^, when a wonder is built, I get the start of the movie which then freezes or a blank window. When I then click the "OK" button, a black window with white lettering flashes on the screen and the closes so fast that I can't read it and then the wonder window closes. I am playing a game with Always Peace chosen, so I can work my way through the buildings and techs to see how they all work, without being annoyed by AIs attacking me.
Mmmm. Strange. Can you think of anything out of the ordinary about your setup or install? Is it civ complete, win xp, steam, updated to 3.19. Maybe try to run mod from inside game instead of vip-loader shortcut. Did you change theme colors from vip-loader.

Personally I've tried on win xp 32bit, vista 32bit and win7 64 bit. Though all is installed on "normal" install (civ vanilla, warlords, bts, then updated to 3.19 with external patch). Also they are also installed in "out of Program folder" in games folder without any mods installed in documents folder.

Maybe as an experiment take the documents/my games civ folder and move it to the desktop. The game will automatically create a new default one. If that is not working, then delete the newly created folder and put the old one back in.

What kind of resolution? I've tested almost all of them, both fullscreen and windowed, so i dont think that have anything to do with it, but tbh i have no clue why it not work properly.

Also, in the ini file in the documents/ my games / beyond the sword, there is something called <hide python exceptions>. Try changing it to 1 (or 0 cant remember, but opposite of the default). This will hopefully show what is wrong.
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