• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Welcome New Members

I decided to join the forums after being a lurker for several years.

I have been playing Civ for quite some years already. I started with Civ3, than Civ4 and I play now mainly Civ5, but I still play Civ4 sometimes.

Thank you all for all the nice tips and info on these forums, this really helps with improving your game!

Best regards,

Well I'm not one for introductions but

My name's Maxx, and I'm an aspiring physicist. I'm currently undergoing my second year of College in the UK (A2 levels) and hopefully next year will be going to study Physics further at university!

I've only really being playing civ for a few years. My friend bought me Civ Rev for the xbox and i've been hooked since. This summer I built my PC, and bought Civ 5 and all the expansions and I have been loving it! My friends have kind of moved on, so if you fancy a game, feel free to add me (Steam: Kilimanjabro) I'm not fantastic I have to admit but i'm a fairly decent player!

Hopefully i'll get to know some of you!
Hy civplayers,

I am Arabplayer from France.
I love this game and im looking forward to begin a Pitboss with you guys.
If you seek a player de not hesitate to email me.

See you soon on the battlefield [pimp]
I am new here and new to the game/franchise. Quick question. I just bought the G+K expansion pack today off of Steam. Does this mean I also have the latest patch too, or do I need to do more? I am new to Steam as well, so how do you update to the latest patch when those come out? Sorry if this question is stupid or obvious, I'm a bit of a noobie.
Hi everyone!

I've known about this site for years, but only now decided to create an account.
I'm here because of Civ1 (more specifically, CivWin), and am looking forward to learn a few more tricks about the game :)
Hey Yall,

I'm Jason, been playing since Civ 3, I own Civ 3, 4, and 5. Been using the site for a while, but decided to join as I want to start modding. I have computer programming experience in VB.net and minimal experience in C and C#, so I am learning Lua right now. Glad to be on here!
Just stopping thru to say what up. i been playing these games on and off since colonization. i am active on civ5 but have never done a multiplayer match. i have also been to this site millions of times i guess i am a civfanatics stalker. btw great tips to everyone whose posted helpful stuff.
Hey ppl!

I just bought the complete Civ IV bundle from steam last week, mainly for playing Colonization since the original 90's version is one of my all time favourite games. Had some time to check Civ IV as well and will get into that later as old Civ was another favourite of mine :)

Happy to find this forum so I may learn quicker and share what I learn in turn.

Cya later. I'll be back soon, mostly in the Colonization forums to begin with!

Hello all! I actually have been playing Civilization since the third installment but really just now decided to sign up on the forum. My favorite Civ is the the third one but recently I have been logging many hours on Civ5. I am a Civ Roleplayer and love to come up with different worlds and go to the next level with my empires. I plan to blog my next major RP Civ5 game. I am also interested in world building and modding. I hope you can find room to welcome me here.

~Jay :)
Hi all, just bought civ v two weeks ago and I am loving it.:D

I have never played civ series before...so I dun have the emotional baggage that some of u have...hope can learn from u guys here;)

Also looking for newbie like me for a multiplayer game. Do drop me e MSG if u r keen. I am in Asia.
Hey all,
I figured it was time to create an account since I was one of those people who constantly came to the site even though I wasnt a member. I must say, this is one of the best forums around, not to mention great place for ANY kind of info on the game.

I started with Civ 2 CTP and played that game for hours upon hours. Then once I had a decent enough computer I picked up Civ IV and played that a lot as well, even bought it twice when I lost my hard copy. Been playing Civ V now for about a month but have close to 100 hours already, absolutely love it! I have all the DLC (thanks steam) and find myself starting a lot of new games since I have so many different leaders to pick from.

One thing that has amazed me are how people can win a game so quickly or can complete a game in a night. I usually end up taking a few days to get close to the end of a game, and by then, the game is pretty much decided so I end up starting a new one.
Hello, i'm a new member but not new to this great forum. Thank you all for sharing your ideas. I'll try to contribute something back to repay what I've learned.
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