Who is the most moral person in your eyes?

Who do you think is the most moral person?

  • Person A

    Votes: 95 72.5%
  • Person B

    Votes: 25 19.1%
  • I want to see the results without voting and thus conjure a radioactive monkey.

    Votes: 11 8.4%

  • Total voters
Neither one of them are particularly virtuous or morally superior, but adultery is a very big sin. Choosing Person A does not make what Person A does, right.

How is what goes on between 2 consenting adults ever wrong? (assuming that nobody gets physically hurt in the process of course;))
If the relationship is worth preserving, would it be able to survive such a revelation? I mean, if I found out my hypothetical wife had cheated on me it wouldn't be automatic grounds for divorce, depending on circumstances - although it would be likely, and even more so if I found out she had then covered it up.
well lets say a girl came up to me at a party and said that she wanted a one night stand, she was on the pill, and didn't have any stds, but she wasn't really interested in dating. I would say there's nothing wrong and have a fun time.

I'd run away. It's not worth the risk.

However if I was married for 30 years and found out my wife had an affair with someone else I would probably be heart broken and angry that she broke her vows and tried to cover it up.

What if you found out 25 years after it happened? Would it mean that all the good times you had with your wife were a lie?

I think it would mean that she really loved you.
If a man or woman who once did a stupid mistake and cheated on his/her partner
Opps, sorry darlin, I slipped into my voluptuous big-breasted secretary while her back is lying on my desk with her legs wrapped around my neck.:mischief: Forgive me of my mistake.:lol:
If the relationship is worth preserving, would it be able to survive such a revelation? I mean, if I found out my hypothetical wife had cheated on me it wouldn't be automatic grounds for divorce, depending on circumstances - although it would be likely, and even more so if I found out she had then covered it up.
It is hard to predict hypothetical outcomes due to the nature of one's temperance at that given time. Unless you are principally unforgiving that is.
From the christian viewpoint, I believe they'd be equally immoral. Being immoral just makes them both sinners, not one lesser sinner and one greater sinner.
I don't think lying is wrong with no regard to the circumstances. You can either lie in order to hurt someone or gain an unfair advantage, or you can lie to cover something, what would hurt the one you're lying to.

If a man or woman who once did a stupid mistake and cheated on his/her partner lies about it not just in order to save his/her ass, but out of a genuine endeavour to save the relationship which is otherwise good, I don't think it is necessarily a bad thing.

I'd say it is more like a damage limitation.
I partly agree with you, the thing is that the worst part for me isn't the lying afterwards but initial betrayal when he/she was unfaithfull.
I'd run away. It's not worth the risk.

What if you found out 25 years after it happened? Would it mean that all the good times you had with your wife were a lie?

I think it would mean that she really loved you.

It would probably make me question my marriage and shatter my trust in her.

Person A on the other hand is just having sex with a lot of people, and is open and honest about it.
Why is it better to keep it a secret? I think it is not.

It is morally wrong to keep it secret, but practically it is beter.
The truth does no good in this case. It only hurts and endagers the relationship.

If your spouse is no longer able to fulfill your love life, maybe it's time for a divorce, not an affair.

If it happens frequently it's time for a divorce, but you wrote in the OP that there was only one short-lived affair in 30 years. A 30-year old relationship shouldn't be ended because someone made a mistake
If it happens frequently it's time for a divorce, but you wrote in the OP that there was only one short-lived affair in 30 years. A 30-year old relationship shouldn't be ended because someone made a mistake

Maybe. I know I would be devastated if I learned that my wife had cheated on me and lied to me...
I consider monopolists immoral, so person B won the immorality contest the moment he entered into a monopoly. The fact that he briefly broke the monopoly does not redeem him if he then returned to his immoral ways.
Interesting thread, Masquerouge. As for my answer, Person A, because liberalism is where it's at.
Interesting thread, Masquerouge. As for my answer, Person A, because liberalism is where it's at.

Not sure what this statement means. What is 'it'?

Anyway, what if in the examples given, person B had never had an affair and never lied to his spouse?

The examples given merely asks this question: Is it more moral to be honest and greatly sexually immoral; or dishonest and only sexually immoral once. Honesty does not automatically indicate morality. If I am honest about the immoral things I do, that does not validate them somehow, and in turn make them 'moral'.

Thus, in your example, both people are being immoral..but for different reasons.
I feel sorry for the people in example B. It would be a heck of a burden to carry such a lie, and yet be unable (due mainly to cowardice, but also prudence) to be able to divest yourself of it.

Person B is more immoral, but I feel sorry for that person too. Person B seems stuck.
Person A, simply because of his upright/straightforward/honestness and his concern towards his partners
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