• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


Production costs as in increasing them? Or decreasing them so the AI builds more.
Probably both, I would guess. Higher cost for armor, lower cost for such things as infantry and garrisons, and the kind of units nobody builds much.
Production costs as in increasing them? Or decreasing them so the AI builds more.


Most production-costs will be decreased for AI.
Probably there will be an increased cost with regard to armour
for the human player.

I am very glad to hear you are getting better.
A full and speedy recovery to you Rocoteh.

I have been very busy lately and have not had any time to play test and it does
not look like I will in the near future.

A week or so ago I finished my Mod to test some Ideas I had about how to improve the scenario. But I have not had the time to test it. So I the uploaded file please take a look at it and tell me what you think.

If someone has some extra time could you do a playtest?

Here is what I did in the Mod
1.Put fortress in Tripoli.
2.Cut the following cities to free up slots.[ Puerto Acre, Fort Chipewyart, Broken Hill, Gao, Teffe,
[Note this does not afect borders that much]
Added the following cities [ Midway, Cebu, Palau, Wake, Tarawa.
3.Renamed Soloman Islands Guadalcanal .
4. 2 BF109s to Switzerland 1 to Yugoslavia.
5. 2 I15s to natl china 1 to commie china.
6.1 Light tank to Poland 1 sub to Poland.
7.Added new unit called declare war invisible and imolble def 1 atk 0. This will have a controlled sub bug effect. The Declare Wars Germany v Denmark Norway Germany v Greece Germany v Yugoslavia. Japan v Thailand. China v commie china
8.Added victory locations. Manila,Cebu,Davao,Palau,Tarawa,Palembang,Batavia,
Singapore,Hong Kong,Brest,Portsmouth,Palermo,Malta,London,Bordeaux,Plymouth.
9.Unlandlocked Philadelphia and Riga.
10.Added mines west of Malmo so sweden cant attack Copenhagen and cut off
the tip of Dennmark @X194Y50 so sweden cant block the way to Norway.
11. Germany cant produce 88s Cologne wonder auto produces them every 4 turns.
Germany always wastes its resources on them I think this way is best.[GET THE NO RAZE PATCH.] Düsseldorf Wonder auto produces ME109E every 4 turns. BTW this helps to simulate the industry in the Rhur. IMHO I THINK THIS WILL HELP THE GERMAN AI X2 and it does not need speicial AI version. IMHO THE MAIN GERMAN AI PROBLEM IS it wastes all its resources on 88s.
12.Mines get 20 bonus AI will not charge them.
14.US airbase in UK.
15.Hungary Infantry @X205Y85 is owned by Germany I fixed that now owned by Hungary .

P.S. @Rocoteh
If posting a mod of your scenario bothers you I will take it down.


Thank you.

Sounds like an interesting mod.

Hi Rocoteh,

i´m glad your health is getting better and I wish it can be on full strength again soon.:)

BTW.: The last week I had some enjoyable rounds with your "WW2-Global" and I´m always impressed about the smooth running and the lot of fun I have with your scenario.

Best regards

After playing civ4 for sometime im getting bored with it and I am looking for a decent ww2 scenario, but havent really found anyone for civ4. The most fun ive had with civilization games is the ww2 scenarios, and this is the best and most fun scenario I have ever played. I think its almost a year since I last played it and now its time to try it again. Just wanted to express my gratitude for this excellent scenario.
I was just looking at the .biq and I forgot the victory locations in Midway and Wake.
Hi there,

I started another France game

From start to Week 12 1940

It has basically been a repeat of WW1, the Germans blitzed the Netherlands and Belgium. At that point the frontlines have become very static and the bloody fighting around Verdun just keep continuing.
Since French air forces are drastically inferior to German designs, I abandoned all forces and rely on AD units. By now the initial Luftwaffe medium bombers are low in number and there is a shift towards Ju87.
In the last 3 weeks the German AI started to directly attack the maginot line and but is more cautious in the Belgian French border area :confused:

In a way it is a rather boring stalemate, German AI has the superior resources and I shy away from offensive actions since it would mean leaving behind my carefully build up and very effective defensive positions.
French tank units are not very numerous but make up the gantlet tat cuts off the advancing German Panzers.

