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@ Equulues, why did u change Thailand from being part of the Axis?

And what are everyones load times? I'm wondering if the games even working for me, I modded it a bit, using some of Equulues' ideas and of course my own, and its just not loading. I had the 2.2 version, that loaded fine, but idk if times are more so than b4- it should be noted it did make air and sea trade possible again- input?
I am glad you are feeling better.Having had my own health issues I know being sick is no fun at all. Take care & I hope you're back to normal health again soon.

The Dragonlord
Your declare war trigger is a great idea. I have several observations after briefly looking at it.
1-You need to change the french inf unit to a garrison or on turn 5-6 the french will declare war on Russia. It won't sit & just defend the VP but move toward the german unit.
2-What is the reason for making a seperate track for Norway-Denmark instead of putting it on the main track with the others?
3-The german player can avoid war or adjust the timing of it by stopping or changing the movement sequence since he controls that unit. This might not matter that much since most human players will attack Russia & it is AI control that is the problem. This is just FYI.
4- You don't have to delete Nordvik, just move it inland 1 hex & everything else is still the same.

Hope this is helpful & good work

The Dragonlord
If look at post #6671 on page 334 which I posted about the time you got sick it might help with the slow AI research. Also I suggest placing a reaserch plant in most major power cities to help address this issue. Hope this is helpful.

The Dragonlord
1. I am pretty sure it will just sit there but I will change it to a garrison next time
I do work on it.
2.The reason is I made that track before I tested If multiple triggers can work on 1 track.
3.The trigger is meant for the AI. Also if you want the human player to run the track you can make a house rule.
4.Im thinking of adding a city in northern Greece or 1 more pacific island and that will take up the last city slot.
West 36 what are the things you did in your mod?
I am play testing as we speak I am in turn 1 still as Germany.
I would like to see what my changes do to the German AI.
Can someone do a test as France of my mod?
Baldurslayer maybe.
I think my mod will be much more challenging for France.
Skeleton of your mod

1.Put fortress in Tripoli. Barracks in Tripoli. Gave Tobruk a barracks and city wall to simulate the fortress.
2.Cut the following cities to free up slots.[ Puerto Acre, Nordvik ,Norilsk, Gao, Teffe,
[Note this does not afect borders that much]
Added the following cities [ Midway, Cebu, Wake,Tarawa,Dunquerque,Cherbourg.
3.Renamed Soloman Islands Guadalcanal, Random renamed Krakow , Bagdad remaned Baghdad.
5. 2 I15s to natl china 1 to commie china.

8.Added victory locations. Manila,Cebu,Davao,Tarawa,Palembang,Batavia,
Singapore,Wake,Midway,Tunis,Tripoli,Tobru k,Alexandria, Suez,Gibraltar.
Hong Kong, London,Cherbourg, Dunquerque,Paris.
9.Unlandlocked Philadelphia Anchorage and Riga.
11. Germany cant produce 88s Cologne wonder auto produces them every 2 turns.
Düsseldorf Wonder auto produces ME109E every 4 turns.
14.US airbase in UK.
16.Thailand part of axis.
17.Added Dunquerque owned by Great Britain.[This is to get the BEF on the continent]


Dutch fortress, british airfield in northern new guinea
Changed up amount of troops in certain cities
Made it possible for harbors to have sea trade again. Gave certain cities harbors.
Cant think of anything else right now, no list, be back later with anything else if I can think of any.
LOL thats why your mod wont load.
When Sea and air trade are cut out of most cities it cuts load time & turn time
by about 80%. That is why they were cut.

My load time is about 15 mins with 700mhz cpu and 512mb of memory.
[NOTE My other comp died and I did not have $$$ for a new one so I got a freebie.]
DAMN HARBORS!! 80% eh? ahhh! What if I made a building called port that civs could make but had these properties and they would have to make it themselves? or would that just be redundant and the effects would happen later? either way, just thinking. What about a city in Greenland for Norway-Denmark good or no? while I'm at it, would it be possible to make a unit for the middle-east and India, like sikh or something? I know theres a skin out there like this, and I know the British employed them, so it might make sense to put something like that in.
The french inf won't just sit there because I tested it & France declared War on Russia about turn 6.

The Dragonlord
OK got rid of the French infantry and replaced them with garrisons in the war trigger.

Thank you for the report.

Week 12 1940 to week 9 1941"

France on Deity level.
That is not easy!

