ViSa Frequently Asked Questions


WoC Team Manager
Aug 25, 2006
  • Is your mod Warlords 2.08 compatible?
    Spoiler :
    Yes, and it's only 2.08 compatible! You cannot play the Modpack on Warlords 2.00 or Civilization IV 1.00 1.09 1.61
  • Does your mod support Multiplayer?
    Spoiler :
    Yes, it's MP compatible
  • Can I play the Mod on a computer using Firaxis minimal system Requirements?
    Spoiler :
    Yes, although with low end computers you might wanna restrict the number of civs you're playing with in a single game as well as the Map Size! Speed is highly affected by the number of Civs, as well as the size of the Map
  • There is also a bug in the Firaxis code causing MAF ( Memory Allocation Failure) with large Modpacks, we therefore recommend not playing on maps bigger than "Large"

  • Do you support problems other then your Mod, i.e. caused by drivers, Firaxian code, Microsoft codes, or any other suppliers involved with the game?
    Spoiler :
    No, we will try to help you as much as we can, but since most codes are not open source we don't garantee to support you with issues involving other suppliers, please contact your vendor in this case!
  • Do you Support MAC or Linux based virtual Windows?
    Spoiler :
    No, and we don't plan to, this Mod is solely mend for Windows versions of Civilization IV
Known Bugs

Memory Allocation Error on saving games (AutoSave or Manual) has been reported in multiple mods and multiple threads on CivFanatics. Nev has made a work-around that creates TWO SAVE GAME FILES, a regular Civ and NCSaver. This does not solve or eliminate the MAF, but greatly reduces it. Other work-around is to change Graphics Settings to Low and disable all Effects. Any other setting changes to reduce save game file size will also help avoid this error. This appears to be a Firaxis save game issue, not any particular mod problem.

Languages besides English can cause errors throughout the game. Our recommendation is to play ViSa in English only.

ATI Video Cards can cause numerous problems with this mod and vanilla Civ as well. Our recommendation is for all ATI people to download the latest video drivers without Catalyst.

Enabling DCM Ranged Bombardment AFTER starting a game is possible thanks to the directions of chipper_30:
1) Go in WorldBuilder
2) Save it
3) Edit it with a text editor and add Option=GAMEOPTION_DCM_BOMBARD in the options
4) Reload it and continue your game​
Installation Problems

  • Full installer gives me an error message that the version is already installed
    Spoiler :
    You must uninstall any older version first if you wish to apply a full version installation again, this does not apply to patches
  • I get a VB script error
    Spoiler :
    Some routines are programmed using Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Host, this is a service standard on MS Windows 2000 SP 2 and later as well as Windows XP SP 2, you might also have to verify if this service is running, even if installed, some people like to switch off services without knowing what they are switching off, so you might check your services settings to solve this issue
  • Full installer tells me I'm using a wrong version of some kind
    Spoiler :
    Please update your windows from the MS updater, or the MS Update Website, you should be able to use also MS Installer 1.1 but we didn't test this, so you might need to upgrade to the latest v3.2 installer
  • Registry not set properly
    Spoiler :
    Download this and apply it (by double klicking it) from any place, if you have installed both Warlords and ViSa to standard directories. If you didn't choose default installations (We assume in this case that you know what you are doing), please proceed with the following rules.
    Only take these steps if you're NOT using default directories:

    open the "ViSa-210-regkey-fix.reg" with your windows Notepad
    change the "AppDir"=""C:\\Program Files\\Firaxis Games\\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\\Warlords\\Mods\\ViSa" to the proper directory you used for your personal installation.
    Note: it is highly recommended that you reinstall warlords and civ to the default directories "C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Warlords" on your computer.
  • Uninstall doesn't work, ViSa Modpack still in "Add or Remove Programs"
    Spoiler :
    Don't worry, your windows can handle obsolete Registry keys, as a matter of fact, 99,9% of the software suppliers leave Registry entries on your computer purposly. If you however wish to delete things manually, here's a short info that might help you:
    If you used the Full 2.00 installer:

    "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4 - Warlords\VISA"
    If you used the Patch 2.00 installer:

    "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4 - Warlords\VISA"
    has not been looked for yet, because i didnt use this one myself, please inform me about this one so i can share it with other users who might need help on manually removal
    you can now delete your ViSa directory safely

    sidenote: you don't have to worry about other entries!

