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Wild Mana for FFH 2

Any chance you can change that about the spellbooks Sephi? I just sent an adept off half way around the map to get to an elemental spell book (to hopefully get scorch) rather than the one I wanted to learn the spells, so I could have that good spell caster to help defend against the Calabim... Damn annoying to find he couldn't take the spellbook! :p

Or is there a particular reason why you have it that way?

I forgot the reason, some weird limitation with the equipment system. Added now abilites to Drop these equipment. Should also solve the issue with capturing an Mana Guardian.
My Vista system gives five error messages saying the program is unable to create the BUG ini files each time I start the program. Is there a setting in some other ini file that lets me move the BUG ini files to the Documents and Settings folder instead of Program Files?

BugPath.py seems to handle it.
Varn Gosam founded AV in this game, pretty unflavourful that a good guy founds such an evil religion! so far he founded RoK, Empy and AV, but is still using RoK as state religion.
Animals never in the game:

Playing latest version of FFH with 3.0 Wild Mana. Map is Mountain Coast. Turn 120 or so and no animals have shown up the entire game. I don't recall an option that would have turned them off, in fact I have wildlands selected which should have given me even more animals. Any ideas?
Animals never in the game:

Playing latest version of FFH with 3.0 Wild Mana. Map is Mountain Coast. Turn 120 or so and no animals have shown up the entire game. I don't recall an option that would have turned them off, in fact I have wildlands selected which should have given me even more animals. Any ideas?

tested Mountain Coast and animals show up after about 20 turns (normal speed). Did you do a PLAY NOW game after patching to 3.0 to reset gameoptions?
yes, though I did so as a single player. My wife and I play hot seat, can you do a play now in that mode? If so, do I need to do that in order to reset everything?
yes, though I did so as a single player.
that's good. Did this happen in one game or in many? Did you start with barbarian world or deadly wild mana? Maybe too many barbs already on the map to let animals spawn.
[to_xp]Gekko;8362373 said:
Sabathiel just founded FoL, after he founded Order, but he's still running RoK :D

yeah, has a 20% chance or so to pick RoK as his favorite Religion. I now Blocked Leaders from wasting research on religion techs they don't like anyway (like Varn and AV). You can always adjust the religionweight though if you like him founding AV :lol:
"that's good. Did this happen in one game or in many? Did you start with barbarian world or deadly wild mana? Maybe too many barbs already on the map to let animals spawn."

Yes we have deadly wild mana and barb world selected. This is the second game since 3.0 came out. The first had animals, this one doesn't. The first was on standard size this one is Huge. The first was PW2 and this one is Mountain Coast. The first didn't have as many barb cities as there were 6 total players where this one had 9 players. That may have been where the "too many barbs to allow animals to appear" is coming from. I'll start another this evening and see if I get the same thing again.
"that's good. Did this happen in one game or in many? Did you start with barbarian world or deadly wild mana? Maybe too many barbs already on the map to let animals spawn."

Yes we have deadly wild mana and barb world selected. This is the second game since 3.0 came out. The first had animals, this one doesn't. The first was on standard size this one is Huge. The first was PW2 and this one is Mountain Coast. The first didn't have as many barb cities as there were 6 total players where this one had 9 players. That may have been where the "too many barbs to allow animals to appear" is coming from. I'll start another this evening and see if I get the same thing again.

Well, assuming WildMana still has the barbs and animals as one civ, Barbarian World should be the cause. In standard FfH at least, animals only spawn until each each civ has around 2 cities... At which point, barbs take over. With Barbarian World, barbs take over from the start, negating any animal spawns.

FF and Orbis have separate barb civs, meaning animals spawn all game long. And increase in strength as they age.
Is it me or neutral civs have less of a relationship with evil than with good? I mean for the last 10 games iv played iv had poor relations with evil civs and better relations with good civs?

Shouldnt they get along with both?
I'm looking at what Alteration allows in-game, and while build force node correctly says it requires the wild mana gameoption, build creation node does not say so.
Depends on your view of what 'dark fantasy' means, really. If I was a neutral nomad, I'm fairly sure a lot of the more zealous good organizations would dislike me for not joining their cause. And I'm fairly sure the evil organizations would want to make a slave of me from the start, so why would I like them?

For all I know, the good guys have a 'you're either with us or against us' mentality. The Order comes to mind. Unquestioning obedience. Who knows where that little neutral civilization will fall? For all we know they can be corrupted by the Veil at any moment! Would you really trust complete strangers to maintain their word?

I tried to take complete neutrality as far as I could in several games. My latest one ended up with Hafghan the Purger destroying my entire Amurite empire, while my last two settlers fled to a new continent to rebuild their civilization. Every few turns I'd send a waterwalking mage across the sea to investigate the remnants of my empire. The cities flip between the Elohim and their Mercurian allies, Decius (he seems to be a prominent player in every game no matter what civ he is..), Cardith Lorda (Decius' vassal) and Hafghan and his Clan.

I suppose that war is just an inevitability, unless everyone near you decided to follow the same religion or all started with the same alignment. Or you're just really strong and nobody wants to mess with you. Yet.
would it be possible to block automated workers from building forts? pretty annoying when they wast a perfectly good tile for a useless fort.
[to_xp]Gekko;8364498 said:
would it be possible to block automated workers from building forts? pretty annoying when they wast a perfectly good tile for a useless fort.

Oh man, I forgot all about this. This! It's so annoying, workers just try and build a fort on my first ring of city tiles for absolutely no reason. :(
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