What is "Theological Combat?"


Jan 15, 2007
One of the Governments (Theocracy) gets a bonus to "Theological Combat." As seen on this screenshot here (from Filthy Robot's playthru video).

Spoiler :

Or see video here: https://youtu.be/F6PYVfcxnzU?t=43s

What do you think this refers to? Is it a combat where you have one religion and other civs have another? Does it mean a "religious war" (as opposed to a "surprise war" like we have seen? Is it a reference to when two religions clash over which is the majority in the city? I don't recall that term appearing in previous civ games. Any ideas?
The possibility of a holy war type of declaration of war sounds interesting. Perhaps if you declare a holy war, you get no warmonger penalties with your co-religionists but more with civs of other religions.
Or perhaps a force-convertion of the religion of the ennemy?
I just imagined a Warrior, outside of the city wall, shouting why his religion is the best and an Archer inside the city counter-reasoning. Now, that's a theological combat!
I'm curious - has it been confirmed that we'll be able to officially set a state sponsored religion? I didn't like how the mechanic worked in CiV where your diplo-modifiers only went by the majority religion in your lands. History is full of examples of religious majorities being shut out by religious minorities that had a leader under their sway lol. Moreover I think that any theological combat might be something different from regular combat, since this applies to "all units." The theocracy gov will be an interesting one. To me, all of these systems are becoming increasingly thorough as we learn about them. I highly believe that the dev team wanted to make this the launch with the most depth of any civ iteration.

I assume much of this will be discussed in the livestream that's planned today, though I'm interested to see how the tone of the stream is given that most of the religious info and tech tree were under an NDA.
That would be an ecumenical issue!
It sounds like you can choose a religious casus belli and that labels your war as theological war. If so this will be amazing and makes me wonder about other types of wars :)
we know that theological combat is applied to units like combat strength. So I am guessing it will be an alternate way for units to fight each other. It might be possible for a unit to capture another unit of a different religion if they win the theological combat roll.
I think everyone is overthinking this. I think it's simple a combat bonus to your units when fighting "infidels", i.e. civs from other religions :)

So if you don't want to be the target of a Theocrat, simply choose his religion and he won't get the bonus against you. That's how I read this anyway.
I think everyone is overthinking this. I think it's simple a combat bonus to your units when fighting "infidels", i.e. civs from other religions :)

So if you don't want to be the target of a Theocrat, simply choose his religion and he won't get the bonus against you. That's how I read this anyway.

Reason why I don't think that's only the case is because they could've easily said bonus against units of different religion. They gave this a special name which makes me think its something slightly more elaborate.
I think everyone is overthinking this. I think it's simple a combat bonus to your units when fighting "infidels", i.e. civs from other religions :)

That is very likely. So Theocracy would just give you an extra bonus on top of the default bonus. Makes sense.
IMHO, theological combat is conversion of people from one faith to another. So Missionaries, Inquisitors and Apostles have some religious strenght, which is increased with Theology.
It does make me wonder why in Civ V there are no status effects that can be applied to units. I know why there weren't any in previous civs with stacks of doom, because each individual unit mattered less. But with 1 unit per tile, effects like stun, confuse, slow, or, as a possibility in this case, Convert. They seem like they would be a shoe-in for a unit-based game. They were weirdly almost entirely absent from Civ V.
I was not expecting that. Interesting...

I wager Spain might be one of the Civs with two unique units... Conquistador is confirmed, but Spanish inquisitor seems to fit the new sistems too.
In that video are the apostles striking each other with magic rays from heaven? Kind of hard to see exactly what's happening.
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