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I Tested My War Trigger It Works!
Dl My Test Map [WORKS WITH WW2 GLOBAL]. Germany Will Declare War On Russia On Turn 6.
I Think We Can Seal Off Areas In The Oceans North Of Canada And Russia For The Purpose OF TIMED War Triggers.
I Tested My War Trigger It Works!
Dl My Test Map [WORKS WITH WW2 GLOBAL]. Germany Will Declare War On Russia On Turn 6.
I Think We Can Seal Off Areas In The Oceans North Of Canada And Russia For The Purpose OF TIMED War Triggers.
Well done Equuleus!

Isn't turn 6 (1939) is a bit early)

All the best
So long as he has the trigger working, we can move the units farther apart to increase the time, if it was wanted. Good going, man! :king:

My only concern is that if the human knows that the war is imminent (the AI is too idiotic to know), then he would be well-prepared. Still, it does force him to fight at a certain time instead allowing him to build up and pick his own moment for an offensive.
Is there a reason Dunkirk/Dunquerque, whatever, isn't in here? I've added it to mine, under Britain, west of Antwerp, had to move a garrison, but what would you suggest I garrison it with? or is it worth putting it there at all?
OK I have been working on my mod some more and added a bunch of new stuff including TIMED WAR TRIGGERS.

Maybe now we can have America neutral and join the war after pearl harbor.
Personally I think the US should stay with the allies. But this does open the way to have a neutral America that joins that war later. This would help Japan greatly.

Here is the list of changes I have made in my mod.
I think it will make game play more realistic/fun.
I may have some time to play test it soon must likely a few days from now.
If someone has some time can you do a play test?

1.Put fortress in Tripoli. Barracks in Tripoli. Moved Tobruk Fortress Unit to Benghazi.
Gave Tobruk a barracks and city wall to simulate the fortress.
2.Cut the following cities to free up slots.[ Puerto Acre,Nordvik ,Norilsk, Fort Chipewyart, Broken Hill, Gao, Teffe,
[Note this does not afect borders that much]
Added the following cities [ Midway, Cebu, Palau,Wake,Tarawa,Dunquerque,Cherbourg.
3.Renamed Soloman Islands Guadalcanal, Random renamed Krakow , Bagdad remaned Baghdad.
4. 2 BF109s to Switzerland 1 to Yugoslavia.
5. 2 I15s to natl china 1 to commie china.
6.1 Light tank to Poland 1 sub to Poland.
7.Added new unit called declare war invisible and imolble def 1 atk 0. This will have a controlled sub bug effect.
8.Added victory locations. Manila,Cebu,Davao,Palau,Tarawa,Palembang,Batavia,
Hong Kong,Portsmouth,Palermo,Malta,London,Cherbourg,Plymouth,Dunquerque,Paris.
9.Unlandlocked Philadelphia Anchorage and Riga.
10.Added mines west of Malmo so sweden cant attack Copenhagen and cut off
the tip of Dennmark @X194Y50 so sweden cant block the way to Norway.
11. Germany cant produce 88s Cologne wonder auto produces them every 2 turns.
Germany always wastes its resources on them I think this way is best.[GET THE NO RAZE PATCH.] Düsseldorf Wonder auto produces ME109E every 4 turns. BTW this helps to simulate the industry in the Rhur. IMHO I THINK THIS WILL HELP THE GERMAN AI X2 and it does not need special AI version. IMHO THE MAIN GERMAN AI PROBLEM IS it wastes all its resources on 88s.
12.Mines get 20 bonus AI will not charge them.
14.US airbase in UK.
15.Hungary Infantry @X205Y85 is owned by Germany I fixed that now owned by Hungary .
16.Thailand part of axis.
17.Added Dunquerque owned by Great Britain.[This is to get the BEF on the continent]
18.Added Tripoli Wonder with sea and air trade to get oil to Italy.[Moved the Libya oil to Tripoli]
19.Named all the Polish Ships.
20.Put 1 fortress in each of the coastal British Air bases.[To Stop marine attack to destroy planes]
21.Timed war triggers! Germany vs Russia week 87 aka june 15. Germany vs Norway Denmark week 33 aka April 9 1940. War v Yugoslavia week 79 war v Greece week 81.
22.Got rid of Nordvik to get rid of the off chance the soviets send a transport an screw up the trigger.
Is there a reason Dunkirk/Dunquerque, whatever, isn't in here? I've added it to mine, under Britain, west of Antwerp, had to move a garrison, but what would you suggest I garrison it with? or is it worth putting it there at all?

