...We won't stop! ZWK PBEM IV: Grand Play

Charles Petain of the French sees the dire circumstances the French nation is in, and the brave and patriotic militias of France selflessly pillage the countryside, as do their brethren in Poland. The Axis shall get what they are attacking, and we intend to give them as little of it as possible. It is a shame that we have no air force though... :rolleyes:

An M3 commander, though sure he will soon die, attacks Brussels, emptying the garrison. He spots Ju87s nearby, that must have attacked Brussels earlier that month.

Although we pillage our land, we still hope to defend it as long as possible, and we call upon our allies, the British, to send reinforcements in the air, at sea, and on the ground.

Well at least we will still have Vietnam...:)
I don't know about the French strategy. I admire your acceptance of the inevitable, butyou still should try to delay as much as possible. One, just to get a chance to kill as many of my units as you can while you can, and two, to delay my invasion until British support arrives. Too late, though.

- Fast iZOC Panzer II division dives through the Maginot line and seizes an empty Strasbourg.

- Excellent foresight in the M3 commander; he and his division are dead. Reims found empty and captured.

- To the east, Katowice, Danzig, and Warsaw are all found empty and seized. Also, Stalin has agreed to take Vilna off our hands, leaving three Polish cities on our checklist.

- On both fronts, massive air bombardments grind up all but two of the visible militia brigades outside captured cities. This annihilates what counteroffensive capability that we can see, except for one surviving M3 division west of Reims, the latter of which has been defended accordingly.

- Esbjerg, Copenhagen, and Zaghreb all are empty, along with almost all of France and Poland but the latter were not my doing.

- Oh, I forgot. YEAAAHHHHH!!!!! TWO of the three British ships in the Mediterranean, fresh out of the Suez Canal, sunk by a waiting U-boat. Unfortunately, it exhausted all of its torpedoes and is now out of action whether it gets sunk or not. Regardless, this gives the Italians an overwhelming naval superiority in the theater, and it could decide its outcome. I learned my lesson in ZWK 2 & 3, and I wasn't going to give these ships a chance.

Phew, this is way easier than the Allies.


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hey, I'm still here. Sorry for the absence, I'm somewhat of a political activist on my campus and we've been up to no good for the past three days, so hopefully everyone will bear with me. I'm using the comp. on campus now, but will definately be posting later today
Originally posted by Darius

- Fast iZOC Panzer II division dives through the Maginot line and seizes an empty Strasbourg.

- Oh, I forgot. YEAAAHHHHH!!!!! TWO of the three British ships in the Mediterranean, fresh out of the Suez Canal, sunk by a waiting U-boat. Unfortunately, it exhausted all of its torpedoes and is now out of action whether it gets sunk or not. Regardless, this gives the Italians an overwhelming naval superiority in the theater, and it could decide its outcome. I learned my lesson in ZWK 2 & 3, and I wasn't going to give these ships a chance.

Darius is getting pretty good at this. BTW, the sub can still try to sneak past gibraltar, especially under air-cover of axis fighters based in the south.
Well thank you.

True about the sub, but I just said that since I expect him to sink it with his remaining ship or planes anyhow.
British regulars slaughtered in N. Africa

Massive italian panzer shipments moving toward libya

Italian capital ships inching closer to egyptian coast
Yup. I already Pm'ed Johnny_c sice it's been four days, but got nothing. I mean, I don't mind if someone stops being on the forum altogether, but it bothers me when someone forgets a thread when they're still active on a bunch of other ones.
Well all right, let's have everyone respond and see if it's ok. Also, if anyone reading the thread wants the slot, they can have it. One of the minors cant, because it would unbalance the game, and Duke said the Indy's were all that he had time for.
oohhh can i play Soviet, can i ? can i ?

plz plz plz plz ??????

:D :rolleyes: :D :) ;) :cool:
absolutely, when everyone says it's ok, or at least just most of us, I don't care. Kind of scares me though playing against you. If you can even win as France, you'll slaughter as the Soviets.

:suicide: :suicide:
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