Performance Issues

  • Slow game turns
    Spoiler :
    buy a faster CPU/GPU/RAM etc..
    you might check out your settings in the CivilizationIV.ini file:

    ; Enable the logging system
    LoggingEnabled = 0
    ; Enable synchronization logging
    SynchLog = 0
    ; Overwrite old network and message logs
    OverwriteLogs = 0
    ; Enable rand event logging
    RandLog = 0
    ; Enable message logging
    MessageLog = 0
    any one of these set to 1 could slow down your game turns tremendeously

    Turn graphics and texture settings to low quality in the options screen
    Stay away from Large and Huge maps since they require additional ram
    Close other background applications
    Update graphics and sound drivers
    Turn off Antialiasing

  • "end turn" is slow
    Spoiler :
    this is due to the large quantity of Mod components involved in our Modpack, you can however switch on/off large quantities of our Modpack! Components you don't want to use, switch them off, so you don't need to run these codes which might slow down your CPU for nothing.
    Component list of CPU eating stuff:

    J Zone of Control (is executed on each unit movement, eats alot of CPU) you can turn this off in the ViSa.ini by changing the JZoC Features Enabled = True to JZoC Features Enabled = False
    Unit Statistics Mod (not yet enabled to turn this on/off)

Graphical Issues

  • Red overlay over objects
    Spoiler :
    Your driver version is causing this, either install newer or older version to cope with this, we can't present you an "always work solution" for this, you have to "try for yourself" which driver version works for you. This is not Mod related but either Warlords or Nvidia/ATI related:
    Spoiler :
    Many errors may be caused by this one, update to the latest Drivers is your best shot, try to install the drivers without the Catalyst Control Center: ATI-Drivers

General Gameplay Issues

  • Default installation directories
    Spoiler :
    Civilization 4: C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4
    Civilization Warlords: C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Warlords

    General Mods Directory: C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Warlords\Mods

    Default ViSa Modpack Directory: C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Warlords\Mods\VISA
  • Zooming in windowed Mode?
    Spoiler :
    In your CivilizationIV.ini file is a option:
    ;Allow Mouse Scrolling in Windowed mode
    MouseScrolling = 0
    Change this setting to 1
  • Ini settings not working?
    Spoiler :
    The Ini settings are read by definition through various control mechanisms listed here:
    The ini must be named: visa.ini, any name other then this will render your file unreadable for the python routines
    Your Warlords directory must be the same as when you installed the game, possible cause for errors due to this:
    You installed your game default to "C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Civilization 4\Warlords" and some time later
    moved the game to a different directory (your Windows registry doesn't know this)
    There are 2 solutions for this:
    reinstall the game or move the game directory back to your original installation directory(if you can remember)
    edit the registry using "regedit" at your "run" command at the windows "start" button(lower left corner):
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4 - Warlords\INSTALLDIR
    Your ViSa directory must be located inside the "..\Warlords\Mods\" Directory, the ..\ is the installation dir as set in the
    registry, see the above point howto verify this.
    The name of your Visa Modpack directory should be "ViSa", any other name might work, you'll get troubles though or at
    least confusion while applying patches
  • Menu or Ingame text's missing
    Spoiler :
    We only support English for now, if you want to start a 300hour work on translating the game properly we are welcoming you to share this with us so we include your translations to our Modpack, but we will not give support on this.
  • Various issues, wierd ingame events? either graphical/battle tactics/screen initializations/other things
    Spoiler :
    Please make sure you have Cleared your cache! Default location for your Cache is:
    "C:\Documents and Settings\[windows username]\Application Data\My Games\Warlords\cache"
    (Application Data is a hidden folder and you have to have view hidden folders set in your folder options to see it)
    You can also play without using Cache at all, this is safer anyway if you play with Mods, no matter which you are using.

    in you CivilizationIV.ini edit following lines:

    ; Disable caching of file system (may slow initialization)
    DisableFileCaching = 1
    ; Disable caching of xml and file system (may slow initialization)
    DisableCaching = 1
    Note: this might slow down Game Experience.