IIRC, Dunquerque isn't/wasn't that big of a city. In essence, there is no reason to have the city there, and as cities are in short supply in this scenario, it wasn't put in.

The only reason that city is known is because of the evacuation. You don't need the city there to play that out, though, all you need is to put transports in place and move the units on.

And if you're going to add the city, it should be French, not British.
I disagree I think the British AI needs prodding to help the French.
Also in my mod With both Dunquerque and Cherbourg with victory locations the allies will do a cross channel invasion witch will add more realism/fun.
On the cities I was able to cut out 7 cities without much impact on the borders.
I added Midway,Cebu,Palau,Wake,Tarawa,Dunquerque, and Cherbourg.
And still have 1 spare city.
In previous versions the Brits had an airbase in France. It was removed, I think, because the Brits always lost it, and thus they would end up losing a large amount of their airpower (which they had rebased there). I think that having a city on the continent would elicit the same result.

And, the Brits don't need prodding to help the French. I don't think I actually record it in my turn log on the previous page, but the Brits are giving me quite the headache as far as bombers are concerned. They launch, on average, around ten planes per turn, and as my production of fighters is limited, they can often overwhelm the defenses I have in place in one area. Because of this, I've build a huge number of flak units to help out, and am spacing them at 4 to a city on the Channel coast... they are only a partial remedy, however, as they do not shoot down planes all that often.

End result: Britain is already costing me a great deal of production that I would otherwise be using in other theaters. As such, they are a great help, not only to France, but to every country that stands in my way. Roughly 20 of my fighter squadrons and at least that many flak units are being used to defend the skies over Europe, and were I to have used those planes and flak units elsewhere, it is doubtful that any other nation would ever gain air superiority over me.
1. The British did lose many planes in the defense of Fance.
2. The BEF was around 100,000 the British AI will never send that many troops on to the continent unless they have a city to defend. If they do not have Dunquerque the British will waste there units in stupid raids. The BEF was a defensive force and the British AI has to have something to defend or it will use those units to attack.
3.I am very uncomfortable with Germany blitzing through France in 1939 and Dunkirk will help to stop this. Now you may say this will hurt the German AI but if you disable German production of 88s and make Koln auto produce them Germany will make many more panzers. The over all effect is very positive it is harder for Germany to take France in 1939 and In early 1940 the German panzer production will be unstoppable this will equal more realism/fun.
Whoa, hang on there....

How will Dunquerque hinder Germany's blitz? It's only one more city.

The British force could simply be units. The British AI will not send units to the continent simply to reinforce the city; first because the city will be taken before the AI thinks it has the "spare" units to do it with, and second because the AI simply doesn't do things that way. I don't see why you need to give them a city... What's wrong with simply having units there?

The Brits lost many planes in defense of France? Not really.... They refused to throw in most of their planes as soon as it was apparent that France was a lost cause. And what I was talking about wasn't just a paltry five squadrons or so.... The Brits would often lose around fifteen units. Tha's just too much, so early in the game. I was practically crippling, and we all know that Britain was not crippled by the fall of France.

I do not say that adding Dunquerque will hinder Germany. I don't see why it would. But you seem to be getting ahead of yourself here. 88 autoproduction in Koln? Huh? More panzers=more realism? 'Fraid not, my friend. The VAST majority of every military has always been, will always be, infantry. Which is why I'm testing out a production variant....

But heck, if it's your mod, do what you want. I would not like to see this added to the main scenario, though.
1.There is a victory location in the city the AI will make it a top priority.
2.They will also make many more Infantry units.
3.The city also adds flavor.
4.Delaying is what equals more realism.

Thank you for the report.

"WWII Germany Sid Fewer tanks variant

Wk 36 Danzig, Radom taken, Warsaw approached from north and south. Polish navy sunk. Some infantry shifted to the west. Large portion of British subs sunk near London. Traded rubber and aluminum to Japan.

French launch an attack on Siegfried line, breaching the northern sector and overruning an airfield.

Wk 37 Warsaw taken. Poles are eliminated. Majority of ground troops begin to march to the Western Front.