"For the possibility of the Franco regime joining the axis side, French forces invaded Spain. After low level fighting, the bulk of la grande armée remained in France, French tank columns took control of the Hispanic peninsula.
English troops also aided our Spanish campaign and their efforts were rewarded by their capture of La Coruna. In turn French help to English offensives mad the capture of Addis Abeba possible (securing coal for the African theatre).
German production priorities were shifted away from aircraft since they had completely abandoned their air offensives.
The Stalemate continued on with the only notable news that German tank forces were finally able to overcome the forts in Strasbourg."

Just keeping France alive into 1941 should be somewhat of a victory at this hard level.

"Finally Week 48 marked the beginning of the long awaited Soviet vs. Axis war.
French high command took advantage of the low German activity and invaded Italy with great success, Tirana is all that remains of the Italian empire. In order to establish a defensive position French forces took Innsbruck and by doing so captured the first German city for the Allied cause."

A very good move.

"Meanwhile the Red Army was extremely successful in dashing through Germany. All the troops that were destroyed by stubborn French defenders were now unavailable to beat back the soviets. Within Weeks Danzig, Iasi, Warsaw, Radom, Rostock and even Hamburg fell to the wrath of “Deep Battle”. Shocked by such stunning Soviet success German high command signed an armistice with the Soviets depriving the Reich of its main naval ports."

Germany-AI seldom plays well against Soviet.

"When faced with numerous 88’s, French production has shifted to heavy arty to overcome even the mightiest defences. At this point it seems the “Furor Teutonicus” has been contained pretty much. It will only be a question of time anymore until the French eagle flies over the Rhineland and eventually over the Reichstag.

Austerlitz and especially Verdun will still be remembered for great French bravery and success in the decades and centuries to come."

Yes I agree, a total victory should be possible.

Thank you and welcome back.

I am glad you are feeling better.Having had my own health issues I know being sick is no fun at all. Take care & I hope you're back to normal health again soon.

The Dragonlord

The Dragonlord,

Thank you.
I hope I will be back to business as usual within 5-6 weeks.

If look at post #6671 on page 334 which I posted about the time you got sick it might help with the slow AI research. Also I suggest placing a reaserch plant in most major power cities to help address this issue. Hope this is helpful."
The Dragonlord

I will check it.

Welcome back.

Week 9 1941 to Week 32 1941

My hopes for an easy conclusion of WWII had been premature... The Soviet Union proved to be the wildcard.

Soviet Commanders decided to have a go at my defences but this intermezzo did not last long, diplomacy seemed to be the better course of action.

Since Moscow served as trade relay this war disrupted the luxury supply to Europe from Africa. To remedy this situation French troops were sent to establish a land route to Africa via Turkey. Resistance in Yugoslavia and Bulgaria was easily overcome. This new territory will be difficult to defend but time will tell.

Soviet troops had meanwhile invaded German territory and is pressing the defenders hard. The brute force of the Red army is simply incredible.

In order to also have some part of the spoils, French troops marched into southern Germany and Austria.

Week 30 1941 - Only Berlin and Königsberg are left of Nazi Germany
Week 31 1941 - Soviets destroy Berlin
Week 32 1941 - Soviets capture Königsberg

WWII in Europe seems to be over, the cold war is about to begin but with the limited resources and units at my disposal I quit while ahead ;)

All the best.

Overall notes:
French tank units are key to offensive and defence alike. Setting up a good defensive position against superior enemies within the first weeks makes all the difference. Generation of Cash to bolster unit production helps early on.
The M10-Wolverine would be the answer to my defensive prayers :crazyeye:
Berlin, OKW Bericht
Christmas 1941

After the peace with the filthy communists, we realized that the Tobacco fields of Turkey were going to be needed to keep our new citizens in France happy while we take their African cities. Within 5 weeks Turkey was taken. Generals Rommel and Guderian led the attack through the Caucasus with great effect and were both awarded their 3rd Iron Cross in Gold.

Simultaneously, Teheran was taken, and the drive through Persia began, not ending until several weeks later, because of British Infantry and Matilda 2's getting in the way, within Persia, coming from India, but also from their African colonies. Large tank forces were prepared, and we are proud to report that as of this week, there are only 3 French Westafrican cities not under German control, and German tankdivisions are besieging Kampala. In India, only the southern part of subcontinent, as well as Calcutta and the Bangladeshi area remains under British control.

