VoxPopuli Modpacks (Update: 4.19.1)

Can I add the buff Germany got to their UA to my modpack with a few lines of code altered, or is that a larger code change? Also I know we just said a working multiplayer version was probably far off, but the new version seems to claim to fix the big bug. Any changes on that, or still need to wait and see?
I prefer to wait a stable soloplayer version before doing modpacks, because if even soloplayer isn't completely stable the multiplayer will be hell !
Just me and my buddies experience. 4.16 bigpack has very few issues.
We play on milaes map. Standard speed and size. For those wanting to play while the devs continue working on a more up to date stable version.
When I'm trying to create a modpack, once I start the single player game (with mpmp enabled as required), I loose instantly. Does someone know why this happens and how I can fix this?
When I'm trying to create a modpack, once I start the single player game (with mpmp enabled as required), I loose instantly. Does someone know why this happens and how I can fix this?
Yes, this is exactly what is going to happen, you will lose instantly. Maybe somebody knows any other way around it, but it has always been my case. But it is not a problem. Run the Firetuner, createMP() and then exit the game. If you have done everything OK, then you will have a working MP with VP mod. Please check with the guide for all the steps (especially deleting InGame.lua file for the events and espionage to be working correctly).
Yes, this is exactly what is going to happen, you will lose instantly. Maybe somebody knows any other way around it, but it has always been my case. But it is not a problem. Run the Firetuner, createMP() and then exit the game. If you have done everything OK, then you will have a working MP with VP mod. Please check with the guide for all the steps (especially deleting InGame.lua file for the events and espionage to be working correctly).
Oh okay. It wasn't like this before when I created a modpack. I guess that is new behaviour. Should have just checked fire tuner to see if that works out. Thanks!
Hi Fanatics!

I've been playing VP in single player at monarch/emperor and epic speed and enjoying all the tweaks and modifications a lot.

What I've been finding tedious though is how unwilling the AI is to make peace when the war is in a stalemate.

I do enjoy those 2-3 centuries lasting epic conflicts but being entangled in 800 years one just for it re-ignite after half a century has become tedious for me and is not something I enjoy while playing this game.

Any advice on how to enjoy all the benefits of the mod while switching AIs to less psychotic?
Hi Fanatics!

I've been playing VP in single player at monarch/emperor and epic speed and enjoying all the tweaks and modifications a lot.

What I've been finding tedious though is how unwilling the AI is to make peace when the war is in a stalemate.

I do enjoy those 2-3 centuries lasting epic conflicts but being entangled in 800 years one just for it re-ignite after half a century has become tedious for me and is not something I enjoy while playing this game.

Any advice on how to enjoy all the benefits of the mod while switching AIs to less psychotic?
You should post your question on the discord server I think
You should post your question on the discord server I think
Hi Fanatics!

I've been playing VP in single player at monarch/emperor and epic speed and enjoying all the tweaks and modifications a lot.

What I've been finding tedious though is how unwilling the AI is to make peace when the war is in a stalemate.

I do enjoy those 2-3 centuries lasting epic conflicts but being entangled in 800 years one just for it re-ignite after half a century has become tedious for me and is not something I enjoy while playing this game.

Any advice on how to enjoy all the benefits of the mod while switching AIs to less psychotic?
Or the main forum.
That being said. I suspect you are on an older version. I recall that being an issue. Probably update to 4.16. Or a version thats newer than yours. I dont recomend updating to the current version.
Do you have issues with it in MP ? If I remember well Axatin said that he had desyncs pretty quickly but it was on 4.18.0.
Not more than with 4.16. to be honest. It is quite stable but will through the occasional curveball at you. I’m only playing small maps with one friend. I could imagine that more players on bigger maps might result in more issues.
Not more than with 4.16. to be honest. It is quite stable but will through the occasional curveball at you. I’m only playing small maps with one friend. I could imagine that more players on bigger maps might result in more issues.
Good news, maybe the next stable release will be not that bad for the multiplayer part of the game !
Hi everyone, it seems that 4.19 version has serious war scoring issues that are gamebreaking. I will wait at least the next hotfix to update my modpacks.
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