Wk 39 Amsterdam and Rotterdam taken with very low losses. Forces now poised to blitz through Belgium. Skirmishing with British in the North Sea. Still fighting the French where they breached the Seigfried line.

Wk 40 Antwerp, Brussels, and Namur taken. French presence inside German borders eliminated"

A very good start.

"Wk 42 Verdun and Lille taken. Airforces (esp fighters) having trouble keeping up with the ground advance. Losses up to this point very light -- only two mobile/armored divisions and no more than five infantry divisions have been compromised.

French retake Verdun with a wave of armor (how they produced so many so quickly is beyond me, but then, this is sid).

Wk 43 Verdun taken. French armor has been largely neutralized.

Wk 44 Paris taken. Armies advance on Brest. However, due to a misunderstanding of orders, the army headquarters advanced slightly to the south of where they were expected. It will take another week to set this error straight...

France penetrates the Seigfried Line again.

Wk 46 Brest taken. Hole in Siegfried Line is plugged.

Wk 47 Forces advance on Bordeaux. Four American and one French Heavy cruisers sunk in Channel by air bombardment."

Wk 48 More of the same...

French come out of nowhere and take Verdun"

If one compare to history its worth to remember that a German 1939
invasion of France was planned but cancelled.
Also the intention with a historic game or scenario is not to be a
simulation. Thus the goal is not to follow the historic timeline
as close as possible.

"Wk 49 Take Bordeaux and Verdun. French are still sending all of their tanks up through the Maginot line area, and the bulk of my troops are going in the back door!

Wk 50 Take Toulouse. Approach Marseille.

Japan declares war on the Soviets, and we're pulled in! The Soviets capture a worker or two on the border, but the send only a dribblet of soldiers across the border. Roughly half of the bombers they launched were shot down. Had I more fighters, all of them would have been destroyed.

Wk 51 Take Marseilles, but with heavy casualties among the infantry; they can be quickly replaced.

Wk 52 Approach Lyon. Forces begin shifting to the Eastern front.

The Red offensive seems to be centered around Radom, Pressburg, and Budapest. More advances. They aren't scaring me yet, but this invasion will take doing to beat off."

No doubt an early Soviet attack will ba a problem.
However Soviet-AI seems to be ineffective in most cases.


Wk 1 Take Lyon with medium losses, again, in infantry. Roughly half of the airforce has moved to fight the Russians, and so it is a bit harder to take French cities. Strassbourg is the last European French city.

The Russians have shifted the weight of the offensive southwards between Pressburg and Budapest. The terrain is more rugged here, so it should be easier to contain.

Wk 2 Reinforced position in the Carpathian Mts. and brought up artillery for the seige of Strassbourg. I'm contemplating the wisdom of simply leaving the city until I can get peace with the Soviets. If I fail to crack the defenses next turn, I will withdraw the invasion force and use the men (many of whom are elite by this point in the campaign) to spearhead an invasion of Russia.

The Russians managed to make limited progress against my, and my allies', positions though sheer mass. Their costs in doing so were prohibitive: They lost five tank and three infantry divisions -- my losses were two security divisions. The Red Airforce has apparently been shot out of the sky completely by this point, as there were no raids to deal with on the front.

Wk 3 Strassbourg falls!

Wk 4 More repositioning and defensive warfare in the Carpathian Mts.

Soviet offensive shifts north to Radom again.
Fighting is now static. I am merely biding my time, wearing down Russia until I deem her weak enough for me to pounce... Or until Italy or Japan or any of my other allies get peace."

In the end Soviet-AI will seldom benefit from offensives like this early in the scenario.

"Soviet offensive shifts north to Radom again.
Fighting is now static. I am merely biding my time, wearing down Russia until I deem her weak enough for me to pounce... Or until Italy or Japan or any of my other allies get peace.

Wk 9 by now I have created a large enough mobile reserve (mostly panzers and motorized infantry), and am preparing for an offensive in the north. Primary objective: Riga. Secondary objective: Vilnius.

Soviet offensive swings, once again, to the south. Bombers have been tearing into the Russian road system when they can spare the time, and Russian reinforcements to the front have been dwindling.
Japanese forces have made no progress in Asia. Hopefully they will pick up steam soon.