In Africa French engineers are busy creating a road network amongst my and English holdings.

Naval operations are almost non-existence, partly because subs and destroyers were recycled to boost the infrastructure of costal towns and the med. fleet serves as AD batteries in Corsica.

The options open to me are:
1) Slowly build up my forces and take Switzerland and Spain to boost the industrial base

2) Take the initiative in Belgium to break the deadlock

3) Wait for hostilities between Germany and the Soviet Union to commence and exploit the weaker German lines.

I tend to option #1

All the best
opinion 1 is unrealistic. You play as french. would they have ever attacked without reasons???
Who should I play as first? Germany seems like the right idea, but I've done it in other games and just seems cliche, I was thinking france till Baldurslayer made it seem like WWI- which may end up being fun. So Britain or U.S. maybe? Whatever you've had the most engaging expierence in.
Who should I play as first? Germany seems like the right idea, but I've done it in other games and just seems cliche, I was thinking france till Baldurslayer made it seem like WWI- which may end up being fun. So Britain or U.S. maybe? Whatever you've had the most engaging expierence in.
First of all, Germany is a good starter, lots of enemies, lots of "Lebensraum", enough substance to engage in cutting edge technology and great units.
Britain and the Soviets can be interesting, the US ... not quite my type of gameplay. Japan can be rather fun as well.

In respect to France, it has become WW1 style because of necessity, fighting off wave after wave of German Panzer IIIEs (6 or 7 per turn) with infantry (12 defence vs. 21 Panzer attack), only a combination of fortifications, rivers and radar towers minimise looses.
Beating back the Wehrmacht under a hostile sky while simultaneously developing one's industrial base requires a lot of my attention, in this sense playing France is great fun.
The Germans must have faced such a kind of situation beating back the massive red army while being pounded by US/UK air strikes.
Hi Rocoteh,

i´m glad your health is getting better and I wish it can be on full strength again soon.:)

BTW.: The last week I had some enjoyable rounds with your "WW2-Global" and I´m always impressed about the smooth running and the lot of fun I have with your scenario.

Best regards


Thank you.

I am glad to hear that you think the scenario still is interesting
to play.

My health is better and now and hopefully I will return to business
as usual within 5-6 weeks.


After playing civ4 for sometime im getting bored with it and I am looking for a decent ww2 scenario, but havent really found anyone for civ4. The most fun ive had with civilization games is the ww2 scenarios, and this is the best and most fun scenario I have ever played. I think its almost a year since I last played it and now its time to try it again. Just wanted to express my gratitude for this excellent scenario.


Thank you for the positive words.

I think Firaxis made a mistake when they did choose not to
include an editor with Civ 4.
Many modders were locked out from Civ 4 by that decision.

One can only hope there will be an editor for Civ 5.


Thank you for the report.

"I started another France game

From start to Week 12 1940

It has basically been a repeat of WW1, the Germans blitzed the Netherlands and Belgium. At that point the frontlines have become very static and the bloody fighting around Verdun just keep continuing.
Since French air forces are drastically inferior to German designs, I abandoned all forces and rely on AD units. By now the initial Luftwaffe medium bombers are low in number and there is a shift towards Ju87.
In the last 3 weeks the German AI started to directly attack the maginot line and but is more cautious in the Belgian French border area"

Interesting results.
To repeat WW1 was no doubt the only chance France had May 1940.
However even if Germany had many serious mistakes its hard to see
such a stalemate appear.

"In a way it is a rather boring stalemate, German AI has the superior resources and I shy away from offensive actions since it would mean leaving behind my carefully build up and very effective defensive positions.
French tank units are not very numerous but make up the gantlet tat cuts off the advancing German Panzers.

