• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

We feel ripped off by Firaxis.

Also consider that they may have tested it on, lets say, fifty computers, and they fixed whatever problems cropped up on those. Unfortunately, when it hit THOUSANDS of computers, new problems were found because of different hardware, different OS configurations, etc.
Ezy said:
im sure the testers had problems but they probably though that it was because the game was incomeplite and there for were adjusting the game to make it run on their puters, im sure they though the "final cut" would be with all the fixs to the problems they reported

No, oddly enough that was not the case. Firaxis was very good about fixing the issues that they were aware of during the test. It worked on the testers' machines.
"No, oddly enough that was not the case. Firaxis was very good about fixing the issues that they were aware of during the test. It worked on the testers' machines."

Obviously they needed different testers then ;)

Personally after sorting through all of this dreck and recalling the dreck before the release about going 3-d I can safely say that going 3-d was the worst decision possible. But I'd prefer not to reopen that can of worms, I think its simply an objective fact at this point.
I personally don't feel ripped off. I, too, rolled the dice and got lucky with Civ4; more than once! At first I wasn't sure I could afford to preorder, so when I had the money I went to preorder... only to find out it was released THAT DAY. I was lucky that Amazon.com still had preorder boxes (the special edition) at regular preorder price, so I got it. Then I crossed my fingers and hoped it would work; almost flawlessly.

Only issues to date are an occasional unit running across my screen, either through an area it shouldn't be allowed to, or across the water (I think it's a graphic glitch, and the unit doesn't actually move through there), slowdowns in the 1800s + (only running 512MB, and the game starts using 2gb later in the game), and I can't chat in the network lobby (can in game, but I look like a n00b when joining games because they ask me questions and I can't answer).

I attribute my success to the fact that I hand built my system from the ground up. I made sure that everything was up to par with my expectations of gaming performance, then adjusted timings to maximize the hardware at hand. I could have bought what I normally would have for RAM (Crucial) and been happy. They really are a great brand. But I wanted something new this time, something even better than Crucial: OCZ Platinum. Whoa baby was I happy I spent $20 more! My system runs smoothly in almost anything. And the slowdowns? I wouldn't even feel them if I wasn't running my NWN persistant world server in the background. And you know what? My players hardly even notice, which is the best part!

I think I have my system specs in my sig, so I'll let it speak for itself. I didn't have any play stopping bugs, but the 1.09 patch made my system run even better by probably 10%. :goodjob: Firaxis.
I think a major problem here is something which I friend of mine recently identified. Back in the 'good old days', all you needed to know about a computer was: (a) its processor speed, (b) its RAM and (c) its harddrive capacity. If a game met these 3 requirements, then you were 99.99999% certain of being able to run it (even minimum-though only just).
Today, things are waaaay more complex-ever since computers went beyond the 1GHz threshold, I have noticed a huge variety in performance and compatibilities between the different brands of machines (Athalon, AMD, Celeron, Pentium etc). Add to this the various video and sound cards-and the way they interact with the CPU and other hardware-and suddenly minimum and Recommended requirements start to mean precious little. As a case in point, I originally purchased a Radeon 9550 video card (256MB RAM) and found Civ4 to have fairly frequent CTD's and graphics artifacts. I also had huge problems, though, with things like Google Earth and Doom3 (heck, doom3 wouldn't play AT ALL-PERIOD). Then I actually downgraded my video card to a 9250 (128MB RAM) and, guess what? The game runs like a DREAM (as does Doom3 and Google Earth). My point is that, before you rush to blame the game, consider this-if it was simply a software problem, wouldn't everyone be unable to play the game? Isn't it possible that hardware incompatabilities which already existed-but may not have been visable with other games-have simply been brought to light with this particular game? It is simply too hard to tell, these days, exactly where the blame resides when a game goes wrong (I mean, maybe my problems weren't ATI's fault-perhaps Celeron processors, at that end of the spectrum, and ATI chipsets just don't go together!) What I do know is that, based on all the interviews I have seen from Firaxians, they are shocked, alarmed and-truth be told-confused by the number of 'technical' problems people are suffering from-largely because they themselves tested the games on a wide array of different computers, and never had these problems. They have also said that they ARE working tirelessly to fix these problems-which may also be why we are not hearing from them very much here.
I am personally sorry to hear of people having problems running the game-as it makes me feel guilty that I am having such a dream run, and enjoying what is-otherwise-the best game of the Civ franchise (IMO at least). All I can say to the OP is 'stick in there. I feel certain that Firaxis will fix these issues and, when they do, you will be very glad that you have the game!'

