• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .
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  • Maybe check out ImmacuNESV: Blood From A Stone? I need more players and I you've been active and provided significant contributions to past games i saw you in. I would love to have you join us. Consider Colombia, the Frankish Principalities, Korea, Japan; they all need guidance.
    The most recent update has been posted. It seems like the Quasi are also open, if you'd like to take a look at them.
    Hello! Given your history of interest in space NESes, I thought you might find SysNES2 interesting. There is an opening currently available. Here is the original backstory of the Seffassians, and more information on them here, under the second spoiler near the bottom. Their situation has been uncommitted and they have a number of unique opportunities for growth and development!

    Although it would appear technically complicated at first, SysNES2's mechanics are increasingly intuitive with experience, and most of the other players frequent #nes and are more than willing to answer questions and provide help with understanding them. Orders are often simple and frequently take less than 500 words to be comprehensive. Please don't be intimidated by the complexity!
    Hi Haseri. We are about to begin Chapter II of Sekai. If you do not post anything (or tell me you are busy) before then, I will have to remove your name from the authorship list.
    The Austral Union's congratulations to the Republic of India were apparently lost. We congratulate you on your successful voyage to space, and hope it be the first of many!
    I have GURPS Space too - 3rd and 4th Editions. :D

    (As soon as I posted that, I suddenly realised I'd already told you that!)
    Martian art is cool, but I think liftwood might get more cash. I was planning to attack the High Martians in an attempt to kill their king/steal their wood after I dropped off some water and anything I could plausibly pick up at the Corporates to Fadath. Of course, going hot into another warzone is something where more is always merrier and there should be plenty of liftwood spoils that would probably fetch primo prices at the Sky bazaar if you wanted in.
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