In Africa French engineers are busy creating a road network amongst my and English holdings.

Naval operations are almost non-existence, partly because subs and destroyers were recycled to boost the infrastructure of costal towns and the med. fleet serves as AD batteries in Corsica.

The options open to me are:
1) Slowly build up my forces and take Switzerland and Spain to boost the industrial base

2) Take the initiative in Belgium to break the deadlock

3) Wait for hostilities between Germany and the Soviet Union to commence and exploit the weaker German lines.

I tend to option #1"

Yes its probably the best option.

Thank you and welcome back.

Nice to hear you feel better. I hope you can soon be out of the mess completely.
One remark: Thailand and Japan should be allied, as they were for the most part of the war.



Thank you.

With regard to Thailand:

I will consider it.

Ok, so I've been playing around with this mod a bit, I gave Britain Dunquerque on the Continent, seemed reasonable, and also airfields here and there, like on the northern coast of New Guinea for example. But then I realized the lack of railroads, and I'm wondering if theres a reason for this and how it would effect gameplay if I put them in, they wouldnt be everywhere, but linking cities etc, idk if this is a good idea or not, should I try it?
Railroads were taken out to makes things more challenging to the human player. Particularly it prevents you from having a monster SOD that you can move instatantly from place to place; you have to divvy up your forces to cover danger spots/targets of opportunity.
And here is my report on Germany thus far...

WWII Germany Sid Fewer tanks variant

Wk 36 Danzig, Radom taken, Warsaw approached from north and south. Polish navy sunk. Some infantry shifted to the west. Large portion of British subs sunk near London. Traded rubber and aluminum to Japan.

French launch an attack on Siegfried line, breaching the northern sector and overruning an airfield.

Wk 37 Warsaw taken. Poles are eliminated. Majority of ground troops begin to march to the Western Front.

Wk 39 Amsterdam and Rotterdam taken with very low losses. Forces now poised to blitz through Belgium. Skirmishing with British in the North Sea. Still fighting the French where they breached the Seigfried line.

Wk 40 Antwerp, Brussels, and Namur taken. French presence inside German borders eliminated.

Wk 42 Verdun and Lille taken. Airforces (esp fighters) having trouble keeping up with the ground advance. Losses up to this point very light -- only two mobile/armored divisions and no more than five infantry divisions have been compromised.

French retake Verdun with a wave of armor (how they produced so many so quickly is beyond me, but then, this is sid).

Wk 43 Verdun taken. French armor has been largely neutralized.

Wk 44 Paris taken. Armies advance on Brest. However, due to a misunderstanding of orders, the army headquarters advanced slightly to the south of where they were expected. It will take another week to set this error straight...

France penetrates the Seigfried Line again.

Wk 46 Brest taken. Hole in Siegfried Line is plugged.

Wk 47 Forces advance on Bordeaux. Four American and one French Heavy cruisers sunk in Channel by air bombardment.

Wk 48 More of the same...

French come out of nowhere and take Verdun

Wk 49 Take Bordeaux and Verdun. French are still sending all of their tanks up through the Maginot line area, and the bulk of my troops are going in the back door!

Wk 50 Take Toulouse. Approach Marseille.

Japan declares war on the Soviets, and we're pulled in! The Soviets capture a worker or two on the border, but the send only a dribblet of soldiers across the border. Roughly half of the bombers they launched were shot down. Had I more fighters, all of them would have been destroyed.

Wk 51 Take Marseilles, but with heavy casualties among the infantry; they can be quickly replaced.

Wk 52 Approach Lyon. Forces begin shifting to the Eastern front.

The Red offensive seems to be centered around Radom, Pressburg, and Budapest. More advances. They aren't scaring me yet, but this invasion will take doing to beat off.


Wk 1 Take Lyon with medium losses, again, in infantry. Roughly half of the airforce has moved to fight the Russians, and so it is a bit harder to take French cities. Strassbourg is the last European French city.

