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Wild Mana for FFH 2

update on the shadow/mask issue: you can cast it if all the units on the tile are HN, but if even one of them is not you can't.

btw, shouldn't scorching a marsh give a grassland instead of plains?
being able to spring riverside desert to floodplains seems wrong. with just sun and water mana you can get all the riverside tiles in your empire to floodplains.
Is it normal for the Clan of Embers to get random barbarian units spawning under their control? I noticed in the game above that there were orange flag units scattered all over the place, including as the sole defenders of a couple of barbarian cities. I deleted all the stray Clan units, and that fixed the CTD, at least so far, without deleting the cities themselves. Has anyone else noted this happening? Perhaps the barbarians globally reach their unit spawn limit, but have cities that are producing units so they go to the Clan for some reason?

The Clan of Embers Worldspell converts Barbarians in the whole world to them. Nothing unusual what you saw.
[to_xp]Gekko;8370905 said:
bug with advanced terraforming: using spring on a desert riverside hill will give you a desert+floodplain+hill :lol:

not a bug, intended that way. One day I will add spells to turn peaks to hills and stuff to this gameoption.
The Clan of Embers Worldspell converts Barbarians in the whole world to them. Nothing unusual what you saw.

Okay, that makes sense, but the fact is that their units guarding unconverted barbarian cities seems to have caused my CTD. At least, deleting those units fixed the problem. I'll inquire on the base FFH forums if this is an observed phenomenon there, but is there anything different with the AI behavior in Wildmana that could be triggering the bug?
[to_xp]Gekko;8370852 said:
see this damaged stack of orcs? they haven't been damaged by the elves, they've been damaged for some 20 turns now, but never wanted to stop a couple turns to heal. what I think happened is the AI gave them the order to cross my lands and go attack elves, and while they were walking blight hit and damaged everyone, and they just kept going instead of stopping to heal :lol:
exactly, while on a Mission AI won't push any other Missions like heal. But they were damaged so low they wouldn't attempt to heal anyway.

[to_xp]Gekko;8370852 said:
also, a very annoying thing: my shadows are able to cast mask when they are alone on a tile, I guess that's intended but very annoying :/
The requirement for mask is that the unit isn't in a group with another unit.

[to_xp]Gekko;8370923 said:
btw, shouldn't scorching a marsh give a grassland instead of plains?
good point, changed

Okay, that makes sense, but the fact is that their units guarding unconverted barbarian cities seems to have caused my CTD. At least, deleting those units fixed the problem. I'll inquire on the base FFH forums if this is an observed phenomenon there, but is there anything different with the AI behavior in Wildmana that could be triggering the bug?
The bug happens in a function i haven't modified, so I guess in some circumstances it might happen in FFH2 too. Anyway, I changed how the Clan uses his worldspell units, so this shouldn't happen again.
yeah, that would be annoying :D

I don't think there would be any hurry to update for it though, seeing as the only important fix it has ( blight ) is already in ;)
Sephi, about the modular DLL, didn't you get some issues when trying to import it?

Or better yet, how did you import it? I tried for Orbis but I can't get the game to load, it crashes on XML initialization. Did you set up all schemas first and then went to work on the DLL? I didn't to those yet; I guess it could be why it's failing to load but I'd expect an error message instead of a bland and mysterious "Civ 4 must shutdown".
Sephi, about the modular DLL, didn't you get some issues when trying to import it?

Or better yet, how did you import it? I tried for Orbis but I can't get the game to load, it crashes on XML initialization. Did you set up all schemas first and then went to work on the DLL? I didn't to those yet; I guess it could be why it's failing to load but I'd expect an error message instead of a bland and mysterious "Civ 4 must shutdown".
I didn't mess with the schemas. Did you try to start Civ4 without any module in modules folder?
IIRC, xienwolf told me it was necessary to set up the schemas so element are set as minOccurs="0" :confused:

Yeah, I tried to start Civ4 without any module and it won't work either. But I think I'll try again soon, maybe redoing it cleaner. The thing is that CvInfos.cpp is a real pain in the ass :(
You don't need to set the minOccurs=0 on schema for it to work. That is just something handy to do so that the module makers don't need to do it themselves.

I don't know if I ever mentioned it when we were chatting, but make sure you have Modular Loading disabled in your ini.
I wonder, should automated Malakim terraformers be allowed to spring desert? Right now they won't do so (like the AI).
they should spring all desert tiles that are inside a city's BFC, 1F1H is better than 1C :D

having them also scorch tiles that are not inside a city BFC could be nice as well, seeing as they have nasty bonuses when attacking in deserts. ideally they would have desert surrounding their cities, deserts in which they will mercilessly destroy incoming enemy stacks ;)
Nope, ini isn't ignored, you can flip it on to return to default BtS modular loading IIRC, though I also was pretty sure I saw a few places that flat out broke the old loading version in a few regards, so it may just wind up resulting in a flat crash, so should be ignored on the DLL side at least. There might be a few things EXE side which change with it set though, and we'd not be able to do anything about that.

Automated Malakim should maybe Spring any WORKED tile in the BFC. Then most of your local land will remain desert, but you'll get the best yields. Though if you have any Malakim only improvements which are destroyed when the tile stops being desert, that would be a bad idea.
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