• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Who-1 A new era has begun!

AK & I went out to eat last night. I lent him my copy of the manual so he can read up. He also said that his copy should be delivered today. I think that he footed a few extra bucks from Igor & Linebacker's allowance pool to get Spock & the pigs on the way.

btw, I saw a flock of sheep yesterday morning coming back from work and thought of fe :lol:. I tried to take a picture, but they ran. I guess they confused me for Igor ;) .
OK it seems we have a reasonably good lineup so I think it's time to start a game. First six will be in Who-1 and 2nd six in Who-2 (look for new thread).
So far for Who-1 we have:

Sirian said:
Somebody blindfold him, spin him in a circle, and let him throw darts at a dartboard. Go with whatever he hits... even if it's the wall opposite where the dartboard is actually hanging!?
Sirian said random civ so what the heck. How about other standard defaults, continents, temperate.
I'm having a lot of success at Noble as the Hindu Jew Romans (Praetorians with cats and crossbows rock!).

How about we roll a level above Noble and I'll start with 20 tonight?

BTW I will be in Tucson Thursday through Sunday ('Slinger is in Friday. :beer:). I don't think I'll play much except for the flight.
hoping ill be in this, im for noble level.
all world settings random except size (standard)

but seeing i think ill only have it ready in about 12d15hr32min12sec or so, ill probably be in who-2 "who you looking at, PUNK?"
I've been playing continents, all the "medium" settings, standard world, random civ.

Noble seems reasonable but at least half my play time was with black terrain and I kept abandoning games to try another setting and see if that helped, so no long-term game experience just yet. I think there have been more difficulties added between the easy ones and the medium ones, so less than noble might be too easy.

If you're getting similar maps to the ones I'm getting, there isn't an issue any more with rolling several starts -- haven't had a single one yet which was not usable. :D
OK team Who-1 is
Formula51 if he sees this

I'm debating on level. Is everyone ok with Noble+1? I will roll a start tonight.

Also I got a new PC and I can't figure out how to get to the desktop from the game. My other machine has a "windows" key to get there. What key do you guys hit to get the the desktop?
Whomp said:
Also I got a new PC and I can't figure out how to get to the desktop from the game. My other machine has a "windows" key to get there. What key do you guys hit to get the the desktop?
if you keep another application open (CA2, screenshotassist, or whatever) just press ALT + TAB.
it will open a small pop up that will let you switch between them.

there is a button you can place on the taskbar called SHOW DESKTOP, which is to be usually found around here -
C:\Documents and Settings\thl316.TAHAL\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch

if you fail to find it, ask and ill send it your way.

pressing that button will minimize all the windows.
Just open a folder, any folder, before you start the game. Then you should be able to ALT-TAB to that folder which will also show your taskbar.
I'm currently winning a Noble game with a strong tech lead, so Prince (I think that's what it's called) should be OK.

soul_warrior said:
if you keep another application open (CA2, screenshotassist, or whatever) just press ALT + TAB.
it will open a small pop up that will let you switch between them.
I don't think you need any programs open with cIV, just press it and you'll see the desktop. But it takes a longer time than in Civ3.

Also, Ctrl-Esc should work like Windows key.
Map: Continents
Climate: Temperate
Seas: Medium
Size: Standard
Level: Prince
In the beginning there were cows and horses. We are Frederick the creative and philosophical.
- Philosophical civs pump out Great People like no one's business.
- Creative civs get culture automatically in each city, so I usually play them aggressively early on, pushing out a lot of settlers and founding cities right on the borders of other civs, knowing that I can win the culture border wars thanks to my free culture.
We get half off unis for our space ship too.

The technological advances include hunting and mining. A day will come when we build panzers and a space ship. :banana:

Here's a pic of the start to discuss before I open it up.
It's 24 hours for a "got it" and 48 hours to play it. No exploits as usual and let's have fun.

I like the start. Some chops, hills, horses, cows. Ag may be our best first tech to animal husbandry.
move the scout 2 SW and see what's up. plant in place looks good if nothing rears its ugly head
My thoughts are it might be best to roll right towards a religion since we won't grow fast enough to get a worker out early. Then we can look at the animal husbandry and getting the cows and horses hooked up.
Hello everybody :cool:

Just nice to see them bunch'o'idiots here.

Since today I'm a proud owner of CIV IV, which doesn't necessarily mean that I own at it.

As this game's roster is full, I will watch out for another one, but keep reading.
I've managed to persuade Amazon to update their ship date, by changing my delivery option (to the same delivery option that it was before... but it worked :crazyeye: )

It says 4th-5th.
:wavey: Hi Lullaby. The idiots will be running the asylum again. Check in at Who-2 since I'm not sure what Own and Iroquois Plisken's plans are. You are in if they are not playing.

@Eldar Who-2 for you!
@Daveshack I will play it tonight (Tucson tomorrow :cool: ) but I thought it would be best to get some thoughts on opening strategy.

Here were a few of my thoughts....
I'd like to run the scout along the river to see what's there. Beelining to a religion so we can spam culture with our creative trait. Try to get a couple another scout and a warrior built then a worker to chop the plains forest away from water for a settler. I see this as an early builder culture push with a later game Panzer push for critical resources to build that spaceship.

Here's everyone's current status.

Roster update:
Major Idiot Whomp-- READY and up to bat.
Grumpy Wildcat DaveShack-- Who-1 on deck
Formula 51 Who-1 but please check in
Igor Who-1 in the hole if no Formula51
Tubby-Leaderhead issues? Who-1
Idiot Processor Pentium Who-1 patiently waiting

Who-2 Someone roll a start in that thread if it gets going before Monday.
Jive Talkin' Idiot SW-delayed Who-2
Eldar waiting for the propah English version Who-2
The Grumpy Old Monk wrong purchase and video card issues Who-2
Daghie waiting for a special delivery next week :mischief:..Who-2
'Lil Grasshoppah Own Who-2

Maine Idiot IP Still in?
Lullaby if someone bails?
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