What are your pros/cons/questions after watching the previews?

Currently, the AI looks way too eager to give away its cities to resolve war. We’ve seen AI give away a city to Potato when he only fought defensively. And we’ve seen Inq Otter get offered cities when he was at war with two AI at the same time and on the verge of being overrun.

I think the offer should only be made if the AI is on the verge of losing a city and is at a dramatic unit disadvantage, and maybe then only when the invading army is closing in on the the offered city. There should be some investment of time and units needed to demonstrate that the victor can afford to divert enough units capture the city, otherwise it looks like it will be possible to continually engage AI in war, 6 turns at a time, win battles in advantageous neutral or friendly territory, and still expand.
I'm a bit disappointed by the combat animations. From the trailers I was expecting Civ5-like cinematic infantry surges, but what I'm seeing are Civ6-like cartoonish units exploding with figures flying out of the hex and disappearing. I guess on the positive side it's quick, and not ugly AND slow like Civ6, but it seems a shame with all this wonderful unit detail going to waste. There's all this amazing ancillary animation, like siege engines slowly reloading after an attack, but the actual combat itself is kind of lame.
I'm a bit disappointed by the combat animations.
Yeah, it seems counter to FXS stated vision to make the ongoing animations less cartoony to have the units wait a minute, then walk into the space the recently killed unit just exploded from. It even leaves my mind confused at first why they are moving to occupy the space (no! Stay put where it’s safe, they’re already dead). An animation where the killing blow represents units finally breaking the line and delivering the killing the scattered units, might be a bit darker than what they are looking for, but would be visually congruent.
One minor gripe I have is only being able to change policies or resources when you unlock new ones. This is a mechanic that I never liked in civ 6. Maybe it's just a skill issue on my part, but it feels very bad when you forget to change your policies on the correct turn and you have to wait for the next occasion. To me it looks like something that goes on the opposite direction from the general goal of reducing micromanagement.
One minor gripe I have is only being able to change policies or resources when you unlock new ones. This is a mechanic that I never liked in civ 6. Maybe it's just a skill issue on my part, but it feels very bad when you forget to change your policies on the correct turn and you have to wait for the next occasion. To me it looks like something that goes on the opposite direction from the general goal of reducing micromanagement.
As for the resources, you can change them when you want. it is just that, when gaining a new one, you get a reminder to use it if there is a slot available.

For the policies, I have no idea if you can change them when you like.
As for the resources, you can change them when you want. it is just that, when gaining a new one, you get a reminder to use it if there is a slot available.

For the policies, I have no idea if you can change them when you like.
I think I even saw "help text" reminding that you only can change them when gaining one. Let me try to find the video.
I think I even saw "help text" reminding that you only can change them when gaining one. Let me try to find the video.
Found it:

Source video:
Why have unique Palaces seemingly been removed.
Van Bradly just uploaded a video on what he claims is the Day 0 patch.
The capital of his empire has the same ugly dome building that we've seen in the other recent previews.
I was recently rewatching the Antiquity Age stream, and the different civilizations in that build all had unique Palaces.
I'm utterly baffled by this.
Why have unique Palaces seemingly been removed.
Van Bradly just uploaded a video on what he claims is the Day 0 patch.
The capital of his empire has the same ugly dome building that we've seen in the other recent previews.
I was recently rewatching the Antiquity Age stream, and the different civilizations in that build all had unique Palaces.
I'm utterly baffled by this.
He is using the founders edition DLC palace. Guess is that it can be turned of from DLC menu (like 6).

P.S. Why do you use hard to read font in your posts?
P.S. Why do you use hard to read font in your posts?
I hate san serif fonts.
I've never heard anyone say they found Times New Roman difficult to read.
It's probably the most commonly used serif font in the world.
I've increased the size to improve legibility.
The archipelago map in VanBradley's Exploration Age video is interesting. It looks way more interesting than the blocky continents. He also unlocked way less civs and had way less resources. However, I wouldn't classify this map as really archipelago: it's more like small continents.

Bildschirmfoto 2025-01-24 um 15.30.41.jpg
Seeing Catherine of Russia start as the Romans and meeting Caesar of the Egyptians

Jarring. And I can't even see them implementing a toggle to avoid that kind of insanity. But I'll still play +1000 hours of it.
Just watched Van Bradley's Exploration Age video. I'm still quite skeptical of this age overall. While the Antiquity streams looked like an absolute blast to me this one looked much less fun with the explicit focus on yield spam and min-maxing adjacency bonuses to progress along the Legacy paths.
Seeing Catherine of Russia start as the Romans and meeting Caesar of the Egyptians

Jarring. And I can't even see them implementing a toggle to avoid that kind of insanity. But I'll still play +1000 hours of it.
That actually wouldn’t be too hard, AI leaders who are linked directly to civs in the current starting age get first pick.

(although you are right they are unlikely to do it)
Just watched Van Bradley's Exploration Age video. I'm still quite skeptical of this age overall. While the Antiquity streams looked like an absolute blast to me this one looked much less fun with the explicit focus on yield spam and min-maxing adjacency bonuses to progress along the Legacy paths.
I actually like optimising adjacency bonuses and the overbuilding mechanic
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