  • Memory allocation Failure
    Spoiler :
    On saving games (AutoSave or Manual) the MAF has been reported in multiple mods and multiple threads on CivFanatics. Our recommendation is to not play on any map size greater than LARGE. Other work-around is to change Graphics Settings to Low and disable all Effects. Any other setting changes to reduce save game file size will also help avoid this error. This is a Firaxis save game issue, not any particular mod problem.
  • CTD on ViSa 2.00
    Spoiler :
    Please upgrade to ViSa 2.10
    My game won't start at all, python erros on loading the Mod Please see the "installation Problems" section on top of this page

Other Issues

  • Smartmap Issues
    Spoiler :
    Surt has left the Civilization gaming community, the development of the codes is therefore on the background, it might cause initialization errors with Warlords, should be savegame secure though, but numbers, variables, values might be wrong during gameplay, this is not "yet" supported by us due to lack of time on the development on the ViSa Modpack.
I just tried to install this mod, and every time I try to install it I get this error message "The error code is 2738." Any ideas why?
have your Vista testers have any problems with ViSa 3?

mrgenie, the lead programmer is running Vista and at least 2 beta test computers are running Vista....all with no problems.
@ helpless writer - As TAfirehawk pointed out - There are no problems with Vista for ViSa_v3 - I have two comupters running ViSa_3 under Vista - it works flawlessly.
Kaiser Franz (Josef)

"Don't mention the rope in the hanged man's house." Even if you think it's wonderful, be aware that there are people for whom it's painful :cry: :cry: :cry:
MAJOR NOTE on Save Games

The MAF Work-Around by Nev creates TWO SAVE GAME FILES, one in the regular save location and another in the NCSaver directory. Both of these files are required to load a save and thus both must be copied/uploaded when giving another player your save game.

This also appears to make loading MP games difficult/impossible so we will be looking into a solution soon.

Lastly, the NCSaver directory never gets emptied, so it can grow rather large (my two test computers were both near 4GB worth of files in the NCSaver directory) so it is suggested to clean it our periodically.

NCSaver directory is in \My Games\Warlords\Saves\NCSaver
As a supplement to TAfirehawk's post: For Vista Users the directory path is c:\Users\Owner(this one could be different on your computer)\Documents\My Games\Warlords\Saves\NCSaver
As a supplement to TAfirehawk's post: For Vista Users the directory path is c:\Users\Owner(this one could be different on your computer)\Documents\My Games\Warlords\Saves\NCSaver

Hence the location I specified.... \My Games\Warlords\Saves\NCSaver :D
Now my comp has the stock RAM in it and it adds up to 503mb. When i use the installer is says that i cant install the mod because my ram is under 512. Is there anyway i can circumvent that and get the mod to install?
Now my comp has the stock RAM in it and it adds up to 503mb. When i use the installer is says that i cant install the mod because my ram is under 512. Is there anyway i can circumvent that and get the mod to install?

There was a post about that in the Modpacks Forum in our mod's thread there.....

We have changed the installer on our SVN and I will see if we can get that pushed out soon or no later than patch v3.10
using Chancellor_Corn's method i managed to circumvent the installer requirements.. and the game itself is fun as hell :)
One question - does enabling mastery victory invalidate all other types of victory, even if you select them at startup? When I play with mastery victory, it seems to be the only option on the victory progress screen...
One question - does enabling mastery victory invalidate all other types of victory, even if you select them at startup? When I play with mastery victory, it seems to be the only option on the victory progress screen...

That is correct...more info can be found in Sevo's thread because we got it from him via the G Era....and we haven't tweaked it yet....yet ;)
I just tried to install this mod, and every time I try to install it I get this error message "The error code is 2738." Any ideas why?

Try running the commad prompt as administrator and write:

"regsvr32 vbscript.dll"
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