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  • You know, you really should consider #nes as your personal chatroom solutions provider.
    “Show me,” she called to the darkness before her. “Show me what you will. Show me the Light. The Shadow. The Three-Headed Demon. I don’t care. Just take me from here, Spirit. Take me from here.”
    i'm sorry fro late orders ... i'll probably get it in tomorrow, otherwise i guess you have to improvise...

    sorry overall. life is crap and it's hard to manage time to begin with. hopefully some good poetry will grow from it
    OOC: Sent the necessary info to my allies yesterday. I will send orders AS SOON AS they confirm my stuff, and no sooner. I've been waiting for an earlier confirmation since before thanksgiving.
    Me, too -- actually in a very similar situation. I'm applying to residencies and I have an exhibition coming up. Would be exciting if I wasn't so terribly unprepared at the moment...

    Good luck to you, sir!
    I'd like to talk to you but MSN is being intransigent and I refuse to join your schismatic channel, so what can we do about this? :p
    It's not a FGC update (yet) but you should see the first of my Luckymoose collaboration stories in a few hours.

    Try not to update before then. ;)
    When I said 11 am, I meant 12. :(
    I dunno why I write orders at such a glacial pace, I've been at them for well over an hour and a half.
    (the irony being I'll be laaaaaaaaaaaaaate regardless)
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