Wk 10 Leipaja taken. Infantry quickly mop up the surrounding garrisons and secure the defensive terrain and roads.

Wk 11 Riga taken by Infantry team. Armor protected by motorized infantry approach Vilnius.

Italy signs a peace treaty with Russia.

Wk 13 Begin reorganizing forces on the Eastern Front. Excess forces are allocated to the Spanish Theater in anticipation of a conflict in the region.

Wk 15 Great Britain declares war on Russia."

Very bad move from Britain-AI.

"Wk 17 Soviets declare war on us.

Wk 19 Soviets take Iasi. Americans take Cagliari.

Wk 20 Vilnius taken. Next offensive will be further south, in the area of Brest-Litovsk.

Wk 25 Just as I am about to assualt Brest-Litovsk, Hungary gets peace with Russia. Not a bad thing, really, as now I can continue buildup against Spain, and Russia is still at war with Britain.

Wk 26 Our first tech, Land/air 1940 is discovered.

Wk 27 Launched a raid on a British airfield with marine division. British lose around twenty planes, mostly Spitfire II's.

Wk 27 - 40 Buildup against Spain continues....

Wk 40 Great Britain declares war on Brazil.

Wk 44 At long last, the Maginoit Line has been completely dismantled, nearly a year after it's being rendered useless.

Wk 48 Declar war on Spain at long last. Over 80 divisions pour over the Pyranees Mts. Five armoured and five mechanized divisions join with 40 infantry divisions in the Eastern sector, while the Western sector does not contain any mobile elements."

This will add important production-capacity.

"Wk 49 Discover Land 1940. Zaragoza is within range of the Western flank in Spain.

Wk 50 Zaragoza captured and Barcelona is within striking range on the Eastern front.

Wk 51 Barcelona taken.

1941 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Wk 1 Madrid and Valencia taken. Heavy infantry casuaties sustained in Madrid during the assualt, but the campaign is almost over and the forces can absorb it without having to wait for reinforcements. The Mechanized portion of the East front pushes forward to the vicinity of Cordoba.

Wk 3 West front swings north to La Coruna. The mechanized elements of East front capture Cordoba. The rest of the front catches up with the tanks and half tracks, and lays seige to Gibraltar.

Wk 4 Gibraltar taken. Butt-load of British planes destroyed in the airodrome.

Wk 5 La Coruna taken. Spanish campaign ends."

A very interesting playtest.
Thank you and welcome back.

I Tested My War Trigger It Works!
Dl My Test Map [WORKS WITH WW2 GLOBAL]. Germany Will Declare War On Russia On Turn 6.
I Think We Can Seal Off Areas In The Oceans North Of Canada And Russia For The Purpose OF TIMED War Triggers.


This sounds very good!

Week 12 1940 to week 9 1941

For the possibility of the Franco regime joining the axis side, French forces invaded Spain. After low level fighting, the bulk of la grande armée remained in France, French tank columns took control of the Hispanic peninsula.
English troops also aided our Spanish campaign and their efforts were rewarded by their capture of La Coruna. In turn French help to English offensives mad the capture of Addis Abeba possible (securing coal for the African theatre).
German production priorities were shifted away from aircraft since they had completely abandoned their air offensives.
The Stalemate continued on with the only notable news that German tank forces were finally able to overcome the forts in Strasbourg.

Finally Week 48 marked the beginning of the long awaited Soviet vs. Axis war.
French high command took advantage of the low German activity and invaded Italy with great success, Tirana is all that remains of the Italian empire. In order to establish a defensive position French forces took Innsbruck and by doing so captured the first German city for the Allied cause.

Meanwhile the Red Army was extremely successful in dashing through Germany. All the troops that were destroyed by stubborn French defenders were now unavailable to beat back the soviets. Within Weeks Danzig, Iasi, Warsaw, Radom, Rostock and even Hamburg fell to the wrath of “Deep Battle”. Shocked by such stunning Soviet success German high command signed an armistice with the Soviets depriving the Reich of its main naval ports.

When faced with numerous 88’s, French production has shifted to heavy arty to overcome even the mightiest defences. At this point it seems the “Furor Teutonicus” has been contained pretty much. It will only be a question of time anymore until the French eagle flies over the Rhineland and eventually over the Reichstag.

