• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Welcome New Members

Hello, I am not sure if I am doing this correctly, but if I am, is there anyone that can help me out? I purchased "CivIV" some time ago, and when I got a new laptop, after loading the game, it would not play. I have spoken with someone at a number I found, they assisted me to a point, however, after re-loading the game again, now I just keep getting a pop-up telling me that I do not have the proper disc in the drive. I have tried each disc, and all get the same result. I know I bought a legit copy of game, Got it at a store about two & half years ago, and it used to work. I enjoy the game, and I want to play it. PLEASE, anyone, can you help me out here?
hi Civ fanatics.
I've occasionally visited this site in the past for the odd hint or to peek at the manuals, etc.
I joined because I'm excited about the possibility of being able to edit the Civ1 map. However, securing a Terraform Key is proving harder than I'd anticipated.

Good luck in your individual conquests!
Ciao Lads and Lasses. Finally decided to engage this community. As an urbanite and a planner, rather fancy the developmental and creative aspects of the series, from Civ2 through to this newest incarnation. Looking forward to possible collaborations and investigations to expand our experiences.
Just joined out of desperation. Played the first few versions with no problem back when most of you were just a gleam in your pappy's eye. I spent many a pleasurable hour. now have the new an improved DVD
version and it wouldn't load onto my hard drive.
After a lot of frustration I now play some internet version where I go through Steam. OK, excpet they keep puttin annoying commercials on my desktop. to make a long story less long I've been having problems. hope I can find a thread that is relevant.
Hey, I recently purchased Civ IV and it's expansions on steam. It's become my new obsession, so I thought I'd join to improve my meta game. :D
I may very well get Civ V when Gold comes out. Religion looks a lot more interesting in that game.
Hello! I just joined today but I have been playing Civilization since Civilization I. Since then I'm obsessed with this game and I never get tired of it! :D

Long Live Civilization!
Hi all.
I am a great fan of the CIV1, as a perceive it as the best pc game of my teen age. I have played it 1000s times on the emperor level and I often go back for time to time to play in once again.
I hope we can exchange our ecperience to make the play of this game even more enjoyable :)

I have to agree totally. Civ1 was the reason I clung onto an old Amiga 500 until it finally died in 2004. I still play it into the small hours on work nights!
Hey guys; decided it was high time to start using my limited computer skills to better use. Moo.
I've been creeping these forums since I was twelve.
At the age of eighteen, I've finally made an account. :)
I don't expect I'll post much, but I will always be lurking around here, so I figured I'll say hi! I don't know what keeps me playing this game when it keeps kicking my butt from Noble onwards, but well, here I am.

I'll end this by cursing Montezuma's name. All nice and friendly and attacking me from out of nowhere while I was gunning for a Cultural victory, completely neglecting my army. Ick.
Hey there, I am an idealist who has nothing better to do, I am never fixed to any sole game, however I am addicted to most good games in existence all my life. :cool:
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