Will there be new leader or civ traits?


Dec 11, 2009
I wonder if they will tweak leader traits. I myself would like to be able to create a customer leader with chosen traits, but it sounds like that will not happen if leaders are preset.

We have: Aggressive, Creative, Expansive, Financial, Industrious, Organized, Philosophical, Spiritual, Imperialistic, Protective, and Charismatic.

Can these be tweaked, improved, or some removed? What do you think?

I would also like to see a civilization feature added that adds a minor bonus based on the historical tendencies of the civ, such as seafaring Portugal, or ingenuitive Korea.
According to the game designers, the old system of traits has been removed, and leaders now will have unique traits (like one leader could have 1 UU and 2 UBs or something like that).
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