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Who is Mark Swiss?

Genv [FP]

Website Moron
Apr 12, 2008
I've had this guy pop up as a great spy, But I did some research on Wikipedia and google, and there seems to be no mention of him...

Anyone know why he's named Mark swiss And / Or his origins?
Its a pity Morrisey was not in that team :lol::lol:
Would of thought they made Leonard Nimoy a great spy for all the times I'm in a lan party and I hear from someones computer "You have discovered ...." (about that time they turn the volume down).
Genv [FP];6710973 said:
I've had this guy pop up as a great spy, But I did some research on Wikipedia and google, and there seems to be no mention of him...

Anyone know why he's named Mark swiss And / Or his origins?

I could tell you who Mark Swiss is, but then I'll have to kill you.
More than likely he was one of the game's beta testers. This discussion came up a month or so back, I think. Apparently several of the names on the great spy list are homages to the beta testers simply because they ran out of names from history to use! As Navarre and Bushface have said before, if the spy is so great then how come we know all about him? :)
I've been playing the Quot Capita modpack recently, and the other day someone got a great spy called Jason Bourne. Then Sid appeared as a great engineer! And a great scientist, damn I can't remember his name - the mad scientist character from Back To The Future. Very funny :lol:
I've been playing the Quot Capita modpack recently, and the other day someone got a great spy called Jason Bourne. Then Sid appeared as a great engineer! And a great scientist, damn I can't remember his name - the mad scientist character from Back To The Future. Very funny :lol:

Emmitt Brown, lol

semi on topic...where do i find the list of names used for GP..so I can add my little touches to it?
More than likely he was one of the game's beta testers. This discussion came up a month or so back, I think. Apparently several of the names on the great spy list are homages to the beta testers simply because they ran out of names from history to use! As Navarre and Bushface have said before, if the spy is so great then how come we know all about him? :)

There were plenty of names they could have used but neglected to: Leopold Trepper, Richard Sorge, Dusan Popovic, George Blake, Peter Smollett, Guy Burgess, Donald Maclean, Walter Krivitsky, Giacomo Casanova, Caleb (who spied out the Promised Land for Moses), Jonathan Pollard (who betrayed American military secrets to Israel), Ben-Ami Kadish (an Israeli spy in America), Somerset Maugham (who was a British Secret Service agent in WWI), David Cornwell alias John le Carré (who worked for MI5 for years), Aphra Behn (who worked as a spy for Charles II), Christopher Marlowe (who worked for Elizabeth I's spy master Walsingham), Markus Wolf (head of the East German Stasi and the model for le Carré's Soviet spy master Karla). Did they include Wilhelm Canaris?
Most of the names I recognize as either spies or spy catchers. Some are traitors (the Rosenbergs). Bill Donovan was with the OSS and helped create the CIA. Hoover was head of the FBI and caught spies. But yes, some are a mystery.

Keeping with the "realism cannot be fun" paradigm, why not a James Bond or Jason Bourne? Or Maxwell Smart, Napoleon Solo or James West?
Most of the names I recognize as either spies or spy catchers. Some are traitors (the Rosenbergs). Bill Donovan was with the OSS and helped create the CIA. Hoover was head of the FBI and caught spies. But yes, some are a mystery.

Keeping with the "realism cannot be fun" paradigm, why not a James Bond or Jason Bourne? Or Maxwell Smart, Napoleon Solo or James West?

Our Our Man Flint. Incidentally, is Max Gogf another beta player?
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