Why on earth...

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I agree completely on the fog of war issue. Really hard to use. Not only is it really unclear, but it also forces the user to deal with two styles of information, which further slows down the process of being able to get information from the screen.

It was one of the primary reasons I requested a refund for this game. The crappy AI was the other big one.
I love the new Civ VI fog. I agree 100% on the clarity issue though ... they need to make the icons pop. Seems like it would be an easy fix.

I believe that the reason Civ VI has a more cartoony look right now, like a lot of games these days, is because they are using facial expressions on their leaders more now (can see a more primitive version of this used all over the place in WoW for example), and that if you try that tech out on realistic avatars that you cross into the "uncanny valley". As graphics continue to improve people will be able to do the same with more realistic graphics.

Personally I prefer realistic graphics to the cartoony ones but I have to admit that Civ VI is a beautiful game, and is already more attractive to me than Civ V.
I love the new Civ VI fog. I agree 100% on the clarity issue though

That's the thing though, the clarity and the aesthetics are one in the same. It's because the devs thought these aesthetics were more handsome that we've gotten vastly reduced clarity. I don't see a way to modify the parchment look while retaining Civ5-level clarity. Seems like the most appropriate and popular choice would be to give us the option to toggle on/off the parchment look. That way, anyone who wants the new look still has it, but those of us who want the Civ5 clarity look gets that as well.
Even if we don't get the full Civ V treatment, just higher contrast for select aspects like hill outlines, resource icons, and desert textures would make the fog-of-war much more readable.

Although I admit that I'm becoming better at reading the fog-of-war now with 250 hours invested, it doesn't change the fact that I often had difficulty telling what is what in the first few hours and had to mouse-over all the time.

But at the very least, I think there's little to argue against making hills much more visible through rainforest while under the fog-of-war. It's often extremely difficult to tell (some would say impossible) without the yield icons.
Has this been patched/fixed yet?

No, they're not patching/fixing a new and (in my opinion) superior Fog of War style.

Also, there's no need to bump a half year old thread, the "Quick Questions and Answers" thread is right there.
Moderator Action: Yes, please do not necro threads. Let the dead rest in peace. Thread closed.
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