What is your favourite scene in a Movie?


In whom I trust
Jan 30, 2003
Perth,Western Australia
What is your favouriite scene or scens from a mvoie?

Mine would have to the opening scene from The Matrix, where they try and capture Trinity. When I first saw that, I knew I was going to be in for a wild ride.
that one certainly was an eye-opener.

mine would have to be the opening scene from Lord of the Rings. "The World is changed...." the impressive VO together with the epicness of the battle versus Sauron, the beauty of the costumes and the eerily haunting music just took my breath away.

it was later on topped, I thought back then, by the "they have a cave-troll" scene as far as sheer fanboi fantasy awesomeness goes but the opening scene is the one that captured me first and still works for me today.
I agree with basically anything from the Lord of the Rings. Some of the shots in Lord of the Rings are just spectacular. It's quite suited to the "epic" genre of the books.
The scene from V for Vendetta where V kills all the soldiers with his knives

The scene in Kick-Ass where Hit Girl first appears by stabbing the guy through the back and dropping the "C" word.

The scene from The Protector (Tom Yoom-Goom iirc) where Tony Jaa beats his way up the spiraling inside of a building. Similiarly his chase scene in Ong Bak: Thai Warrior was awesome too.

The execution scene in Idiocracy still cracks me up every time, brilliant scene.
The "How Am I Funny?" scene from Goodfellas.
The knife vs sword scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark.
This scene from the start of A fistful of dollars, where Clint Eastwood shows what happens to people who laugh at his mule. Before this, westerns were John Wayne in a white hat. This changed everything.

I agree that pretty much any scene from the Lord of the Rings films is up there too. It is hard to pick a favourite, but I like the meeting between Gandalf and Saruman in the first film where you can spot the precise moment where Gandalf realises Saruman has become corrupted.
The scene near the end of Blade Rubber where Rutger Hauer's character dies.
The scene in American Psycho where Christian Bale's character hacks Paul Allen to death with an axe.
Any scene in Se7en that includes Kevin Spacey.
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