[GS] Which victory type do you most ENJOY going for?

Which victory type do you enjoy the most?

  • Culture

    Votes: 30 37.0%
  • Diplomatic

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • Domination

    Votes: 15 18.5%
  • Religious

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • Science

    Votes: 23 28.4%
  • Score

    Votes: 5 6.2%

  • Total voters


Jan 2, 2014
The question is not which one is easiest for you, or which one you achieve most often — but which victory condition gives you the most satisfaction and enjoyment while playing the game?

I'll give my own response in a reply below.
For me, the #1 answer is Culture. Not only do I find it the easiest, but also the most fun because I love building wonders and creating fabulous cities.

Second place I guess would be Science. It’s pretty cool seeing those launch animations, but gosh, it sure takes a long time to get there. So much tedium.

It’s usually faster (taking fewer turns) for me to get a Religious victory, but I don’t really enjoy it too much. It’s a drag moving those Apostles and other religious units all over the place, and the AI doesn’t seem to put any serious effort into stopping me when I go in and convert cities. Sure, they’ll complain, but that’s about it.

Probably the second easiest for me is Domination, but it’s not much fun. I dislike all the killing, and it’s a whole lot of busy work getting all the correct units where they need to be.

I finally was able to win a Diplomatic victory a few days ago, which is what prompted me to post this poll because holy cow, what an awful experience that was. I like the idea, in theory, but it’s really badly executed. Others have enumerated elsewhere all the reasons why it doesn’t work, and to save space I won’t go into them here. But it will be a very long time until I try that one again.

As for the Score victory, I’ve never even tried to achieve this, and I’m not sure why I would except to get the achievement in the Hall of Fame. But would that be worth waiting and waiting and waiting, turn after turn after turn? I doubt it.
Culture is unfun because the game doesn't say how many tourists the other players are getting per turn, so it's hard to know if you are catching up or not. The whole tourist concept is pointless as it just makes it harder to understand how much tourism you need to win. Religious victory is a chore where to play a war that last all game and there are only 4 unit types. Domination vs AI is not fun because of how dumb they are, it's like playing against a child or someone with similar mental level. Science is the only one I do, I didn't try the diplo one.
The reason I like culture is because it can be played very successfully peacefully and benefits from diplomacy and trade routes and getting decent science as well as culture. It seems to me to be best fit for a well built civ as opposed to a Bee liner but sadly rock bands can just OP all of this with a huge culture rush if done well with the right civ... but the point is you do not have to, there are a variety of approaches but yes, spamming sphinxes etc is a bit OTT in my mind.
Tourist walking through Egypt “Oh look dear, another Sphinx” polite response, “Sorry, I did not notice”

A CV does tell you how much tourism the opposition is getting and does now give you an idea how many turns to victory if close. It is just not spelt out well in a single screen.
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Hmm, I wouldn't know. Maybe religious?

None of them. Civ6 late game is a complete bore. The last era or more, I'll basically just be pressing next turn because I want to lock in the achievement. Sorry to be so negative, but that's how I feel.
no that's true, future era is a joke. nothing fun being unlocked except the water city thing.
i like to built big cities with infrastructure ( read railroads - airstrips with patrolling fighters - no possible barbarian spawn point in my empire ) and lots of wonders , unfortunately most victory types tends to be done waaaaay before that so i close and ignore all victory types. the game is for me more about personal enjoyment during the game and not to achieve a victory as early or whenever. late game is for me to make sure i have all the tunnels for shortcuts and only robots as land units and have all the water tiles improved, yeah i dont much care about other civs that are also in the game , come to think of it i might be playing it wrong.
It used to be Culture, but now it's Diplomatic. I go for both, but usually knock out a Diplomatic victory when the game enters the global Industrial era.
Economic Victory.

Not a win condition, but having a powerful economy paves the way for others.

