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What do you garrison your cities with?

I garrison cities with:

  • Ranged units (archers, crossbows etc.) - because I like to pelt enemy down from city tile

    Votes: 55 40.1%
  • Normal infantry (Spearmen, Musketeer) - because I need something cheap and fast there

    Votes: 17 12.4%
  • Strategic infantry (Swordsmen, Samurai) - because I want my offensive troops to also be my garrisons

    Votes: 4 2.9%
  • Cavalry (Horsemen, Chariots) - because I like to run down attackers

    Votes: 6 4.4%
  • Artillery (Trebuchet, Cannons) - for extra boost to city firepower

    Votes: 55 40.1%

  • Total voters
So far mostly cheap archers and the likes and only because I tend to go the honor line in the games I've played so far and the -1 unhappy face for each garrisoned unit is usually needed. But in times of war, they tend to move to the front (unless I go negative happy because of it...)
it seems like usually the garrisons add very little to city defense. So yeah, none if i can get away with it, otherwise anything ranged is good. I guess horsemen could also work.
Great Generals for me, is almost always in a city unless its doing a some kind of defense or push some where else.

There's too much variable for me to simply pick one.

Plenty of cities near each other = foot infantry.

Wide open pasture and a river with bridge built = horse.

I almost never build ranged units. =/ But I've used practically everything as a garrison force, including giant death robots. XD

Depending on the terrain, you can literally get away with defending six cities with nothing but one melee unit and a great general against superior numbers. While the rest of your army is fighting against someone else nerd raging on you.
Mounted and Ranged unit are great placed in a city and take advantage of city health point defense. Never garison them though!
Next time you face a critical battlefield, get a settler and make a frontline city, place ranged unit and a general inside (again not garisoned!) and take advantage of the friendly territory bonus. Once battle over, Sell the city to a weak AI & make some coins out of it....
If there's a garrison, it's usually artillery...very nice in front line cities, as the artillery can just fire without anyone being able to hit it easily. And the damage is just great.

But usually, I don't have anything in them.
nothing most of the time, because i don't think is needed. i don't understand damage that a city does or if i garrison one how much damage i'm able to shrug off. on my occ i had a trebuchet upped to artillery
Catapults in a city would be so hard to take down in that era. You would need a ton of units to approach the city.

But I have yet to have to defend a city yet, so onto the aggresive again!

The AI is incompetent, all you need is weak triremes on a costal city to distract the catapults and your swordsmen will eventually kill them after working through their defending troops.
I only garrison important cities. Not really so much because the other cities can defend themselves, but because there's no reason to. The AI rarely attacks anything back there, if he does I can buy troops, and I keep my army busy conquering my neighbors so that they can't come conquer me.
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