no problems here and i got min spec machine

Most companies have problems with q and a since they put all there money into development

But not to worry ive had the games for 3 weeks now and im still reading the manual and articles printer from this site--i have only played half the tutorial so far
My system had a spike of some kind 12 days ago. I had to get a new motherboard and power supply and upgraded to 2gigs and 256M nVidesa video card. I was lucky that everything is still under warranty. I have another system, three monitors & two printers hooked to that surge supressor and they are all fine. I have a hard time blaming the game for this, but thru several forums I have read that too many of these CTD and other reboots can cause this. If this is the case and things get zapped again, it will be interesting to see how my manuf reacts when I take my system back...LOL...How will I react when they say NOOOOO
licker said:
Obviously they needed different testers then ;)

This is incorrect.

Different testers, using the same machines that the other testers used? You see, their main testers are in-house. If one of them leaves, the next one will just sit where the last one was at.
-EFD-Hitless said:
All five are completely different.
Don't you see the problem (One firehouse 5 different computers), how many different configuration do you think there are in the USA alone? They would need millions of beta testers to find all the problems with all the different configurations. Its too bad that you have experienced these problems, but its very likely that not all the problems you are experiencing are the fault of the game, some might be from your systems or you're network.

I personally have not experienced one problem, except that I cant play on giant maps because my system is out dated and is below the min. requirements (P3 866 mhz, 512 ram, 128 geforce 5700 le). I don't feel ripped off at all, I feel just the opposite what a gift Firaxis has created for us. There are very few games I can play nowadays on my system, but Civ4 runs smooth!!
marioh said:
There's got to be some sort of driver issue at play for you guys. The specs you posted previously should be plenty to run this game. As stated by a previous poster, you'll probably need to do some diagnostic checks on your PCs to try and determine what exactly is causing your problems. The newest version of 3DMark or Aquamark is a good starting point, along with scanning the problematic PC's in question for spyware/virus. Shutting down unneeded processes will also help your cause. Running DXDIAG may also help, if there's a problem with DirectX. If you're overclocking either your processor or video card, set it back to the default settings.

Though I haven't played multiplayer, I've had zero problems with the game. Not one CTD/blue screen. Besides the ingame bugs/exploits, I haven't had any issues with the game. But I do run a very scaled down version of WinXP Home (no programs are run on startup, unneeded processes, including unneeded XP processes are all disabled), I don't run any anti-virus programs, no firewalls, and most importantly, there are no spyware/virus on my home built gaming PC.

Best of luck.

Older drivers huh? Do you have any idea how badly some of our other games will run on those? It's a brand new game for crying out loud. What, everytime I want to play a different game, I should switch drivers? The game is so new it had a new version of DirectX. Switching to a driver that's probably 2 or more years old isn't even close to a solution, and if the solution is that radical, they sure better come out and state it. Do we really think they programmed and ran this game on much older drivers? If so, and it's that essential, then they sure should have stated it up front. I guess that might affect sales though.
they released that unfinished game,because they didn't want to miss christmas sales.if everyone would stop buying things blindly on the first day of release instead of waiting a few months,this would stop for sure and there are ways to know if the full game works on your computer,not the demo version.you could then still buy it if you wanted.
I empathize for those that can't play. Especially because I haven't had one single problem on my laptop. It sucks that Firaxis and Take 2 can't take the time to deal with their customers properly.

Being a programmer, I know it is practically impossible to release a modern video game without bugs. Many bugs. I mean, how many updates are there for drivers for the video card? Each time, it's not only optimization, but fixes. If companies waited to fix all bugs, they wouldn't ever release games/software.

However, what surprises me is that many of the bugs people are reporting are critical/fatal bugs that make the game nonplayable. That's unacceptable. Where's the customer service? Take 2 is expanding and creates some good games but they should deliver customer service with it. Maybe offer discounts on other games they sell? But I don't see many corporations (including Take 2) caring enough to do so.
Phoenix_56721 said:
Don't you see the problem (One firehouse 5 different computers), how many different configuration do you think there are in the USA alone? They would need millions of beta testers to find all the problems with all the different configurations. Its too bad that you have experienced these problems, but its very likely that not all the problems you are experiencing are the fault of the game, some might be from your systems or you're network.

