Zack Mafia

That's nothing compared to Askthepizzaguy's write ups.

They aren't even comparable. But anyway interesting set up, but I will have to say I didn't really like the idea, sorry.
Erm… you know, folks, it was in the game title. Also, Zack himself voted for someone at a certain point IIRC…
Sorry the set up just didn't appeal to me, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a good idea.
Vote: Zack

Do I win now?
Spoiler :
read VM conversation for more info

I actually think this was a cool set up and interesting idea, it just wasn't my cup of tea. It's my fault I don't like it, not yours.
sIiIiIiIiIgH. sOrRy CiVpLaYaH fOr NoT bElIeViNg YoU........... i DiD eVeNtUaLlY rEaLiSe (AfTeR dEaTh) ThAt My OrIgInAl HuNcHeS aBoUt ThE cUlT lEaDeR bEiNg ThE kIlLeR mUsT bE wRoNg, BuT i DiD nOt ThInK tO lInK iT tO zAcK. wHoOoOoOoOpS!!!!!!!!!!!!

wElL dOnE zAcK, nIcElY, uHhHhHhHhH, pLaYeD.

aT lEaSt It LoOkS lIkE mUsIcAl MaFiA wAs SpRyLlInOs OnLy CoNvErT sO aT lEaSt I gOt OnE tHiNg RiGhT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That pink alternating caps thing was pretty annoying.

I looked back and sure enough, there were pretty good clues at the beginning that Zack was in play. I think this will only work once, but it sure worked good that one time. :D
I didn't start the game off with the usual death of myself. I thought for sure choxorn was going to figure it out, since he knew that everyone alive was innocent.
It's the same as with the martian vengeful lynchees: People don't read. back then I never posted that they were dead, only that they rolled down a cliff and 'X is a Martian' nd didn't edit the player list either, and no one ever thought of targetting a not-quite-dead Martian.
:goodjob: I had no idea, then again I wasn't paying any attention cause all I wanted was to get lynched. :lol:
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