Lord Lakely
Idea Fountain
Alpha Centauri used a system of social engineering. Basically, you would unlock new policies as you made your way through the tech tree. The tech tree in SMAC was semi-random, so you could often get your rewards in a different order every game, which means you would run different policies in the early game.
Each policy would have a category (Politics, Economics, Values and Future Government) and you could only run one policy from each category at any given time (so up to four, out of a total of 12 policies total).
Policies would influence your diplomacy, as each faction has a favourite civic that they'll always run and at least one shunned civic they disapprove of. Completely different government styles do not get along.
Now here's the ringer: every policy came with a flat bonus to something (Research, Economics, Growth, etc) and a drawback, usually -2 in another field. Penalties were way more punitive than bonuses were, so taking any policy to gain an advantage meant you would hamstring yourself in a certain field.
Focus on Research? Fine, but you're now prone to security risks thanks to the -2 you're taking in Espionage.
Focus on Warfare? Fine, your units are stronger and your bases are better defended, but that's taking up so many resources you'll struggle with producing anything else
Focus on Economics? Fine, you will be wealthy beyond belief, but the social inequality you'll create by garnering all that wealth for yourself will result in massive civil unrest.
Focus on industry? Fine, you can produce anything, but the planet will suffer for it (a huge deal in SMAC since the Planet was a living, hostile entity)
This worked because each faction automatically had a few hard-coded modifiers in their social engineering. The econ faction always had +1 in Economy by default, and -1 in Support (higher maintenance costs.), regardless of policies.
It's a tad simplistic for what Civ does nowadays, but it's a good place to start. Creating a perfect, balanced goverment where everyone is happy is a pipe dream. Every decision has conesequences good or bad, and certain combinations may help you in a pinch but wreck you longterm, while others break even with minimal bonuses. To be ethical is to slow down your progress compared to those who choose not to be, but to be cruel results in an unstable domestic or environmental situations that are catastrophic if you cannot convert them into a win soon.
Whatever system Firaxis has planned, I'm hoping it will be where the government decisions are meaningful, and shape what the rest of the game looks like. The Policy Card system didn't have that outside of the Dark Age cards, specifically.
I will ALSO accept a return of policy trees though.
Each policy would have a category (Politics, Economics, Values and Future Government) and you could only run one policy from each category at any given time (so up to four, out of a total of 12 policies total).
Policies would influence your diplomacy, as each faction has a favourite civic that they'll always run and at least one shunned civic they disapprove of. Completely different government styles do not get along.
Now here's the ringer: every policy came with a flat bonus to something (Research, Economics, Growth, etc) and a drawback, usually -2 in another field. Penalties were way more punitive than bonuses were, so taking any policy to gain an advantage meant you would hamstring yourself in a certain field.
Focus on Research? Fine, but you're now prone to security risks thanks to the -2 you're taking in Espionage.
Focus on Warfare? Fine, your units are stronger and your bases are better defended, but that's taking up so many resources you'll struggle with producing anything else
Focus on Economics? Fine, you will be wealthy beyond belief, but the social inequality you'll create by garnering all that wealth for yourself will result in massive civil unrest.
Focus on industry? Fine, you can produce anything, but the planet will suffer for it (a huge deal in SMAC since the Planet was a living, hostile entity)
This worked because each faction automatically had a few hard-coded modifiers in their social engineering. The econ faction always had +1 in Economy by default, and -1 in Support (higher maintenance costs.), regardless of policies.
It's a tad simplistic for what Civ does nowadays, but it's a good place to start. Creating a perfect, balanced goverment where everyone is happy is a pipe dream. Every decision has conesequences good or bad, and certain combinations may help you in a pinch but wreck you longterm, while others break even with minimal bonuses. To be ethical is to slow down your progress compared to those who choose not to be, but to be cruel results in an unstable domestic or environmental situations that are catastrophic if you cannot convert them into a win soon.
Whatever system Firaxis has planned, I'm hoping it will be where the government decisions are meaningful, and shape what the rest of the game looks like. The Policy Card system didn't have that outside of the Dark Age cards, specifically.
I will ALSO accept a return of policy trees though.
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