Slightly different question: if you had to pay poll taxes, how much would you be willing to pay to vote?
I'd sell my second amendment rights to own guns and kill people.
I'd sell my second amendment rights to own guns and kill people.
The going rate for vote selling here in the Philippines is P20...or 40 cents US.
In Nov., just try and get P20-notes for the bus. The politicians have bought them all up.
Yet locals are forever complaining about corruption.![]()
Now this makes me wonder: how would the U.S. House look if we used the Prussian three-class franchise?
It might be hard to determine based on taxes paid like the Prussian system, so I would try to calculate it through exit polls of annual income and work it out based on the percentage of population in each group.
Based on what I remember from how different income groups voted, I don’t think there would be that drastic of a change in outcomes? I suppose a more “accurate” analysis would break it down by district, but that would increase the amount of work I have to do by at least 43,000%.
In that case no sale. Originally I thought this was like a government program where you either keep your right to vote or you get cashed out at a price one discusses in the reply to your OP. That to me is an interesting question to consider.If you want more structured rules, it's basically this: an anonymous buyer has offered a deal to you to sell your right to vote, in that you would no longer have any say in the political process whatsoever and this anonymous buyer assuming your consent now has two votes to do with as they please. You don't know what they will do with it, you don't know how many others they've contacted. The only relevant question becomes: what's your price?
Would you do it if only one person could do it once? Suppose I get elected to Congress (yay big salary) and pass the Only Hygro Can Sell His Vote Act of 2020.
is frankly morally repugnant
You have made a very valiant and courageous stand against my ... topic.Discussing this scenario as though it were an acceptable thing to allow and tolerate, and not lead to an armed mob dragging Bezos and his corporate cronies, and the treasonous and seditious lawmakers he bribed from their mansions in their bedclothes to a people's tribunal for high treason against the People, Nation, and Constitution, followed by public execution in the Mall, is frankly morally repugnant - even hypothetically.
You have made a very valiant and courageous stand against my ... topic.
I think you’re investing too much time soapboxing in my otherwise lighthearted what-if.
I would, for 5x minimal wage a month.For the rest of my life![]()
You have made a very valiant and courageous stand against my ... topic.
I think you’re investing too much time soapboxing in my otherwise lighthearted what-if.
I’m having a hard time making a serious connection from a video game BBS to Weimar Germany.In a hypothetical Beer Hall in a German City in 1926. "You know, Ludwig, since we're unemployed and have little else to do, let's speculate light-hearted what-if's if this whacko Austrian, Adolf Hitler, were actually to win an election."
Would you do it if only one person could do it once? Suppose I get elected to Congress (yay big salary) and pass the Only Hygro Can Sell His Vote Act of 2020.