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While We Wait: The Next Generation

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I was quite particular to the style of NES Stalin started earlier, that never made it past update 3 haha. NeoNES, I do believe is what it was called. It was based in the industrial erra.
I was quite particular to the style of NES Stalin started earlier, that never made it past update 3 haha. NeoNES, I do believe is what it was called. It was based in the industrial erra.

Yea, I liked it too. I especially liked that Spain, Italy, and Britain all attacked me, unaware that I was just about done building my Dreadnought fleet, making me the holder of the worlds best navy. Also, the fact that Switzerland and Hungary were feeding me tons of money helped to. Amon, you didn't have a chance.
well, I expect the war will probably continue. I know how Silver fights, and he is tough. I don't know anything about Arian's style.

.... seriously why has everyone on the other side pointedly ignored me? It's not like I'm economically quite powerful or that I border lots of sensitive Chinese colonies with weak garrisons or that I might be militarily rather aggressive. The Mughals and the Japanese should sack their respective PR managers, utter failures.
Thanks Turner, should make WWW more enjoyable.

Now, to restate my post in the NES Development Thread, do you believe video and audio clips shall be used as an NESing media format, and when do you think such a development will happen, if ever?

I made a sort of 'history'-clip for Amons MRTOR and a map-sequence for EQs Brave New World. Someday I hope to update the MRTOR-clip as the NES has progressed some 10 turns or so :)goodjob:) but it's very timeconsuming.

Spoiler :
...and Ming is tougher than he seems at first glance...
I may start one up late this month or early next month if no other new NES's arrive. It would be the first NES I mod but I think I'm up to it. :)

Good Luck!0

I made a sort of 'history'-clip for Amons MRTOR and a map-sequence for EQs Brave New World. Someday I hope to update the MRTOR-clip as the NES has progressed some 10 turns or so :)goodjob:) but it's very timeconsuming.

Spoiler :
...and Ming is tougher than he seems at first glance...

Well, we shall see.
@Justo, what kind of industrial age NES?
Yea, I liked it too. I especially liked that Spain, Italy, and Britain all attacked me, unaware that I was just about done building my Dreadnought fleet, making me the holder of the worlds best navy. Also, the fact that Switzerland and Hungary were feeding me tons of money helped to. Amon, you didn't have a chance.

Man, how the heck did you hide constructing a fleet of huge battleships? Back in the run up to WWI everyone knew if someone was building a dreadnought because visitors could see them from three towns over! :lol:

I might start an Industrial NES (well industrial-ish as it commences in 1855) soon. Got a tasty map and 40k words of timeline (shamelessly stolen from someone on AH.com, though it has been massively edited and corrected by me from the 90k original text) sorted. It may take a while before it starts as a) it's awaiting a ruleset which take a while to square and utilize 'simulationist' precept's (See symphony's recent infodump thread) and b) I'm having fun helping Birdjaguar with his map right now. It will be similar to Jason's NES, in that the number of playable nations will be limited to the influential nations.

It has been forty years since the first Napoleon paid the tyrants price, and eleven since the second followed his father on that blood-sodden road, yet their boot remains at Europa's throat. The Four Years War ended a decade past, but it is forever with us. No man can stand free wherever the three beasts hold sway, for he is forced to wear the cloth of the oppressor, or be oppressed. Beyond the debris scattered seas things are no better enlightened; as the Bull buries its head, the Bear screams in his sleep, and the Lion eats her cubs. But a change is in the air; we will not cease the fight for our brothers minds, nor shall our swords sleep in our hands, till we have built our Jerusalem, in our hearts and our lands.
~Anonymous pamphlet, found on the streets of Düsseldorf, 9th December, 1854
What timeline on AH.com is this?
I might start an Industrial NES (well industrial-ish as it commences in 1855) soon. Got a tasty map and 40k words of timeline (shamelessly stolen from someone on AH.com, though it has been massively edited and corrected by me from the 90k original text) sorted.
Speaking of which, I read this and other than the quibble that the original scenario requires more butterflies than I'm comfortable with (which is an old complaint, as you know) it seems solid enough. :goodjob:
Speaking of which, I read this and other than the quibble that the original scenario requires more butterflies than I'm comfortable with (which is an old complaint, as you know) it seems solid enough. :goodjob:

The rasputitsa swallows all things - it can easily choke a few butterflies! :mischief:

@Az, I'd tell you but I'd prefer if you read my version (when I get round to making the NES thread) before as there are a lot of changes and you don't want to use events from the original as the basis for actions in the NES...
Pah, I'm not too lazy that I can't read both ;) Can the map be revealed at least for us annoying inquisitors?
Arian's mentioning of ABNW reminded me of a question I sort of have been meaning to ask. Do any of you think that EQ's A Brave New World is one of the top 10 best NESes ever? Or top 25? It certainly post wise fits the former, though the spam might have helped....
Taken right from Merriam Webster Dictionary:

Main Entry: best
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural best
Date: before 12th century

1: the best state or part
2: one that is best <the best falls short>
3: the greatest degree of good or excellence
4 a: one's maximum effort <do your best> b: a best performance or achievement <ran a new personal best>
It's not even EQ's best NES.
You really want to fight the strongest country south of the Kotthorns? I mean, there are plenty of weaker countries to the north. :p

This is your own fault, you know, with all your "I'm so eager for the Satar to get here!" comments.

And yes, I really want to fight the strongest country south of the Kotthorns. It just so happens to be the richest, and is also prosecuting a war far away. ;)
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