Wet Wonders in GaK

Personally it's not a big deal to me, even though it looks a bit funky..
^ Agreed. It clearly doesn't look right but it's one of the things I'm happy to list as one of the game's quirks rather than a more serious problem that needs fixing. Of which there are a few.
Could be better, but I don't let it bother me. The graphic bug where resources stick when you move is worse, imo. I actually like the Water Pyramids. That would be a cool world wonder ;)
Could be better, but I don't let it bother me. The graphic bug where resources stick when you move is worse, imo. I actually like the Water Pyramids. That would be a cool world wonder ;)

I know same here, it kind of reminds me of this kids show I use to watch when I was young, Ocean Girl
This is probably one of the lowest priority issues.. if you wanna call it an issue.

To be perfectly honest, Stonehenge doesn't look as bad in water as maybe the Pyramids.. it even makes them better..
I think there are much better things to work on then this! I do find it funny though to see wonders in the ocean...
It looks odd, and I'd appreciate if they fixed it, but not if that means removing resources from some other aspect of the game that needs fixing, and there's no shortage of that.
I agree, this is not THE most important thing to work on, of course, and I can see I belong to a minority that's really bothered by it. However, the problem not only is the "wet wonders" actually, it's also wonders disappearing inside mountains when your city is located next to one, it's city graphics that disappear because they're eaten up by the shore, it's horses, sheeps, cows or units partially walking on the water when they're on a tile that's divided between land and see. It's all this. Of course, it ain't that bad, and again far from being the main issue but still, I believe it could be worked on.Too bad they haven't... yet
I"m always amused when my Stonehenge appears underwater.. clearly my city was once known as Atlantis.

And honestly I read the title of this thread as Wet n Wild World Wonders and I was like wait what did i just read. I blame my lack of sleep xD
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