I personally have not experienced one problem, except that I cant play on giant maps because my system is out dated and is below the min. requirements (P3 866 mhz, 512 ram, 128 geforce 5700 le). I don't feel ripped off at all, I feel just the opposite what a gift Firaxis has created for us. There are very few games I can play nowadays on my system, but Civ4 runs smooth!!

Don't you see where your wrong. These 5 different systems play every other game (listed a bunch earlier) without an issue, including when we play HUGH maps with unlimited population numbers. All other game manufactures have figured it out, but, not Firaxis. I've seen numerous post, on here that say "I run fine, unless I try to play a hugh map with X number of civs." That kills me!! Thats like me buying a New Porshe, the guy sold it to me said it will go 200mph, but, when I get it home it only goes 45mph. The sales person would say, well, it only boogs down when you try to open it up and utilize it to the fullest.
Ehhh, it's more like a Porsche that can drive 200mph if you're a good enough driver, then you go home and you find that you're not a good enough driver to utilize the car to its fullest potential.

Playing on huge maps requires more resources and cpu/gpu activity than smaller maps, obviously. If a computer can just run the game on standard maps, it's clearly going to bog down on bigger maps. It's like complaining about how you can't run FEAR at 1600x1200 4xAA on a computer that just meets the recommended specs.
I hope Firaxis pays attention to you guys and sorts you out -- nothing is too good for our firemen. Thank you for your work.
spyder77777 said:
I'm with you -EFD-Hitless...this is by far the worst release of a supposed class A game I've ever seen. Anyone who thinks otherwise hasn't played many games. I can't believe I used to complain about Blizzard's servers for things like D2 and WoW! I had to RMA my graphics card that had zero issues previous to this game and now have to question whether the game-forced reboot issues have done other damage, like to my nforce4 motherboard. I'll keep spreading the word and I'll keep nagging Firaxis...

You say 'Anyone who thinks otherwise hasn't played many games.'
Unfortunatlely, having clearly played more games than yourself, this definately doesn't rank as 'by the far the worst release of a supposed class A game'.
As far as I'm concerned, this is one of the best games I've ever played.
Just personal opinion ofcourse.

-EFD-, just out of curiosity, have you mailed them your logs? If not you are doing nothing to actually getting your problems fixed.
Phoenix_56721 said:
Don't you see the problem (One firehouse 5 different computers), how many different configuration do you think there are in the USA alone? They would need millions of beta testers to find all the problems with all the different configurations.
That is a strawman argument that gets used all too often. :mad:

There are standards out there...hardware, network, heard of IEEE for example...

Also, MS wrote dirextX to alleviate the issues...that is what DirectX is for, so the software does not have to worry about the hardware. OpenGL is another implemetation of this practice....

The majority of software runs on those 'billions' of configs; maybe it has bugs, but it runs.

No, it is bad/inefficient code. Don't care why it is bad, but it is.

There is a glitch somewhere - and continually making apologies and saying it is not the game is disingenous at this point; the fact that a patch was released that addressed some of the issues is proof that the devs know something is not right. Also see the "Memory Leak" thread in the Bug Report Forum for proof that the code is inefficient.

Yes, hardware issues, and driver issues affect some, and you can also read this in the Tech Forums; - but there are too many of us that have done everything and still have issues.
oldStatesman said:
Also, MS wrote dirextX to alleviate the issues...that is what DirectX is for.

This is nice in theory, but there have been many DirectX errors in the previous iterations from MS. In addition, DirectX is dependent on the video cards and the drivers actually working according to spec. They often don't. That is the main reason why Ati and nVidia keep putting out driver updates. The worst is when the card/driver lie about capability. In DirectX you have to ask the card/driver whether it supports a given feature in hardware or software or neither. I've seen them give the wrong answer before.
I'm behind oldStatesman 100% ... and my Civ works fine with no CTD's to date.

That being said, there is more than one type of bug and it [the game] doesn't need to CTD for me to see the immense problems with this title and acknowledge that it was very much rushed out of the door ahead of it's time.

Heck, even the PATCH was pulled because it was buggy ... and that was AFTER it had been quality tested for over a week.

I could list a thousand things that are missing, inefficient, of bad design, buggy, or even bugs introduced by the recent patch and every single copy of this game has them ... put the hardware issues to oneside for a moment and simply look at the design and quality of coding ... it is woefully lacking.

The sheer design, development, project management and release of this game are all below par.
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