Former Polish and Russian cities have by now mostly been rebuilt, and have been turned into major production centers of Mot. Infantry, and tanks, giving us the power needed to overthrow the British empire in Africa and Asia.

As soon as this is accomplished, the war against the Soviets will continue, not ending until every last city is taken.

All the while, our British Isles, and French cities have been preparing an assault force, including three aircraft carriers and 3 Hindenburg class Battleships for protection and bombardment, to invade North America. The plan is to take New York first, then spread to the other coastal cities, and defend until more troops arrive. Intelligence operations never seem to work in the US, we have lost many operatives, so we are not sure what kind of forces to expect, but in another 5 Weeks, when the fleet arrives, we will find out.

So much for now, more reports as the war continues
All the while, our British Isles, and French cities have been preparing an assault force, including three aircraft carriers and 3 Hindenburg class Battleships for protection and bombardment, to invade North America. The plan is to take New York first, then spread to the other coastal cities, and defend until more troops arrive. Intelligence operations never seem to work in the US, we have lost many operatives, so we are not sure what kind of forces to expect, but in another 5 Weeks, when the fleet arrives, we will find out.
This sounds like fun! How many land troops did the OKW allocate to the invasion (tanks, infantry, arty, garrisons, workers)? How will you supply your "Amerika Korps" with fighter aircraft?

Make sure to save several steps prior to taking DC, the chance of survival of the Trade Wonder might not be 100%.

Good luck (if needed)

Thank you for the report.

Week 9 1941 to Week 32 1941

My hopes for an easy conclusion of WWII had been premature... The Soviet Union proved to be the wildcard.

Soviet Commanders decided to have a go at my defences but this intermezzo did not last long, diplomacy seemed to be the better course of action.

Since Moscow served as trade relay this war disrupted the luxury supply to Europe from Africa. To remedy this situation French troops were sent to establish a land route to Africa via Turkey. Resistance in Yugoslavia and Bulgaria was easily overcome. This new territory will be difficult to defend but time will tell."

Soviet troops had meanwhile invaded German territory and is pressing the defenders hard. The brute force of the Red army is simply incredible.

Furthermore Germany-AI seldom handles the east-front well.

"In order to also have some part of the spoils, French troops marched into southern Germany and Austria.

Week 30 1941 - Only Berlin and Königsberg are left of Nazi Germany
Week 31 1941 - Soviets destroy Berlin
Week 32 1941 - Soviets capture Königsberg

WWII in Europe seems to be over, the cold war is about to begin but with the limited resources and units at my disposal I quit while ahead "

A fast victory on a high level.

"Overall notes:
French tank units are key to offensive and defence alike. Setting up a good defensive position against superior enemies within the first weeks makes all the difference. Generation of Cash to bolster unit production helps early on.
The M10-Wolverine would be the answer to my defensive prayers "

Sounds like a good strategy.
Thank you and welcome back.

Best Regards


Thank you for the report.

"Berlin, OKW Bericht
Christmas 1941

After the peace with the filthy communists, we realized that the Tobacco fields of Turkey were going to be needed to keep our new citizens in France happy while we take their African cities. Within 5 weeks Turkey was taken. Generals Rommel and Guderian led the attack through the Caucasus with great effect and were both awarded their 3rd Iron Cross in Gold.

Simultaneously, Teheran was taken, and the drive through Persia began, not ending until several weeks later, because of British Infantry and Matilda 2's getting in the way, within Persia, coming from India, but also from their African colonies. Large tank forces were prepared, and we are proud to report that as of this week, there are only 3 French Westafrican cities not under German control, and German tankdivisions are besieging Kampala. In India, only the southern part of subcontinent, as well as Calcutta and the Bangladeshi area remains under British control."

An early offensive versus Turkey and Persia.
That is interesting.

"Former Polish and Russian cities have by now mostly been rebuilt, and have been turned into major production centers of Mot. Infantry, and tanks, giving us the power needed to overthrow the British empire in Africa and Asia.

As soon as this is accomplished, the war against the Soviets will continue, not ending until every last city is taken.

All the while, our British Isles, and French cities have been preparing an assault force, including three aircraft carriers and 3 Hindenburg class Battleships for protection and bombardment, to invade North America. The plan is to take New York first, then spread to the other coastal cities, and defend until more troops arrive. Intelligence operations never seem to work in the US, we have lost many operatives, so we are not sure what kind of forces to expect, but in another 5 Weeks, when the fleet arrives, we will find out.