Austerlitz and especially Verdun will still be remembered for great French bravery and success in the decades and centuries to come.
i know this is a stupid, question, but i'm new to this great mod, and unfortunatly, i don't know how to take out those darn fortresses, can anyone give me a hint?
Lots of artillery. Get them down to 1hp. After that, you can sacrefice infantry, or you can use a bomber of some sort that has lethal bombardment (not all bombers have lethal land bombardment).
DL my mod and look in the waters north of the Soviet Union.
OK I have finished my mod at least for now I fixed some stuff and added some new stuff.

I will have some extra time today and will do a play test of my mod at demigod with Germany. Can someone try a play test as France of my mod?

Here are all the changes I made.
1.Put fortress in Tripoli. Barracks in Tripoli. Moved Tobruk Fortress Unit to Benghazi.
Gave Tobruk a barracks and city wall to simulate the fortress.
2.Cut the following cities to free up slots.[ Puerto Acre,Nordvik ,Norilsk, Fort Chipewyart, Broken Hill, Gao, Teffe,
[Note this does not afect borders that much]
Added the following cities [ Midway, Cebu, Palau,Wake,Tarawa,Dunquerque,Cherbourg.
3.Renamed Soloman Islands Guadalcanal, Random renamed Krakow , Bagdad remaned Baghdad.
4. 2 BF109s to Switzerland 1 to Yugoslavia.
5. 2 I15s to natl china 1 to commie china.
6.1 Light tank to Poland 1 sub to Poland.
7.Added new unit called declare war invisible and imolble def 1 atk 0. This will have a controlled sub bug effect.
8.Added victory locations. Manila,Cebu,Davao,Palau,Tarawa,Palembang,Batavia,
Hong Kong,Portsmouth,Palermo,Malta,London,Cherbourg,Plymouth,Dunquerque,Paris.
9.Unlandlocked Philadelphia Anchorage and Riga.
10.Added mines west of Malmo so sweden cant attack Copenhagen and cut off
the tip of Dennmark @X194Y50 so sweden cant block the way to Norway.
11. Germany cant produce 88s Cologne wonder auto produces them every 2 turns.
Germany always wastes its resources on them I think this way is best.[GET THE NO RAZE PATCH.] Düsseldorf Wonder auto produces ME109E every 4 turns. BTW this helps to simulate the industry in the Rhur. IMHO I THINK THIS WILL HELP THE GERMAN AI X2 and it does not need speicial AI version. IMHO THE MAIN GERMAN AI PROBLEM IS it wastes all its resources on 88s.
12.Mines get 20 bonus AI will not charge them.
14.US airbase in UK.
15.Hungary Infantry @X205Y85 is owned by Germany I fixed that now owned by Hungary .
16.Thailand part of axis.
17.Added Dunquerque owned by Great Britain.[This is to get the BEF on the continent]
18.Added Tripoli Wonder with sea and air trade to get oil to Italy.[Moved the Libya oil to Tripoli]
19.Named all the Polish Ships.
20.Put 1 fortress in each of the coastal British Air bases.[To Stop marine attack to destroy planes]
21.Timed war triggers! Germany vs Russia week 87 aka june 15. Germany vs Norway Denmark week 33 aka April 9 1940. War v Yugoslavia week 79 war v greece week 81.
22.Got rid of Nordvik to get rid of the off chance the soviets send a transport an screw up the trigger.
23.Got rid of German Flamethrower
24.Put British mines in the straits of Dover.
25.Moved Belgium garrisons to protect Dunkirk.
26.Uped cost of German Security Division by 20 to 55
27.Got rid of Radar towers.
28.Added British Outposts on the Shetland Islands north of Scapa Flow.
29.Thailand not part of axis
30.Düsseldorf Wonder does not auto produce ME109s this was a mistake to do so.
31.Cost of Flak uped by 100 to 250.[This is to represent the large investment needed to make large amounts of AAA.]
Changes in 1.3
32.Replaces French Infantry with Garrison in the War Trigger.
33.Uped number of special fortrsses in Dunkirk from 1 to 3

House Rules
1.No disbanding units to up industry.[I always got a funny felling when I disband 1 or 2 cavalry units and got a Factory.] Disbanding units creates a very unrealistic effect.

Oh BTW happy President's Day.
A day off:D yeah!
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