What is the best path for getting kills in Star Fox 64?

Apr 11, 2010
Wherever my name is posted
I've been playing Star Fox 64 lately and have actually gotten quite good, with a record of 1,697 kills (I play Expert Mode in case you are wondering.) I can usually get at least 180 kills on the first level, around 350 on Area 6 (The one with the most kills) and about 75 or so on Fortuna (The one with the least kills) just to give a reference of roughly how good I am.

So, I can't do insanity like THIS but I'm probably in the tier after that, in other words, I'm quite good.

There are two paths I've found to be very good for getting kills, and I'm curious which one the Star Fox 64 Players on here think is better.

The path most often used by Experts:

Corneria- Sector Y- Aquas- Zonness- Macbeth- Area 6- Venom

I can do decent at this path, my best total score being 1580 or so.

The Path I am the best at:

Corneria-Meteo-Katina-Sector X- Macbeth- Area 6- Venom

I have gotten 1697 on this path, and I can almost always do better on this path than even my best score on the Zonness path nowadays.

It really depends on which "High Score" level you want to go to, Meteo or Zonness, but I can break 320 on Meteo on a good run, and even on a bad run I can get 280 as long as I can hit the warp (I very occasionally mess up on this since I usually try to hit the clusters of enemies with charge shots simutaneously while flying through the blue rings.

Zonness on the other hand, I can only get 270 or so on my best runs. So I personally do not see how the Zonness path is better.

What do you guys think? Which of these (Or something else) is your favored path for getting kills in Star Fox 64?
We'll, if you're good at Meteo, take Hard Corneria, then pick Meteo. Take the warp to Katina (There is lots of kills to be had), and then go to Solar. After that, take Macbeth. Your choice after Macbeth is really up to you. Area 6 has more kills than Boise, but Easy Venom has more than Hard Venom.
We'll, if you're good at Meteo, take Hard Corneria, then pick Meteo. Take the warp to Katina (There is lots of kills to be had), and then go to Solar. After that, take Macbeth. Your choice after Macbeth is really up to you. Area 6 has more kills than Boise, but Easy Venom has more than Hard Venom.

I always take Hard Corneria, but sometimes I go to Meteo and take the warp.

Easy Venom I suck at, I think its honestly harder than normal Venom, and I can only get 160 or so. That said, that's probably because I don't do it much.

But, why Solar over Sector X? Is there some type of secret on Solar that makes it have a ton of kills. Sector X I can normally get 200 or so (I got 216 today on a good run) and there's only 110 or so to be had on Solar. At least, unless there's something I don't know about.

And Area 6 I got 402 today, breaking my old record of 384 I believe. Bolse on the other hand you can only get like 200 or so even if you face Star Wolf.

BTW I got 1721 today by going Corneria, Meteo, Katina, Sector X, Macbeth, Area 6, Venom.
Solar garuntees that you can take Macbeth. If you go to Sector X, if you don't kill the boss fast enough (Very rarely happens with me, but still), Slippy will Leeroy Jenkins him and you will be forced to take Titania, which is harder than Macbeth (In my opinion), and prevents you from going to Hard Venom for the rest of the playthrough. Also, if you come from Katina, Bill will help you in Solar all the time, while he'll only help you take the warp in Sector X.
Solar garuntees that you can take Macbeth. If you go to Sector X, if you don't kill the boss fast enough (Very rarely happens with me, but still), Slippy will Leeroy Jenkins him and you will be forced to take Titania, which is harder than Macbeth (In my opinion), and prevents you from going to Hard Venom for the rest of the playthrough. Also, if you come from Katina, Bill will help you in Solar all the time, while he'll only help you take the warp in Sector X.

Oh THAT thing in Sector X! Well I'm happy to say the only time I screw up on that is when I feel like going to Titania (Which again, is almost never.)

I can usually kill the boss before Falco even finishes his quote. I usually kill him right after Falco says "Destroy what?" Before he even finishes his quote. But yeah, back in the day I've seen him do that.

I agree Titania is harder than Macbeth, and I can get kills on Macbeth (When I hit the switches I can get up to 190 on Macbeth, but I don't think I've ever done better than 165 or so on Titania, then again I rarely go that route.)

The thing about Solar though is... There's almost no enemies. I'm VERY good and I can still only get like 110 at the best. I've done more than double that on Sector X.

But yeah, if you aren't as good, probably better to go Solar and deal with the loss of 50 kills (It wouldn't be 100 for a player who will actually end up on Titania against their will) rather than risk Titania.
I haven't played Star Fox 64 in at least 10 years, and I am astounded that I understand every single thing that has been said in this thread.

I'm curious if anybody ever experienced this glitch that I did: in Sector X (I think), where the end boss of the mission knocks Slippy out of orbit and then you have to go rescue him on Titania. Once I beat the boss at just the right speed that Slippy didn't get "hit", but the game registered that he did, so I went to Titania and got all of the dialogue about Slippy being stranded, even though his Arwing was flying right next to everybody else's.
I haven't played Star Fox 64 in at least 10 years, and I am astounded that I understand every single thing that has been said in this thread.

That's.... Awesome :lol:

I'm curious if anybody ever experienced this glitch that I did: in Sector X (I think), where the end boss of the mission knocks Slippy out of orbit and then you have to go rescue him on Titania. Once I beat the boss at just the right speed that Slippy didn't get "hit", but the game registered that he did, so I went to Titania and got all of the dialogue about Slippy being stranded, even though his Arwing was flying right next to everybody else's.

I've never done this (And I've been good enough to avoid Titania for as long as I can remember), but this is surprising since I HAVE changed my course to Titania before and Slippy was still gone (At least IIRC, its been a long time since I've done that. I barely ever do Titania.)

Also yes, it was Sector X you were thinking of, that's the only way into Titania.
I just thought I'd update this again to say I got 1,951 yesterday. 2K isn't that far off!

My scores are as follows (Copy-pasted directly from the Social Group)

I got a new high score yesterday of 1,951!

My scores were as follows (I may be off by a number or two, I know for sure the total was 1951 though):

Co: 193

Me: 377

Ka: 210

SX: 260

Ma: 189

A6: 483

Ve (Hard): 231.

Has anyone here done better?

Social Group Link Here: http://forums.civfanatics.com/group...89&discussionid=2079&gmid=29228#gmessage29228
screenshot or we don't believe you
How do you make one?

BTW: I would make one if I knew how too...

1.) Get digital camera
2.) Take picture
3.) Upload to photobucket
4.) Post on internets
5.) ???
6.) Profit!
Yeah, I lost you at photobucket. How the heck do you do that?

I just scored 2017. Didn't manage to bet a screeny though :(
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