So I voted Score.
i like to built big cities with infrastructure ( read railroads - airstrips with patrolling fighters - no possible barbarian spawn point in my empire ) and lots of wonders , unfortunately most victory types tends to be done waaaaay before that ...
I don't understand at all how you people do that. I can *maybe* knock out an early cultural victory if I'm lucky and neither Congo, Russia nor Greece is in the game (which happens as good as never). I can see early domination happening, but I generally don't play domination games. Early religious? I guess you can do it with Yerevan if you really want to end game asap. Early diplomatic? lol, I haven't even gotten close to a diplomatic victory *once* after they changed it. And Scientific, which is often where I end up for lack of better, can by default not be early.
Despite having some flaws, Diplomatic benefit from building a balanced empire instead of focusing heavily on one thing, I feel more free to just play. I enjoy liberating City-states, completing emergencies and fighting justified wars. It fits my playstyle quite well.
For standard speed deity games, I love diplomatic victories. Genghis Khan, Chandragupta and Shaka are best for this type of victory.

1: The victory is very stable.
On every map the time of diplomatic victory is a variable with a very tiny variation like 2~3 turns. And the victory time becomes fixed when you enter the Classical Era. This is really nice designation. On T40s you exactly know when you will win. Therefore you don't need think hard on how to accelerate the victory on a potential map.

2: The victory is very enjoyable for developing empires.
Other types of victories may force you to focus on victory conditions, however on diplomatic victories there's much less limit. You only need to do little things, and once you have done what you need to do, you can begin building you own empire without delaying any victory time. This is really a good property for casual players who wish to build an empire without sacrificing victory time, like me.

3: It doesn't take too long.
Although Score Victory also shares property 1 and 2, it takes too long and my computer breaks down. However for diplomatic victory you only need 200~210 turns, which does not lead your computer break down.

I really appreciate this design. The victory is stable, enjoyable, and good for casual player. Even if you don't get Genghis Khan, Chandragupta and Shaka it is still stable for every Civ, except Kongo and Canada, which are absolutely the worst twins for Diplomatic Victories.
(R&F, so no DV)

I least enjoy religious victories. I got the hang of the apostles war by now, but it just feels so tedious. In the end, I only go there if I have to.

Next is culture. While I love playing it, I don't really enjoy the win. Not only that often in the late game you only run down the clock, you don't even really know for how long and then suddenly the victory screen pops when you least expect it.

While science still is the path I default to when I can't create the necessary edge for any of the others, especially on larger maps, I actually do enjoy the wins. There's some next-turning, but you're always working towards a goal.

What i enjoy most is domination victory. It's the one that most often ends while it's fun and the progress is right there in plain sight. Even after steam rolling an entire continent, every now and then the last capital you need still puts up quite a good fight. So, I enjoy domination the most because for me, is 3 the best late game.
I'm honestly super surprised that some people not only enjoy diplomatic victory, but even say it's their favorite! I have yet to win diplomatic even once. Myself I prefer going for cultural - it somehow feels most natural for and doing empire building with lots of wonders is not as sub optimal as it is for other victory types.
Science is top for me, with Culture and Diplomacy gaining honorable mentions. I don't much like the other options. I think Science wins out over the other two because it is more within my control, and I don't have to hope for aid requests, wait out election spans, or spam rock bands.
Can someone link me to threads that help with the culture victory? I always naturally end up going toward other victories, such as Science, but I decided I want to give an concerted stab at culture in which I go for it from Turn 0.
Score, I don't like playing for victory states that can end the game early
I don't really enjoy any of them much, but I think Science is my "favorite", since I am a builder by nature, and that one is about building things.

The problem is, as others have pointed out, that the Civ 6 late game is boring. I start each game with enthusiasm, but at some point I just want it to be over. Unfortunately, I still feel compelled to finish all my games. I know this is irrational. The feeling is that if I don't finish the game, it was somehow pointless to play it. The reality is, of course, that the game is pretty pointless in any case, and the only real conceivable way there could be a point, is if it provides me with some enjoyment or mental exercise. The late game of Civ 6, unfortunately, provides very little of either. Civ 5 was a bit better for me in this respect, because I got some enjoyment from pushing my ideology and completing cooperative projects and wonders, while my relatively tall build left me with little micro-management. I was still hitting "End turn" a lot, but at least I could do so relatively quickly, and occasionally do something cool in between.

I wish the end game could be automated somehow.
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