OK - I've played it (C3C), with the full whack of civs - well at least part of it my computer is complaining
. Though strangely I found that if you loaded it into the editor and resaved it the game ran faster ?!?!
Anyhow my thoughts game-play wise, after playing it a few times (never all the way through yet)
Rome: They just cant seem to expand at all I think maybe the terrain is a bit too harsh
China: They are also bogged down with harsh terrain; those Himalayas REALLY slow things down over there. Just *shush* knock down a few of those hills and give them a few patches of good land, just something to help them expand southwards away from the conflict zone
DONT ever put the Dutch on the map. They get EVERYWHERE. No seriously never play with them on, Ditto with the Celts, they play havoc with the Germans, English and French.
One thing that seemed to work very well in my last game was playing with Spain and Portugal editing the map so they were in a locked alliance (Iberia), this allowed a nice co-operation between the two which previously had them at each other throats.
Nice map all the same just a shame about the 512 city things REALLY annoying.
~ Boli