Yumbo Reserch Team

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Maybe the word "Yumbo" is a seed value that generates a certain random map used in the bata test? (See new beta patch method of inputting seed values).
Originally posted by Louis XXIV
Here's a question, how long has Warpstorm's location been listed as Yumbo? Before, or after the Beta Test started?

Before .
I can't find the folder or zipfile anywhere, is it something with the North-American version? Or doesn't it come with the installation of C3C (I mean did it come with the PTW-install?)

Greetz Jurimax
If it comes with the full install of PTW, then what does the C3C beta test have to do with it?

Greetz Jurimax
Maybe yumbo doesn't mean anything and Warpstorm only has Yumbo as his location because when filling out his registration he entered whatever nonsense word he thought of first that had a nice ring to it into the location line.

Perhaps Warpstorm is laughing at us right now because he doesn't even know what yumbo means.
>>I'll take that bet and raise you the 300 GPT i'm not suppose to be getting.

Is that an actual 600 GPT with the GPT doubling bug?
Originally posted by pjmcb
>>I'll take that bet and raise you the 300 GPT i'm not suppose to be getting.

Is that an actual 600 GPT with the GPT doubling bug?

I think he means the extra 300. You know, like he's getting 300, but it's really 600, and he has an "extra" 300 that he's not supposed to be getting.

But you'd actually get 600gpt because it would be doubled for you too. OMG!!! I just thought of a great MP exploit!!! :lol:

Oh, and the whole Yumbo thing was set up just for this purpose: Fanatical civ players all trying to "solve the mystery", adding to the fantasy of the game and making it more likely you'll buy civ 4.

But not Alpha Centauri 2???? What is wrong with this picture? :confused:
I remember somebody said "What the hell is Yumbo?" in his title or location. I really wanted to say that but I forgot about the annoying word "YUMBO!". I remember Padma once said to someone YUMBO (no explanation point) and then a few numbers, something with a seven in there and I think there were three numbers total. Either Padma is telling a joke, commenting on something, or is driving us insane and adding to the mystery, which doesn't sound like Padma. I will be insane for the next few days, but then forget, and then remember when someone revives the thread, then forget, then dream that I figured out what YUMBO! is, then forget forever. It has happened before with the mystery of "Who Shot Mr. Burns?", I said it was one of the Simpson children and I was right!
Looks like the interest in YUMBO! died out pretty quick... lol

Making inside jokes public, with no explanation, doesn't do anything for the game or my appreciation of the people that decide to do it.

It's like meeting someone for the first time and saying "Hey, guess what!" and then walking away.
I agree, watorrey. Maybe it's just the stereotypical computer geek mentioning something from programming the game or the betatest. It really annoys me now but I wasn't annoyed when people mentioned YUMBO!, it is just so annoying! Could someone just say it was a joke from the betatest that was mildly funny but died out. Then I will be a little bit less annoyed. ;) :p
I'm curious to see where you guys go with this ;)
I don't think there is any place for them to go. Yumbo will remain a mystery until someone spills the beans on what, if any, thing it signifies or relates to.
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