So much for now, more reports as the war continues"

You will now be able to attack Soviet on a very broad front.
The campaign in North America will also be interesting.
Really looking forward to follow this playtest.

Thank you and welcome back.

Hi everybody, and thanks to Rocoteh for this scenario.

I am half way(end of 41) through the scenario, and doing quite well als Germany. A few things that I have observed during my game.

The US constantly attacks Hiroshima, takes it for a few rounds, then loses it again to the Japanese. Japanese are doing quite well, constantly battling in China and on the various islands, mainly with the CW and whats left of NEI. So Pacific AI seems quite OK, besides the Hiroshima thing (landing on the Japanese Islands should be much harder). Besides in the Pacific, the US is no threat, well at least not for the Axis(I must add here, that I have reached Sea superiority with the KM very early (about mid 1940) . They are sending to few warships to Europe and transports alone are sunk very easily.

At some point(early in 1940), when I was ending my French campaign, the Soviets declared war on Japan, forcing me to go after them aswell. Until they started producing T34/76 they were no match, even to my very few Panzer IIIe and IIs, and my Infantry simply outclassed them. After that, the story got a little more difficult, but maybe not difficult enough (one might consider to give even the early T34 more edge). Kiew, Sewastopol and Odessa were very hard to conquer, and I am not talking about Stalingrad(Occupied in late 1941) or Moskwa. Without the HQs and heavy artillery, I wouldn't have come far in my wild Barbarossa. Its a little like in my last WiF Game, ... :)

The UK is a tough nut to crack, and I hesitated a long time to start Sea Lion. I bombed London and all southern UK cities for nearly a year and waited for Graf Zeppelin to be unleashed, until I dared to land and take London. The conquest of the Isles is still not complete in the end 1941(Scotland and Ireland are still controlled by the CW). Reaching air superiority over the UK was very tough and it cost me dearly. Same is true for reaching Sea superiority in the North Sea and North Atlantic.

Spain and later Gibraltar were taken out easily, North Africa took a while, but is finally secured including Egypt and Suez. But Italy is more then weak, and a bad partner. It actually didn't partake in any campaign, and was utterly useless(a sitting duck). Romania, Bulgaria and Hungaria were doing little but being anoyingly in the way. Worst thing happened, when Bulgaria took Zagreb just after I had it cleared for my own troops. Now I always have to pass a corridor on my way down to Athens. The Fins are good partners and doing well on all fronts. Argentina is friendly but not willing to join in the war (here the diplomatic possibility to drag Argentina and or another power e.g. Spain, Turkey or Brazil into the war is really missing).

Some suggestions if you don't mind:
- Slightly strenghten the T34/76, to be tougher then the Panzer III types at last.
- Change Grosny to Tiflis.
- Add some plane variants e.g. Stuka 87D and 87R.
- Make more Tanks/Planes/Ships available for the partners of either the Axis and Allies, by using the Germany and Britain, maybe also an US and Japan resource. That way some techtransfer and landlease is possible. I got mainly CW and US planes in Mind to be used by the Soviets at some point in the war. Such trade conditions might even reduce the war possibiltis between the Soviet and the other Allies. Of course, we shouldn't see Tiger tanks being used by Siam or Argentina, but to the various possible allies of one side there could be different levels of techtransfer. I could imagine seeing Finnish Panzer V Divisions, or Italian 88 Brigades etc. Some minor countries could even benefit of both sides of the War, ...
- Whats it about the Flamethrower unit? Its a little bit to weak on both sides (attack and defense) to be of real use.
- Same goes for the german artillery unit. Its nothing special, just a weaker/cheaper artillery. what about giving it the ability to be towed up on mountains, so it can be used as a Mountain artillery unit.
- I was thinking about the HQ units, and thought about giving them the ability to work as armies/corps, though with the ability to exchange the Divisions within. Every Power should have some of them prebuild, the others could be either very expensive to build, or be build by wonders. e.g. Mannerheim (Finnish HQ) could make up a corps with 3 Ski-Divisions, which could later be replaced partly or entirely by Mechanized Infantry and/or Tanks. Some Soviet Armies could contain up to 4 Divisions -> Zhukov HQ.
- Mountaineers?
- Ski-Divisions?
- Engineers? Could be a small HP(1-2) addition for Divisions (load one Divison) to easier attack/break a Fortress.
- Where is the Persian Oil? The Austrian/Hungarian Oilfields?
- No coal mines in the Ukraine?
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