The Russians have shifted the weight of the offensive southwards between Pressburg and Budapest. The terrain is more rugged here, so it should be easier to contain.

Wk 2 Reinforced position in the Carpathian Mts. and brought up artillery for the seige of Strassbourg. I'm contemplating the wisdom of simply leaving the city until I can get peace with the Soviets. If I fail to crack the defenses next turn, I will withdraw the invasion force and use the men (many of whom are elite by this point in the campaign) to spearhead an invasion of Russia.

The Russians managed to make limited progress against my, and my allies', positions though sheer mass. Their costs in doing so were prohibitive: They lost five tank and three infantry divisions -- my losses were two security divisions. The Red Airforce has apparently been shot out of the sky completely by this point, as there were no raids to deal with on the front.

Wk 3 Strassbourg falls!

Wk 4 More repositioning and defensive warfare in the Carpathian Mts.

Soviet offensive shifts north to Radom again.
Fighting is now static. I am merely biding my time, wearing down Russia until I deem her weak enough for me to pounce... Or until Italy or Japan or any of my other allies get peace.

Wk 9 by now I have created a large enough mobile reserve (mostly panzers and motorized infantry), and am preparing for an offensive in the north. Primary objective: Riga. Secondary objective: Vilnius.

Soviet offensive swings, once again, to the south. Bombers have been tearing into the Russian road system when they can spare the time, and Russian reinforcements to the front have been dwindling.
Japanese forces have made no progress in Asia. Hopefully they will pick up steam soon.

Wk 10 Leipaja taken. Infantry quickly mop up the surrounding garrisons and secure the defensive terrain and roads.

Wk 11 Riga taken by Infantry team. Armor protected by motorized infantry approach Vilnius.

Italy signs a peace treaty with Russia.

Wk 13 Begin reorganizing forces on the Eastern Front. Excess forces are allocated to the Spanish Theater in anticipation of a conflict in the region.

Wk 15 Great Britain declares war on Russia.

Wk 17 Soviets declare war on us.

Wk 19 Soviets take Iasi. Americans take Cagliari.

Wk 20 Vilnius taken. Next offensive will be further south, in the area of Brest-Litovsk.

Wk 25 Just as I am about to assualt Brest-Litovsk, Hungary gets peace with Russia. Not a bad thing, really, as now I can continue buildup against Spain, and Russia is still at war with Britain.

Wk 26 Our first tech, Land/air 1940 is discovered.

Wk 27 Launched a raid on a British airfield with marine division. British lose around twenty planes, mostly Spitfire II's.

Wk 27 - 40 Buildup against Spain continues....

Wk 40 Great Britain declares war on Brazil.

Wk 44 At long last, the Maginoit Line has been completely dismantled, nearly a year after it's being rendered useless.

Wk 48 Declar war on Spain at long last. Over 80 divisions pour over the Pyranees Mts. Five armoured and five mechanized divisions join with 40 infantry divisions in the Eastern sector, while the Western sector does not contain any mobile elements.

Wk 49 Discover Land 1940. Zaragoza is within range of the Western flank in Spain.

Wk 50 Zaragoza captured and Barcelona is within striking range on the Eastern front.

Wk 51 Barcelona taken.

1941 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Wk 1 Madrid and Valencia taken. Heavy infantry casuaties sustained in Madrid during the assualt, but the campaign is almost over and the forces can absorb it without having to wait for reinforcements. The Mechanized portion of the East front pushes forward to the vicinity of Cordoba.

Wk 3 West front swings north to La Coruna. The mechanized elements of East front capture Cordoba. The rest of the front catches up with the tanks and half tracks, and lays seige to Gibraltar.

Wk 4 Gibraltar taken. Butt-load of British planes destroyed in the airodrome.

Wk 5 La Coruna taken. Spanish campaign ends.
gotcha, ok, my final qualm, for the moment, the leaderheads. Not that its a bid deal or a problem, but when I see the title "Queen" and find myself starring at Hammurabi, I feel strange inside. Thats all.
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